module Bullet class Association class < (eager_loadings[k].dup << associations)}) unique(eager_loadings[(k & objects)]) eager_loadings.merge!({(k - objects) => eager_loadings[k]}) unless (k - objects).empty? unique(eager_loadings[(k - objects)]) eager_loadings.delete(k) objects = objects - k end end end unless objects.empty? eager_loadings[objects] << associations unique(eager_loadings[objects]) end end # executed when object.assocations is called. # first, it keeps this method call for object.association. # then, it checks if this associations call is unpreload. # if it is, keeps this unpreload associations and caller. def call_association(object, associations) add_call_object_associations(object, associations) if unpreload_associations?(object, associations) add_unpreload_associations(object.class, associations) caller_in_project end end # check if there are unused preload associations. # for each object => association # get related_objects from eager_loadings associated with object and associations # get call_object_association from associations of call_object_associations whose object is in related_objects # if association not in call_object_association, then the object => association - call_object_association is ununsed preload assocations def check_unused_preload_associations @@checked = true object_associations.each do |object, association| related_objects = {|key, value| key.include?(object) and value == association}.collect(&:first).flatten call_object_association = related_objects.collect { |related_object| call_object_associations[related_object] }.compact.flatten.uniq diff_object_association = (association - call_object_association).reject {|a| a.is_a? Hash} add_unused_preload_associations(object.class, diff_object_association) unless diff_object_association.empty? end end def has_unused_preload_associations? !unused_preload_associations.empty? end def has_unpreload_associations? !unpreload_associations.empty? end private # decide whether the object.associations is unpreloaded or not. def unpreload_associations?(object, associations) possible?(object) and !impossible?(object) and !association?(object, associations) end def possible?(object) klazz = object.class possible_objects[klazz] and possible_objects[klazz].include?(object) end def impossible?(object) klazz = object.class impossible_objects[klazz] and impossible_objects[klazz].include?(object) end # check if object => associations already exists in object_associations. def association?(object, associations) object_associations.each do |key, value| if key == object value.each do |v| result = v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.has_key?(associations) : v == associations return true if result end end end return false end def notification_response response = [] if has_unused_preload_associations? response << unused_preload_messages.join("\n") end if has_unpreload_associations? response << unpreload_messages.join("\n") end response end def console_title title = [] title << unused_preload_messages.first.first unless unused_preload_messages.empty? title << unpreload_messages.first.first unless unpreload_messages.empty? title end def log_messages(path = nil) messages = [] messages << unused_preload_messages(path) messages << unpreload_messages(path) messages << call_stack_messages messages end def unused_preload_messages(path = nil) messages = [] unused_preload_associations.each do |klazz, associations| messages << [ "Unused Eager Loading #{path ? "in #{path}" : 'detected'}", klazz_associations_str(klazz, associations), " Remove from your finder: #{associations_str(associations)}" ] end messages end def unpreload_messages(path = nil) messages = [] unpreload_associations.each do |klazz, associations| messages << [ "N+1 Query #{path ? "in #{path}" : 'detected'}", klazz_associations_str(klazz, associations), " Add to your finder: #{associations_str(associations)}" ] end messages end def call_stack_messages callers.inject([]) do |messages, c| messages << ['N+1 Query method call stack', c.collect {|line| " #{line}"}].flatten end end def klazz_associations_str(klazz, associations) " #{klazz} => [#{', ')}]" end def associations_str(associations) ":include => #{{|a| a.to_sym unless a.is_a? Hash}.inspect}" end def unique(array) array.flatten! array.uniq! end # unpreload_associations keep the class relationships # that the associations, belongs to the class, are used but not preloaded. # e.g. { Post => [:comments] } # so the unpreload_associations should be preloaded by find :include. def unpreload_associations @@unpreload_associations ||= {} end # unused_preload_associations keep the class relationships # that the associations, belongs to the class, are preloaded but not used. # e.g. { Post => [:comments] } # so the unused_preload_associations should be removed from find :include. def unused_preload_associations @@unused_preload_associations ||= {} end # object_associations keep the object relationships # that the object has many associations. # e.g. { => [:comments] } # the object_associations keep all associations that may be or may no be # unpreload associations or unused preload associations. def object_associations @@object_associations ||= {} end # call_object_assciations keep the object relationships # that object.associations is called. # e.g. { => [:comments] } # they are used to detect unused preload associations. def call_object_associations @@call_object_associations ||= {} end # possible_objects keep the class to object relationships # that the objects may cause N+1 query. # e.g. { Post => [, ] } def possible_objects @@possible_objects ||= {} end # impossible_objects keep the class to objects relationships # that the objects may not cause N+1 query. # e.g. { Post => [, ] } # Notice: impossible_objects are not accurate, # if find collection returns only one object, then the object is impossible object, # impossible_objects are used to avoid treating 1+1 query to N+1 query. def impossible_objects @@impossible_objects ||= {} end # eager_loadings keep the object relationships # that the associations are preloaded by find :include. # e.g. { [, ] => [:comments, :user] } def eager_loadings @@eager_loadings ||= {} end VENDOR_ROOT = File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor') def caller_in_project callers << {|c| c =~ /#{Rails.root}/}.reject {|c| c =~ /#{VENDOR_ROOT}/} callers.uniq! end def callers @@callers ||= [] end end end end