# encoding:utf-8 require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/clean' task :default => [:test] Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.libs = %w(test/ lib/) t.test_files = FileList["test/**/test_*.rb"] end task :test_cov do ENV['COVERAGE'] = '1' Rake::Task['test'].invoke end task :build => [:generate_release, :changelog] GENERATED_FILES = %w(lib/parser/lexer.rb lib/parser/ruby18.rb lib/parser/ruby19.rb lib/parser/ruby20.rb lib/parser/ruby21.rb lib/parser/ruby22.rb) CLEAN.include(GENERATED_FILES) desc 'Generate the Ragel lexer and Bison parser.' task :generate => GENERATED_FILES do Rake::Task[:ragel_check].invoke GENERATED_FILES.each do |filename| content = File.read(filename) content = "# -*- encoding:utf-8; warn-indent:false -*-\n" + content File.open(filename, 'w') do |io| io.write content end end end task :regenerate => [:clean, :generate] desc 'Generate the Ragel lexer and Bison parser in release mode.' task :generate_release => [:clean_env, :regenerate] task :clean_env do ENV.delete 'RACC_DEBUG' end task :ragel_check do require 'cliver' Cliver.assert('ragel', '~> 6.7') end desc 'Generate YARD documentation' task :yard => :generate do sh('yard doc') end PAGES_REPO = 'git@github.com:whitequark/parser' desc "Build and deploy documentation to GitHub pages" task :pages do system "git clone #{PAGES_REPO} gh-temp/ -b gh-pages; rm gh-temp/* -rf; touch gh-temp/.nojekyll" or abort system "yardoc -o gh-temp/;" or abort system "cd gh-temp/; git add -A; git commit -m 'Updated pages.'; git push -f origin gh-pages" or abort FileUtils.rm_rf 'gh-temp' end desc 'Generate Changelog' task :changelog do fs = "\u{fffd}" format = "%d#{fs}%s#{fs}%an#{fs}%ai" # Format: version => { commit-class => changes } changelog = Hash.new do |hash, version| hash[version] = Hash.new do |hash, klass| hash[klass] = [] end end branch = `git describe HEAD --all`.strip.gsub(/.+\/([^\/]+)$/, '\1') IO.popen("git log --pretty='#{format}' " \ "remotes/origin/2.0 remotes/origin/2.1 remotes/origin/2.2 #{branch}", 'r') do |io| current_version = nil io.each_line do |line| version, message, author, date = line. match(/^(?: \((.*)\))?#{fs}(.*)#{fs}(.*)#{fs}(.*)$/o).captures date = Date.parse(date) current_version = "#{$1} (#{date})" if version =~ /(v[\d\w.]+)/ current_version = "v#{Parser::VERSION} (#{date})" \ if version =~ /(^| |\/)#{Regexp.escape branch}$/ next if current_version.nil? changelog[current_version] # add a hash next if message !~ /^[+*-]/ changelog[current_version][message[0]] << "#{message[1..-1]} (#{author})" end end commit_classes = { '*' => 'API modifications:', '+' => 'Features implemented:', '-' => 'Bugs fixed:', } File.open('CHANGELOG.md', 'w') do |io| io.puts 'Changelog' io.puts '=========' io.puts changelog.each do |version, commits| io.puts version io.puts '-' * version.length io.puts commit_classes.each do |sigil, description| next unless commits[sigil].any? io.puts description commits[sigil].uniq.each do |commit| io.puts " * #{commit.gsub('<', '\<').lstrip}" end io.puts end end end sh('git commit CHANGELOG.md -m "Update changelog." || true') end rule '.rb' => '.rl' do |t| sh "ragel -F1 -R #{t.source} -o #{t.name}" end rule '.rb' => '.y' do |t| opts = [ "--superclass=Parser::Base", t.source, "-o", t.name ] opts << "--debug" if ENV['RACC_DEBUG'] sh "racc", *opts end task :test => [:generate]