module Kaltura
  module Constants
    module ITunesSyndicationFeed
      # The constants module will soon be depreciated into an Enumeration module to
      # be more in line with the C# API client's namespacing.
      # @see Kaltura::Filter::ITunesSyndicationFeedFilter
      # @see Kaltura::ITunesSyndicationFeed
      class Categories
    		ARTS = "Arts" #The Arts
    		ARTS_DESIGN = "Arts/Design" #Arts and Design
    		ARTS_FASHION_BEAUTY = "Arts/Fashion & Beauty"# Arts, Fashion & Beauty
    		ARTS_FOOD = "Arts/Food" #Arts and Food
    		ARTS_LITERATURE = "Arts/Literature" #Arts and Literature
    		ARTS_PERFORMING_ARTS = "Arts/Performing Arts" #Performing Arts
    		ARTS_VISUAL_ARTS = "Arts/Visual Arts" #The Visual Arts
    		BUSINESS = "Business" #Business
    		BUSINESS_BUSINESS_NEWS = "Business/Business News" #Business News
    		BUSINESS_CAREERS = "Business/Careers" #Careers
    		BUSINESS_INVESTING = "Business/Investing" #Investing
    		BUSINESS_MANAGEMENT_MARKETING = "Business/Management & Marketing" #Management and Marketing
    		BUSINESS_SHOPPING = "Business/Shopping" #Business Shopping
    		COMEDY = "Comedy" #Comedy
    		EDUCATION = "Education" #Education
    		EDUCATION_TECHNOLOGY = "Education/Education Technology" #Educational Technology
    		EDUCATION_HIGHER_EDUCATION = "Education/Higher Education" #Higher Ed
    		EDUCATION_K_12 = "Education/K-12" #Primary education
    		EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_COURSES = "Education/Language Courses" #Language courses.
    		EDUCATION_TRAINING = "Education/Training" #Educational training
    		GAMES_HOBBIES = "Games & Hobbies" #Games & Hobbies.
    		GAMES_HOBBIES_AUTOMOTIVE = "Games & Hobbies/Automotive" #Automotive Hobbies
    		GAMES_HOBBIES_AVIATION = "Games & Hobbies/Aviation" #Aviation
    		GAMES_HOBBIES_HOBBIES = "Games & Hobbies/Hobbies" #Games & Hobbies
    		GAMES_HOBBIES_OTHER_GAMES = "Games & Hobbies/Other Games" #Other Games
    		GAMES_HOBBIES_VIDEO_GAMES = "Games & Hobbies/Video Games" #Video Games
    		GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS = "Government & Organizations" # Governmental Organizations
    		GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_LOCAL = "Government & Organizations/Local" #Local Government Organizations
    		GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_NATIONAL = "Government & Organizations/National" #National Government Organizations
    		GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_NON_PROFIT = "Government & Organizations/Non-Profit" #Non-profits
    		GOVERNMENT_ORGANIZATIONS_REGIONAL = "Government & Organizations/Regional" #Regional Governmental Organizations
    		HEALTH = "Health" #Health
    		HEALTH_ALTERNATIVE_HEALTH = "Health/Alternative Health" #Alternative Health
    		HEALTH_FITNESS_NUTRITION = "Health/Fitness & Nutrition" #Fitness and Nutrition
    		HEALTH_SELF_HELP = "Health/Self-Help" #Self-Help
    		HEALTH_SEXUALITY = "Health/Sexuality" #Health & Sexuality
    		KIDS_FAMILY = "Kids & Family" #Kids & Family
    		MUSIC = "Music" #Music
    		NEWS_POLITICS = "News & Politics" #News and Policitcs
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY = "Religion & Spirituality" #Religion and Spirituality
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_BUDDHISM = "Religion & Spirituality/Buddhism" #Buddhism
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_CHRISTIANITY = "Religion & Spirituality/Christianity" #Christianity
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_HINDUISM = "Religion & Spirituality/Hinduism" #Hinduism
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_ISLAM = "Religion & Spirituality/Islam" #Islam
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_JUDAISM = "Religion & Spirituality/Judaism" #Judaism
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_OTHER = "Religion & Spirituality/Other" #Other Religions
    		RELIGION_SPIRITUALITY_SPIRITUALITY = "Religion & Spirituality/Spirituality" #Spirituality
    		SCIENCE_MEDICINE = "Science & Medicine" #Science & Medicine
    		SCIENCE_MEDICINE_MEDICINE = "Science & Medicine/Medicine" #Medicine
    		SCIENCE_MEDICINE_NATURAL_SCIENCES = "Science & Medicine/Natural Sciences" #Natural Sciences
    		SCIENCE_MEDICINE_SOCIAL_SCIENCES = "Science & Medicine/Social Sciences" #Social Sciences
    		SOCIETY_CULTURE = "Society & Culture" #Society and Culture
    		SOCIETY_CULTURE_HISTORY = "Society & Culture/History" #History
    		SOCIETY_CULTURE_PERSONAL_JOURNALS = "Society & Culture/Personal Journals" #Personal Journals
    		SOCIETY_CULTURE_PHILOSOPHY = "Society & Culture/Philosophy" #Philsophy
    		SOCIETY_CULTURE_PLACES_TRAVEL = "Society & Culture/Places & Travel" #Places & Travel
    		SPORTS_RECREATION = "Sports & Recreation" #Sports and Recreation
    		SPORTS_RECREATION_AMATEUR = "Sports & Recreation/Amateur" #Amateur Sports & Recreation
    		SPORTS_RECREATION_COLLEGE_HIGH_SCHOOL = "Sports & Recreation/College & High School" #High School & College Sports
    		SPORTS_RECREATION_OUTDOOR = "Sports & Recreation/Outdoor" #Outdoor Recreation
    		SPORTS_RECREATION_PROFESSIONAL = "Sports & Recreation/Professional" #Professional Sports
    		TECHNOLOGY = "Technology" #Technology
    		TECHNOLOGY_GADGETS = "Technology/Gadgets" #Gadgets
    		TECHNOLOGY_TECH_NEWS = "Technology/Tech News" #Tech news
    		TECHNOLOGY_PODCASTING = "Technology/Podcasting" #Podcasting
    		TECHNOLOGY_SOFTWARE_HOW_TO = "Technology/Software How-To" #Software how-to's
    		TV_FILM = "TV & Film" #TV & Film