{:versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-cf7e8c37c9fdb3aaa4a4ffb7d314dd48c8e94c39;F:
:@value[I"c/* Typography
 * ========================================================================== */:ET:
;[I"v/* Increase the base font size to 19px
 * Using the core-19 mixin from the govuk_toolkit _typography.scss file */;	T;
;;[�;i	;
fonts;	T;[�:@template0;i;
@:@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode:
bliss;	T:
@args[�:@splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I"font-family;	T;o:Sass::Script::String;I" "Bliss2", Arial, sans-serif;	T;
@tabsi�:@prop_syntax:new;[�;i;
@;i:@has_childrenT;
@o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode:
@rule[I"	body;	T;i�:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence:
;![o:Sass::Selector::Element	;[I"	body;	T:@namespace0;i:@filenameI"�;	T:
@hash{�;i;&@);i;&@);[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"core-19;	T;[�:@keywords{�;0;[�;i;
@o;+;I"
bliss;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;i;
@;i;T;
;[I"8/* override things that don't inherit their font */;	T;
;;[�;i;
@o;;[I"`.form-control,
#global-cookie-message p 
 table th,
table td;	T;i�;o; ;![
;![o:Sass::Selector::Class;[I"form-control;	T;i;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;";![I"
;	To;#
;![o;-;[I"form-label;	T;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;";![I"
;	To;#
;![o;-;[I"form-label-bold;	T;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;";![I"
;	To;#
;![o:Sass::Selector::Id;[I"global-cookie-message;	T;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;#
;![o;$	;[I"p;	T;%0;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@GI"
;	To;#
;![o;$	;[I"
table;	T;%0;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;#
;![o;$	;[I"th;	T;%0;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;";![I"
;	To;#
;![o;$	;[I"
table;	T;%0;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@Go;#
;![o;$	;[I"td;	T;%0;i;&@G;'0;(o;);*{�;i;&@G;i;&@G;[o;+;I"
bliss;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;i;
@;i;T;
;[I"/* Text */;	T;
;;[�;i!;
@o;;[I"p;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"p;	T;%0;i";&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i";&@�;i";&@�;[o;;[I"margin-top;	T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"em;	T;[o:Sass::Script::Number;i
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@o;0;i;1[�;2@�;i#;3I"16;	F;
@;,{�;0;i#;
@;i�;;;[�;i#;
@o;;[I"margin-bottom;	T;o;/;I"em;	T;[o;0;i;1[�;2@�;i$;3I"20;	F;
@o;0;i;1[�;2@�;i$;3I"16;	F;
@;,{�;0;i$;
@;i�;;;[�;i$;
media;	T;[o;	;I"tablet;	T;
;;i&;
@;,{�;0;[o;;[I"margin-top;	T;o;/;I"em;	T;[o;0;i
;1[�;2@�;i';3I"5;	F;
@;,{�;0;i';
@;i�;;;[�;i';
@o;;[I"margin-bottom;	T;o;/;I"em;	T;[o;0;i;1[�;2@�;i(;3I"20;	F;
@;,{�;0;i(;
@;i�;;;[�;i(;
@;i&;T;
@;i";T;
;[I"/* Lede, or intro text */;	T;
;;[�;i-;
@o;;[I"
.lede;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;-;[I"	lede;	T;i.;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i.;&@�;i.;&@�;[o;+;I"core-24;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;i/;
@o;;[I"font-family;	T;o;;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;i0;
@;i.;T;
;[I"V/* Set a max-width for text blocks
 * Less than 75 characters per line of text */;	T;
;;[�;i3;
@o;;[I"
.text;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;-;[I"	text;	T;i5;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i5;&@
;i5;&@
;[o;;[I"max-width;	T;o;;I"	30em;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;i6;
@;i5;T;
@o;;[I"form .text;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"	form;	T;%0;i9;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i9;&@#o;#
;![o;-;[I"	text;	T;i9;&@#;'0;(o;);*{�;i9;&@#;i9;&@#;[o;;[I"max-width;	T;o;;I"	none;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;i:;
@;i9;T;
;[I"/* Code styles */;	T;
;;[�;i=;
@o;;[I"pre,
code;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"pre;	T;%0;i?;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i?;&@Do;";![I"
;	To;#
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@;i�;;;[�;i@;
@o;;[I"line-height;	T;o;;I"	19px;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;iA;
@o;;[I"
color;	T;o:Sass::Script::Variable	;I"
black;	T:@underscored_nameI"
black;	T;iB;
@;i�;;;[�;iB;
@o;;[I"background-color;	T;o;4	;I"highlight-colour;	T;5I"highlight_colour;	T;iC;
@;i�;;;[�;iC;
@o;;[I"border;	T;o:Sass::Script::List	;[o;0;i;1[I"px;	T;2[�;iD;3I"1px;	F;
@o;	;I"
solid;	T;
;;iD;
@o;4	;I"border-colour;	T;5I"border_colour;	T;iD;
space;iD;
@;i�;;;[�;iD;
@o;;[I"padding;	T;o;;I"3px 7px;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;iE;
@;i?;T;
@o;;[I"h1;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"h1;	T;%0;iI;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;iI;&@�;iI;&@�;[o;+;I"heading-48;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;iJ;
@o;+;I"bold-48;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;iK;
@o;;[I"font-family;	T;o;;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;iL;
@;iI;T;
@o;;[I"h2;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"h2;	T;%0;iO;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;iO;&@�;iO;&@�;[o;+;I"heading-36;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;iP;
@o;+;I"bold-36;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;iQ;
@o;;[I"font-family;	T;o;;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;iR;
@;iO;T;
@o;;[I"h3;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"h3;	T;%0;iU;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;iU;&@�;iU;&@�;[o;+;I"heading-24;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;iV;
@o;+;I"bold-24;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;iW;
@o;;[I"font-family;	T;o;;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;iX;
@;iU;T;
@o;;[I"h4;	T;i�;o; ;![o;";![o;#
;![o;$	;[I"h4;	T;%0;i[;&I"�;	T;'0;(o;);*{�;i[;&@�;i[;&@�;[o;+;I"bold-19;	T;[�;,{�;0;[�;i\;
@o;;[I"font-family;	T;o;;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;;;[�;i];
@;i[;T;
@;I"?// Typography
// ==========================================================================

// Increase the base font size to 19px
// Using the core-19 mixin from the govuk_toolkit _typography.scss file

@import "fonts";

@mixin bliss() {
  font-family: "Bliss2", Arial, sans-serif;

body {
  @include core-19;
  @include bliss;

// override things that don't inherit their font
#global-cookie-message p
table th,
table td {
  @include bliss;

// Text
p {
  margin-top: em(5, 16 );
  margin-bottom: em(20, 16);

  @include media(tablet) {
    margin-top: em(5);
    margin-bottom: em(20);


// Lede, or intro text
.lede {
  @include core-24;
  font-family: inherit;

// Set a max-width for text blocks
// Less than 75 characters per line of text
.text {
  max-width: 30em;

form .text {
  max-width: none;

// Code styles
code {
  font-size: 13px;
  line-height: 19px;
  color: $black;
  background-color: $highlight-colour;
  border: 1px solid $border-colour;
  padding: 3px 7px;

h1 {
  @include heading-48();
  @include bold-48();
  font-family: inherit;

h2 {
  @include heading-36();
  @include bold-36();
  font-family: inherit;

h3 {
  @include heading-24;
  @include bold-24();
  font-family: inherit;

h4 {
  @include bold-19();
  font-family: inherit;
;	T;i;T;