


The AnswerKey data structure specifies answers for a Qualification test, and a mechanism to use to calculate a score from the key and a Worker's answers.

An AnswerKey data structure is a string value that consists of XML data. The XML data must conform to the AnswerKey schema. See WSDL and Schema Locations for the location of this schema. For more information about using XML data as parameter or return value, see Using XML Parameter Values.

The AnswerKey data structure is used as a parameter for the following operations:

  • CreateQualificationType

The AnswerKey data structure is used as a return value for the following operations:

  • GetQualificationType

The AnswerKey data structure is a value in a Qualification type data structure.

All elements in a AnswerKey belong to a namespace whose name is identical to the URL of the AnswerKey schema document for the version of the API you are using.

The Structure of an Answer Key

An answer key is contained in a AnswerKey element. This element contains a Question element for each question in the Qualification test, and an optional QualificationValueMapping element that describes how to calculate the Qualification value from the answer key and the Worker's answers.


A Question element contains a QuestionIdentifier element, which identifies the question for this answer. This value corresponds to a QuestionIdentifier in the QuestionForm.

A Question element has one or more AnswerOption elements, one for each combination of selections in the multiple-choice question that affects the Worker's test score.

Each AnswerOption contains one or more SelectionIdentifier elements that correspond to identifiers for the selections in the QuestionForm. It also contains an AnswerScore element, a number that is added to the Worker's test score if the Worker's answer matches this option. The Worker must select all of the selections specified by the SelectionIdentifier elements, and no others, to earn the score.


An AnswerScore for an AnswerOption may be negative.

The Question may have an optional DefaultScore, a number that is added to the Worker's test score if none of the answer options exactly match the Worker's answer for the question. DefaultScore is optional, and defaults to 0.



The Question may have an optional QualificationValueMapping element that describes how to calculate the Worker's overall score from the scores of the Worker's answers. It contains either a PercentageMapping element, a ScaleMapping element, or a RangeMapping element.

If no QualificationValueMapping is specified, the sum of the scores of the answers is used as the Qualification value.


A PercentageMapping specifies a maximum score for the test, as a MaximumSummedScore element. The Qualification value is calculated as the sum of the scores of the selected answers, divided by the maximum, multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest integer to produce a percentage.


A ScaleMapping specifies a multiplier, as a decimal value in a SummedScoreMultiplier element. The Qualification value is calculated as the sum of the scores of the selected answers, multiplied by the multiplier.


A RangeMapping assigns specific Qualification values to ranges of total test scores. It contains one or more SummedScoreRange elements, each of which specify an InclusiveLowerBound element, an InclusiveUpperBound element, and a QualificationValue that becomes the Qualification value if the sum of the scores of the selected answers falls within the specified range. Finally, the RangeMapping includes a single OutOfRangeQualificationValue, which specifies the Qualification value if the sum of the scores of the selected answers do not fall within a specified range.


Ranges cannot overlap. If ranges overlap, the behavior is undefined.



The following is an example of a complete QuestionForm data structure. Remember that to pass this structure in as a parameter to an operation, XML characters must be escaped as character entities.

<AnswerKey xmlns="[the AnswerKey schema URL]">