module Stamina
module Induction
# Implements an UnionFind data structure dedicated to state merging induction algorithms.
# For this purpose, this union-find handles mergeable user data as well as transactional
# support. See Stamina::Induction::Commons about the usage of this class (and mergeable
# user data in particular) by induction algorithms.
# == Example (probably easier than a long explanation)
# # create a union-find for 10 elements
# ufds = do |index|
# # each element will be associated with a hash with data of interest:
# # smallest element, greatest element and concatenation of names
# {:smallest => index, :greatest => index, :names => index.to_s}
# end
# # each element is its own leader
# puts (0...10).all?{|s| ufds.leader?(s)} -> true
# # and their respective group number are the element indices themselve
# puts ufds.to_a -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# # now, let merge 4 with 0
# ufds.union(0, 4) do |d0, d4|
# {:smallest => d0[:smallest] < d4[:smallest] ? d0[:smallest] : d4[:smallest],
# :greatest => d0[:smallest] > d4[:smallest] ? d0[:smallest] : d4[:smallest],
# :names => d0[:names] + " " + d4[:names]}
# end
# # let see what happens on group numbers
# puts ufds.to_a -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# # let now have a look on mergeable_data of the group of 0 (same result for 4)
# puts ufds.mergeable_data(0).inspect -> {:smallest => 0, :greatest => 4, :names => "0 4"}
# == Basic Union Find API
# A UnionFind data structure typically allows encoding a partition of elements (a
# partition is a collection of disjoint sets - aka a collection of groups). Basically,
# this class represents elements by successive indices (from 0 to size, the later being
# excluded). The partitioning information is kept in a array, associating a group number
# to each element. This group number is simply the index of the least element in the
# group (which means that group numbers are not necessarily consecutive). For example,
# the following arrays maps to the associated partitions:
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> {{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}
# [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] -> {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
# [0, 1, 1, 0, 4, 4] -> {{0, 3}, {1, 2}, {5, 5}}
# The API of this basic union-find data structure is composed of the following
# methods:
# - new(size) (class method): builds an initial partition information over _size_
# elements. This initial partition keeps each element in its own group.
# - find(i): returns the group number of the i-th element
# - union(i, j): merge the group of the i-th element with the group of the j-th
# element. Note that i and j are elements, NOT group numbers.
# As we use least elements as group numbers, it is also interesting to know if a
# given element is that least element (aka leader element of the group) or not:
# - leader?(i): returns true if i is the group number of the i-th element, false
# otherwise. In other words, returns true if find(i)==i
# - slave?(i): the negation of leader?(i).
# == Handling User Data
# Even if this class represents elements by indices, it also allows keeping user
# data attached to each group. For this:
# - an initial user data is attached to each element at construction time by
# yielding a block (passing the element index as first argument and expecting
# user data as block return value).
# - the union(i, j) method allows a block to be given. It passes user data of i's
# and j's groups as arguments and expects the block to compute and return the
# merged user data for the new group.
# - mergeable_data(i) returns the current user data associated to the group of
# the i-th element.
# - mergeable_datas returns an array with user data attached to each group.
# Please note that user data are considered immutable values, and should never be
# changed... Only new ones can be created at union time. To ensures this good usage,
# user data are freezed by this class at creation time and union time.
# == Transactional support
# The main aim of this UnionFind is to make the implementation induction algorithms
# Stamina::Induction::RPNI and Stamina::Induction::BlueFringe (sufficiently) efficient,
# simple and readable. These algorithms rely on a try-and-error strategy are must be
# able to revert the changes they have made during their last try. The transaction
# support implemented by this data structure helps them achieving this goal. For this
# we provide the following methods:
# - save_point: ensures that the internal state of the UnionFind can be restored if
# rollback is invoked later.
# - commit: informs the UnionFind that changes that have been made since the last
# invocation of save_point will not be reconsidered.
# - rollback: restores the internal state of the UnionFind that has been saved when
# save_point has been called.
# Please note that this class does not support sub-transactions.
class UnionFind
# An element of the union find, keeping the index of its leader element as well as
# mergeable user data. This class is not intended to be used by external users of the
# UnionFind data structure.
class Node
# Index of the parent element (on the way to the leader)
attr_accessor :parent
# Attached user data
attr_accessor :data
# Creates a default Node instance with a specific parent index and attached
# user data.
def initialize(parent, data)
@parent = parent
@data = data
# Duplicates this node, ensuring that future changes will not affect the copy.
# Please note that the user data itself is not duplicated and is not expected
# to change. This property (not changing user data) is respected by the RPNI
# and BlueFringe classes as implemented in this library.
def dup, @data)
end # class Node
# Number of elements in this union find
attr_reader :size
# (protected) Accessor on elements array, provided for duplication
attr_writer :elements
# Creates a default union find of a given size. Each element is initially in its own
# group. User data attached to each group is obtained by yielding a block, passing
# element index as first argument.
# Precondition:
# - size is expected to be strictly positive
def initialize(size)
@size = size
@elements = (0...size).collect do |i|, block_given? ? yield(i).freeze : nil)
@changed = nil
# Union Find API ###########################################################
# Finds the group number of the i-th element (the group number is the least
# element of the group, aka _leader_).
# Preconditions:
# - i is a valid element: 0 <= i < size
# Postconditions:
# - returned value _found_ is such that find(found)==found
# - the union find data structure is not modified (no compression implemented).
def find(i)
while @elements[i].parent != i
i = @elements[i].parent
# Merges groups of the i-th element and j-th element, yielding a block to compute
# the merging of user data attached to their respective groups before merging.
# Preconditions:
# - This method allows i and j not to be leaders, but any element.
# - i and j are expected to be valid elements (0 <= i <= size, same for j)
# Postconditions:
# - groups of i and j have been merged. All elements of the two subgroups have
# the group number defined as min(find(i),find(j))
# merging)
# - if a block is provided, the user data attached to the new group is computed by
# yielding the block, passing mergable_data(i) and mergable_data(j) as arguments.
# The block is ecpected to return the merged data that will be kept for the new
# group.
# - If a transaction is pending, all required information is saved to restore
# the union-find structure if the transaction is rollbacked later.
def union(i, j)
i, j = find(i), find(j)
reversed = false
i, j, reversed = j, i, true if j