require 'spec_helper' module RabbitFeed describe ConsumerConnection do let(:bunny_queue) { double(:bunny_queue, bind: nil, subscribe: nil)} let(:bunny_channel) { double(:bunny_channel, prefetch: nil, nack: nil, ack: nil, queue: bunny_queue, id: 1)} let(:bunny_connection) { double(:bunny_connection, start: nil, closed?: false, close: nil, create_channel: bunny_channel) } before do allow(Bunny).to receive(:new).and_return(bunny_connection) allow(bunny_queue).to receive(:channel).and_return(bunny_channel) end subject{ bunny_channel } describe '#new' do before do EventRouting do accept_from('rabbit_feed') do event('test') {|event|} end end end it 'binds the queue to the exchange' do expect(bunny_queue).to receive(:bind).with('rabbit_feed_exchange', { routing_key: 'test.rabbit_feed.test'}) subject end it 'assigns the queue' do expect(subject.queue).to eq bunny_queue end it 'preserves message order' do expect(bunny_channel).to receive(:prefetch).with(1) subject end end describe '#connection_options' do it 'uses a threaded connection' do expect(described_class.connection_options).to include(threaded: true) end end describe '#consume' do before do allow(bunny_queue).to receive(:subscribe).and_yield(double(:delivery_info, delivery_tag: :tag), 'properties', 'payload') allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:sleep) end it 'yields the payload' do subject.consume { |payload| payload.should eq 'payload'} end it 'acknowledges the message' do expect(bunny_channel).to receive(:ack) subject.consume { } end context 'when an exception is raised' do context 'when Airbrake is defined' do before do stub_const('Airbrake', double(:airbrake, configuration: airbrake_configuration)) end context 'and the Airbrake configuration is public' do let(:airbrake_configuration) { double(:airbrake_configuration, public?: true) } it 'notifies airbrake' do expect(Airbrake).to receive(:notify_or_ignore).with(an_instance_of RuntimeError) expect{ subject.consume { raise 'Consuming time' } }.not_to raise_error end end end it 'negatively acknowledges the message' do expect(bunny_channel).to receive(:nack) subject.consume { raise 'Consuming time' } end end end end end