require 'spec_helper' require 'bigbluebutton_api' # Some tests mock the server and its API object # We don't want to trigger real API calls here (this is done in the integration tests) describe Bigbluebutton::RoomsController do render_views let(:server) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_server) } let(:room) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, :server => server) } describe "#index" do before { 3.times { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room) } } before(:each) { get :index } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should assign_to(:rooms).with(BigbluebuttonRoom.all) } it { should render_template(:index) } end describe "#show" do before(:each) { get :show, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should render_template(:show) } end describe "#new" do before(:each) { get :new } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should assign_to(:room).with_kind_of(BigbluebuttonRoom) } it { should render_template(:new) } end describe "#edit" do before(:each) { get :edit, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should render_template(:edit) } end describe "#join_mobile" do let(:user) { } let(:room) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room) } before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api room.server = mocked_server controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user) { user } controller.should_receive(:bigbluebutton_role).and_return(:moderator) controller.should_receive(:join_bigbluebutton_room_url).with(room, :mobile => '1'). and_return("") mocked_api.should_receive(:join_meeting_url).with(room.meetingid,, room.moderator_password). and_return("bigbluebutton://") } before(:each) { get :join_mobile, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should assign_to(:join_url).with("bigbluebutton://") } it { should assign_to(:qrcode_url).with("bigbluebutton://") } it { should render_template(:join_mobile) } end describe "#create" do let(:new_room) {, :server => server) } context "on success" do before :each do expect { post :create, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count }.by(1) end it { should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to bigbluebutton_room_path(BigbluebuttonRoom.last) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.notice.create.success')) } it { saved = BigbluebuttonRoom.last saved.should have_same_attributes_as(new_room) } end context "on failure" do before :each do = nil # invalid expect { post :create, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes }.not_to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count } end it { should render_template(:new) } end context "with :redir_url" do it "on success" do expect { post :create, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes, :redir_url => bigbluebutton_servers_path }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count }.by(1) should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to bigbluebutton_servers_path end it "on failure" do = nil # invalid expect { post :create, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes, :redir_url => bigbluebutton_servers_path }.not_to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count } should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to bigbluebutton_servers_path end end context "when meetingid is not specified it should be copied from name" do before :each do attr = new_room.attributes attr.delete("meetingid") post :create, :bigbluebutton_room => attr end it { saved = BigbluebuttonRoom.last new_room.meetingid = saved.should have_same_attributes_as(new_room) } end end describe "#update" do let(:new_room) { } before { @room = room } # need this to trigger let(:room) and actually create the room context "on success" do before :each do expect { put :update, :id => @room.to_param, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes }.not_to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count } end it { saved = BigbluebuttonRoom.find(@room) should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to bigbluebutton_room_path(saved) } it { saved = BigbluebuttonRoom.find(@room) saved.should have_same_attributes_as(new_room) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.notice.update.success')) } end context "on failure" do before :each do = nil # invalid put :update, :id => @room.to_param, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes end it { should render_template(:edit) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(@room) } end context "with :redir_url" do it "on success" do put :update, :id => @room.to_param, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes, :redir_url => bigbluebutton_servers_path should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to bigbluebutton_servers_path end it "on failure" do = nil # invalid put :update, :id => @room.to_param, :bigbluebutton_room => new_room.attributes, :redir_url => bigbluebutton_servers_path should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to bigbluebutton_servers_path end end end describe "#destroy" do before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api # to make sure it calls end_meeting if the meeting is running mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) } context "on success" do before(:each) { mocked_api.should_receive(:end_meeting).with(room.meetingid, room.moderator_password) expect { delete :destroy, :id => room.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count }.by(-1) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to bigbluebutton_rooms_url } end context "on failure" do let(:bbb_error_msg) { SecureRandom.hex(250) } let(:bbb_error) { } before { mocked_api.should_receive(:end_meeting) { raise bbb_error } } before(:each) { expect { delete :destroy, :id => room.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count }.by(-1) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to bigbluebutton_rooms_url } it { msg = I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.notice.destroy.success_with_bbb_error', :error => bbb_error_msg[0..200]) should } end context "with :redir_url" do before(:each) { expect { mocked_api.should_receive(:end_meeting) delete :destroy, :id => room.to_param, :redir_url => bigbluebutton_servers_path }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRoom.count }.by(-1) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to bigbluebutton_servers_path } end end describe "#running" do # setup basic server and API mocks before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api } context "room is running" do before { @api_mock.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) } before(:each) { get :running, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should respond_with_content_type(:json) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { response.body.should == build_running_json(true) } end context "room is not running" do before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(false) } before(:each) { get :running, :id => room.to_param } it { response.body.should == build_running_json(false) } end context "on failure" do let(:bbb_error_msg) { SecureRandom.hex(250) } let(:bbb_error) { } before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?) { raise bbb_error } } before(:each) { get :running, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should[0..200]) } end end describe "#join" do let(:user) { } before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api } context "for an anonymous user" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user) { nil } } before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :password } } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:password) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(invite_bigbluebutton_room_path(room)) } end context "when the user's role" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user) { user } } context "should be defined with a password" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :password } } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:password) } it { should redirect_to(invite_bigbluebutton_room_path(room)) } end context "is undefined, the access should be blocked" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { nil } } it { lambda { get :join, :id => room.to_param }.should raise_error(BigbluebuttonRails::RoomAccessDenied) } end end context "calls #join_internal" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user) { user } controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :moderator } controller.should_receive(:join_internal) .with(, :moderator,, :join) } it { get :join, :id => room.to_param } end end describe "#end" do before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "/any" } context "room is running" do before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) mocked_api.should_receive(:end_meeting).with(room.meetingid, room.moderator_password) } before(:each) { get :end, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(bigbluebutton_room_path(room)) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.notice.end.success')) } end context ":redir_url => '/'" do before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) mocked_api.should_receive(:end_meeting).with(room.meetingid, room.moderator_password) } before(:each) { get :end, :id => room.to_param, :redir_url => '/' } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to('/') } end context ":redir_url => '/example'" do before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) mocked_api.should_receive(:end_meeting).with(room.meetingid, room.moderator_password) } before { get :end, :id => room.to_param, :redir_url => '/example' } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to('/example') } end context "room is not running" do before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(false) } before(:each) { get :end, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.notice.end.not_running')) } it { should redirect_to("/any") } end context "on failure" do let(:bbb_error_msg) { SecureRandom.hex(250) } let(:bbb_error) { } before { mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?) { raise bbb_error } } before(:each) { get :end, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should[0..200]) } end end describe "#invite" do before { mock_server_and_api } let(:user) { } before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(user) } context "when the user has a role defined" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role).and_return(:attendee) } before(:each) { get :invite, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:invite) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:attendee) } end context "when the user's role" do context "should be defined with a password" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :password } } before(:each) { get :invite, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:invite) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:password) } end context "is undefined, the access should be blocked" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { nil } } it { lambda { get :invite, :id => room.to_param }.should raise_error(BigbluebuttonRails::RoomAccessDenied) } end end end describe "#auth" do let(:user) { } before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(nil) } context "assigns @room" do let(:user_hash) { { :name => "Elftor", :password => room.attendee_password } } let(:meetingid) { "my-meeting-id" } let(:http_referer) { bigbluebutton_server_path(mocked_server) } before { mocked_api.stub!(:is_meeting_running?) request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = http_referer } context "if params[:id]" do before(:each) { post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => user_hash } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } end context "if params[:id] doesn't exists" do let(:message) { I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.wrong_params') } before(:each) { BigbluebuttonRoom.should_receive(:find_by_param) .with("inexistent-room-id") { nil } post :auth, :id => "inexistent-room-id", :user => user_hash } it { should assign_to(:room).with(nil) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(http_referer) } it { should } end end context "block access if bigbluebutton_role returns nil" do let(:hash) { { :name => "Elftor", :password => room.attendee_password } } before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { nil } } it { lambda { post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => hash }.should raise_error(BigbluebuttonRails::RoomAccessDenied) } end it "if there's a user logged, should use his name" do controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :password } hash = { :name => "Elftor", :password => room.attendee_password } controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(user) mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) mocked_api.should_receive(:join_meeting_url). with(room.meetingid,, room.attendee_password). # here's the validation and_return("") post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => hash end it "redirects to the correct join_url" do hash = { :name => "Elftor", :password => room.attendee_password } mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) mocked_api.should_receive(:join_meeting_url).and_return("") post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => hash should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to("") end it "uses bigbluebutton_role when the return is not :password" do controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :attendee } hash = { :name => "Elftor", :password => nil } mocked_api.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) mocked_api.should_receive(:join_meeting_url). with(anything, anything, room.attendee_password). and_return("") post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => hash should respond_with(:redirect) should redirect_to("") should assign_to(:user_role).with(:attendee) end context "validates user input and shows error" do before { controller.should_receive(:bigbluebutton_role).once { :password } } before(:each) { post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => user_hash } context "when name is not set" do let(:user_hash) { { :password => room.moderator_password } } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:password) } it { should render_template(:invite) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.failure')) } end context "when name is set but empty" do let(:user_hash) { { :password => room.moderator_password, :name => "" } } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:password) } it { should render_template(:invite) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.failure')) } end context "when the password is wrong" do let(:user_hash) { { :name => "Elftor", :password => nil } } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should assign_to(:user_role).with(:password) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should render_template(:invite) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.failure')) } end end context "calls #join_internal" do let(:user) { } let(:hash) { { :name =>, :password => room.moderator_password } } before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user) { nil } controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { :moderator } controller.stub(:render) # prevent ActionView::MissingTemplate controller.should_receive(:join_internal) .with(, :moderator, nil, :invite) } it { post :auth, :id => room.to_param, :user => hash } end end describe "#external" do let(:server) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_server) } let(:meetingid) { 'my-meeting-id' } context "on success" do before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(nil) BigbluebuttonServer.stub(:find).and_return(server) } before(:each) { get :external, :meeting => meetingid, :server_id => } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:external) } it { should assign_to(:server).with(server) } it { should assign_to(:room).with_kind_of(BigbluebuttonRoom) } it { assigns(:room).meetingid.should be(meetingid) } it { assigns(:room).server_id.should be( } end context "when params[:meeting].blank?" do context "without params[:redir_url]" do before(:each) { get :external, :server_id => } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to bigbluebutton_rooms_path } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.external.blank_meetingid')) } end context "with params[:redir_url]" do before(:each) { get :external, :server_id =>, :redir_url => '/'} it { should redirect_to '/' } end end context "when params[:server_id]" do it "is blank" do lambda { get :external, :meeting => meetingid }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "is invalid" do lambda { get :external, :meeting => meetingid, :server_id => + 10 }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end # #external describe "#external_auth" do let(:user) { } let(:user_hash) { { :name => "Any Name", :password => new_room.attendee_password } } let(:meetingid) { "my-meeting-id" } let(:new_room) { => meetingid, :attendee_password => Forgery(:basic).password, :moderator_password => Forgery(:basic).password, :server => mocked_server) } let(:meetings) { [ new_room ] } before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(nil) } it "shows error when params[:server_id] is invalid" do lambda { post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id => nil, :user => user_hash }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end context "assigns @server and @room if params[:meeting] and params[:user] and params[:server_id]" do before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api mocked_server.should_receive(:fetch_meetings) mocked_server.should_receive(:meetings).and_return(meetings) new_room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) new_room.should_receive(:is_running?).and_return(true) new_room.should_receive(:join_url) } before(:each) { post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id =>, :user => user_hash } it { should assign_to(:room).with(new_room) } it { should assign_to(:server).with(mocked_server) } end context "shows error" do let(:http_referer) { bigbluebutton_server_path(mocked_server) } before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = http_referer } context "if not params[:meeting]" do let(:message) { I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.external.wrong_params') } before(:each) { post :external_auth, :meeting => nil, :server_id =>, :user => user_hash } it { should assign_to(:room).with(nil) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(http_referer) } it { should } end context "if not params[:user]" do let(:message) { I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.external.wrong_params') } before(:each) { post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id =>, :user => nil } it { should assign_to(:room).with(nil) } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(http_referer) } it { should } end end context "with @server and @room assigned" do before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api mocked_server.should_receive(:fetch_meetings) mocked_server.should_receive(:meetings).and_return(meetings) } it "block access if bigbluebutton_role returns nil" do controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role) { nil } lambda { post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id =>, :user => user_hash }.should raise_error(BigbluebuttonRails::RoomAccessDenied) end context "validates user input and shows error" do before(:each) { post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id =>, :user => user_hash } context "when name is not set" do let(:user_hash) { { :password => room.moderator_password } } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(new_room) } it { should render_template(:external) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.failure')) } end context "when name is empty not set" do let(:user_hash) { { :password => room.moderator_password, :name => "" } } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(new_room) } it { should render_template(:external) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.failure')) } end context "when the password is wrong" do let(:user_hash) { { :name => "Elftor", :password => nil } } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should assign_to(:room).with(new_room) } it { should render_template(:external) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.failure')) } end end it "if there's a user logged, should use his name and id" do user = controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(user) controller.stub(:render) # prevent ActionView::MissingTemplate controller.should_receive(:join_internal) .with(, anything,, anything) # here's the validation post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id =>, :user => user_hash end end context "calls #join_internal" do let(:user) { } before { mock_server_and_api mocked_server.should_receive(:fetch_meetings) mocked_server.should_receive(:meetings).and_return(meetings) controller.stub(:render) # prevent ActionView::MissingTemplate controller.should_receive(:join_internal) .with(user_hash[:name], :attendee, nil, :external) } it { post :external_auth, :meeting => new_room.meetingid, :server_id =>, :user => user_hash } end end # #external_auth describe "#fetch_recordings" do # setup basic server and API mocks before do #controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) mock_server_and_api end let(:filter) { { :meetingID => room.meetingid } } context "on success" do before(:each) { mocked_server.should_receive(:fetch_recordings).with(filter) post :fetch_recordings, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to bigbluebutton_room_path(room) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.notice.fetch_recordings.success')) } end context "on BigBlueButtonException" do let(:bbb_error_msg) { SecureRandom.hex(250) } let(:bbb_error) { } before(:each) { mocked_server.should_receive(:fetch_recordings) { raise bbb_error } post :fetch_recordings, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(bigbluebutton_room_path(room)) } it { should[0..200]) } end context "if the room has no server associated" do before(:each) { room.stub(:server) { nil } post :fetch_recordings, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to(bigbluebutton_room_path(room)) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.error.fetch_recordings.no_server')) } end end describe "#recordings" do before do @recording1 = FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_recording, :room => room) @recording2 = FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_recording, :room => room) FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_recording) # one that belongs to another room in the same server room2 = FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, :server => room.server) FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_recording, :room => room2) end before(:each) { get :recordings, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:recordings) } it { should assign_to(:recordings).with([@recording1, @recording2]) } end describe "before filter :set_request_headers" do let(:headers) { {"x-forwarded-for" => ""} } before { mock_server_and_api } let(:make_request) { } # uses any action that triggers this before filter # just to make sure the before filter won't break before an action that is not covered # by the find_room filter context "when @room is nil" do before { controller.should_receive(:set_request_headers) request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "/any" } before(:each) { post :external_auth, :server_id => } it { should redirect_to("/any") } end # uses any action that triggers this before filter context "when @room is valid" do before { BigbluebuttonRoom.stub(:find_by_param).and_return(room) room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?).and_return(false) } it { get :running, :id => room.to_param room.request_headers.should == headers } end end # Test #join_internal using #join because it's easier and cleaner than the other # actions that also call #join_internal. describe "#join_internal" do let(:user) { } before { controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_user).and_return(user) controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_role).and_return(:attendee) BigbluebuttonRoom.stub(:find_by_param).and_return(room) controller.send(:find_room) } context "when the user has permission to create the meeting" do before { room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) room.should_receive(:is_running?).and_return(false) controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_can_create?).with(room, :attendee) .and_return(true) room.should_receive(:create_meeting) .with(,, controller.request) room.should_receive(:join_url).and_return("") } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to("") } end context "when the user doesn't have permission to create the meeting" do before { room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) room.should_receive(:is_running?).and_return(false) controller.stub(:bigbluebutton_can_create?).with(room, :attendee) .and_return(false) room.should_not_receive(:create_meeting) } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:unauthorized) } it { should render_template(:join) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.cannot_create')) } end context "when the user has permission to join the meeting" do before { room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) room.should_receive(:is_running?).and_return(true) room.should_not_receive(:create_meeting) room.should_receive(:join_url) .with(, :attendee) .and_return("") } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to("") } end context "when the user doesn't have permission to join the meeting" do before { room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) room.should_receive(:is_running?).and_return(true) room.should_not_receive(:create_meeting) room.should_receive(:join_url) .with(, :attendee) .and_return(nil) } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should render_template(:join) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.rooms.errors.auth.not_running')) } end context "when the param ':mobile' is set" do before { room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) room.should_receive(:is_running?).and_return(true) room.should_not_receive(:create_meeting) room.should_receive(:join_url) .and_return("") } let(:mobile_flag) { true } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param, :mobile => true } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to("bigbluebutton://") } end context "when an exception is thrown" do let(:bbb_error_msg) { SecureRandom.hex(250) } let(:bbb_error) { } before { request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = "/any" room.should_receive(:fetch_is_running?) { raise bbb_error } } before(:each) { get :join, :id => room.to_param } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should[0..200]) } end end end