# Tgbot [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/tgbot.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/tgbot) ![Bot API Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/Bot%20API-4.1-blue.svg?style=flat-square) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-lightgrey.svg?style=flat-square) A tiny but easy-to-use wrapper of [Telegram Bot API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api). ## Install gem install tgbot ## Usage ```ruby Tgbot.run TOKEN, proxy: '' do on 'start' do reply '#{name}, at your service.' end end # or bot = Tgbot.new TOKEN, proxy: '' bot.on('start'){ reply '#{name}, at your service.' } bot.run # will block current thread ``` ### `Tgbot.run token, **options do (block) end` Start a long polling bot. | argument | type | notes | example | |----------|------|-------|---------| | token | `String` | [ask BotFather for one](https://core.telegram.org/bots#generating-an-authorization-token) | `'123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11'` | | option | type | notes | example | |--------|------|-------|---------| | proxy | `String` | http only | `''` | and in that `(block)`: ### method_missing Just call the native bot api. e.g. `getMe()` `send_message(chat_id: 123, text: 'hello')`. Returns an OpenStruct of the replied object. ### `self.debug = true | false (default)` Show debug info (every message, matched command). ### `start do (do sth when it is connected) end` ```ruby start do puts "\e[33m#{get_me&.first_name}\e[32m, at your service." end ``` ### `finish do (do sth when Ctrl-C) end` ```ruby finish do puts "おやすみなさい" end ``` ### `on pattern=nil, **options do |match_data, update, task| (block) end` Match pattern and do something. | argument | type | notes | example | |----------|------|-------|---------| | pattern | `nil` | match all (including inline query etc.) | `on do ... end` | | - | `String` \| `Regexp` | match all text1 | `/^r(\d*)d(\d*)(?:\+(\d*))?/` | 1: for convenience, the bot's `@username` is trimmed for easilier matching. e.g. `"hey bot, /r3d6@mybot+1 lol" => #`. | option | type | notes | example | |--------|------|-------|---------| | name | `String` | just give it a name | `'roll!'` | | before_all | `true` | set to run before other `on`s matching the same message | `true` | | after_all | `true` | set to run after other `on`s matching the same message3
you can't set both `before_all` and `after_all` on one command | `true` | 3: order is `* -> before2 -> before1 -> other -> after1 -> after2 -> *`. and in that `(block)`: ### `debug message` Puts that message to STDERR when it is in debug mode. ### `reply *things, **options` Reply to the matched message. | argument | type | notes | example | |----------|------|-------|---------| | thing | `String` \| can `.to_s` | will use `parse_mode: Markdown` | `'hello world'` | | - | `IO` | will use `sendPhoto` if it is a photo, etc. | `File.new("a.png")` | | option | type | notes | example | |--------|------|-------|---------| | media | `false` | set to `false` to force `sendDocument` | `''` | | style | `:none` \| `:at` \| `nil` (default) | reply style2 | `:at` | | parse_mode, etc. | depends | see [sendMessage](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage) | - | reply style2: - `:none` : don't add reply info, so the sender won't receive a prompting. - `:at`: use `[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=123456789)` in replied message. - `nil` (default): include `reply_to_message_id` in replied message object. ### `interrupt!` `done!` Stop processing this message (if there be further blocks matching it). see `before_all` `after_all`. ### `retry! n=1` Enqueue this message again for at most `n` times. ## Contribute PRs/issues are welcome.