# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'agent_helper') class Marshalling < Performance::TestCase def setup @payload = build_analytics_events_payload @tt_payload = build_transaction_trace_payload end def test_basic_marshalling_json(timer) with_config(:normalize_json_string_encodings => true) do marshaller = NewRelic::Agent::NewRelicService::JsonMarshaller.new timer.measure do (iterations / 100).times do marshaller.dump(@payload) marshaller.dump(@tt_payload) end end end end def test_json_marshalling_binary_strings(timer) with_config(:normalize_json_string_encodings => true) do marshaller = NewRelic::Agent::NewRelicService::JsonMarshaller.new convert_strings_to_binary(@payload) convert_strings_to_binary(@tt_payload) timer.measure do (iterations / 100).times do marshaller.dump(@payload) marshaller.dump(@tt_payload) end end end end def test_json_marshalling_utf16_strings(timer) with_config(:normalize_json_string_encodings => true) do marshaller = NewRelic::Agent::NewRelicService::JsonMarshaller.new convert_strings_to_utf16(@payload) convert_strings_to_utf16(@tt_payload) timer.measure do (iterations / 100).times do marshaller.dump(@payload) marshaller.dump(@tt_payload) end end end end def test_json_marshalling_latin1_strings(timer) with_config(:normalize_json_string_encodings => true) do marshaller = NewRelic::Agent::NewRelicService::JsonMarshaller.new convert_strings_to_latin1(@payload) convert_strings_to_latin1(@tt_payload) timer.measure do (iterations / 100).times do marshaller.dump(@payload) marshaller.dump(@tt_payload) end end end end def test_basic_marshalling_pruby(timer) marshaller = NewRelic::Agent::NewRelicService::PrubyMarshaller.new timer.measure do (iterations / 100).times do marshaller.dump(@payload) marshaller.dump(@tt_payload) end end end # Skips Strings used as Hash keys, since they are frozen def each_string(object, &blk) case object when String blk.call(object) when Array object.map! { |x| each_string(x, &blk) } when Hash object.values.each do |v| each_string(v, &blk) end end end BYTE_ALPHABET = (0..255).to_a.freeze def generate_random_string(length) bytes = [] meth = BYTE_ALPHABET.respond_to?(:sample) ? :sample : :choice length.times { bytes << BYTE_ALPHABET.send(meth) } bytes.pack("C*") end def convert_strings_to_binary(object) each_string(object) do |s| s.replace(generate_random_string(s.bytesize)) end end def convert_strings_to_utf16(object) each_string(object) do |s| if s.respond_to?(:encode!) s.encode!('UTF-16') else require 'iconv' s.replace(Iconv.conv('UTF-16', 'UTF-8', s)) end end end def convert_strings_to_latin1(object) return object unless "".respond_to?(:force_encoding) each_string(object) do |s| s.replace(generate_random_string(s.bytesize)).force_encoding('ISO-8859-1') end end # Build an object graph that approximates a transaction trace in structure def build_transaction_trace_payload(depth=6) root = [] fanout = depth fanout.times do |i| node = [ i * rand(10), i * rand(10), "This/Is/The/Name/Of/A/Transaction/Trace/Node/Depth/#{depth}/#{i}", { "sql" => "SELECT #{(0..100).to_a.join(",")}" }, [] ] node[-1] = build_transaction_trace_payload(depth-1) if depth > 0 root << node end root end # Build an object graph that approximates a large analytics_event_data payload def build_analytics_events_payload events = [] 1000.times do event = { :timestamp => Time.now.to_f, :name => "Controller/foo/bar", :type => "Transaction", :duration => rand, :databaseDuration => rand, :databaseCallCount=> rand, :gcCumulative => rand, :host => 'lo-calhost', :color => 'blue-green', :shape => 'squarish', :texture => 'sort of lumpy like a bag of frozen peas' } events << [event] end [rand(1000000), events] end end