$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'test_helper' require 'tmail' require 'tmail/header' require 'kcode' require 'time' class UnstructuredHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Subject SUBJECT sUbJeCt X-My-Header ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'This is test header.') assert_instance_of TMail::UnstructuredHeader, h, 'Header.new: name=' + name.dump end end def test_to_s # I must write more and more test. [ 'This is test header.', # "This is \r\n\ttest header" # "JAPANESE STRING" '' ]\ .each do |str| h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Subject', str) assert_equal str, h.decoded assert_equal str, h.to_s end end end class DateTimeHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Date Resent-Date ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:32 +0900') assert_instance_of TMail::DateTimeHeader, h, name end end def test_date h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Date', 'Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:32 +0900') assert_instance_of Time, h.date assert_equal false, h.date.gmt? assert_equal Time.parse('Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:32 +0900'), h.date end def test_empty__illegal? [ [false, 'Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:32 +0900'], [false, 'Sat, 15 Dec 2001 12:51:38 +0900'], [true, 'Sat, 15 Dec 2001 12:51:38'], [true, 'Sat, 15 Dec 2001 12:51'], [true, 'Sat,'] ].each do |wrong, str| h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Date', str) assert_equal wrong, h.empty?, str assert_equal wrong, h.illegal?, str end end def test_to_s h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Date', 'Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:32 +0900') time = Time.parse('Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:32 +0900').strftime("%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") assert_equal time, h.to_s assert_equal h.to_s, h.decoded ok = h.to_s h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Date', 'Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:49:32 +0000') assert_equal ok, h.to_s h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Date', 'Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:49:32 GMT') assert_equal ok, h.to_s end end class AddressHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( To Cc Bcc From Reply-To Resent-To Resent-Cc Resent-Bcc Resent-From Resent-Reply-To ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'aamine@loveruby.net') assert_instance_of TMail::AddressHeader, h, name end end def validate_case( str, isempty, to_s, comments, succ ) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('To', str) assert_equal isempty, h.empty?, str.inspect + " (empty?)\n" assert_instance_of Array, h.addrs, str.inspect + " (is a)\n" assert_equal succ.size, h.addrs.size, str.inspect + " (size)\n" h.addrs.each do |a| ok = succ.shift assert_equal ok[:phrase], a.phrase, str.inspect + " (phrase)\n" assert_equal ok[:routes], a.routes, str.inspect + " (routes)\n" assert_equal ok[:spec], a.spec, str.inspect + " (spec)\n" end if comments.first.respond_to? :force_encoding encoding = h.comments.first.encoding comments.each { |c| c.force_encoding encoding } end assert_equal comments, h.comments, str.inspect + " (comments)\n" to_s.force_encoding(h.to_s.encoding) if to_s.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal to_s, h.to_s, str.inspect + " (to_s)\n" if to_s assert_equal to_s, h.decoded, str.inspect + " (decoded)\n" if to_s end def test_ATTRS validate_case 'aamine@loveruby.net', false, 'aamine@loveruby.net', [], [{ :phrase => nil, :routes => [], :spec => 'aamine@loveruby.net' }] validate_case 'Minero Aoki (comment)', false, 'Minero Aoki (comment)', ['comment'], [{ :phrase => 'Minero Aoki', :routes => [], :spec => 'aamine@loveruby.net' }] validate_case 'aamine@loveruby.net, , taro@softica.org', false, 'aamine@loveruby.net, taro@softica.org', [], [{ :phrase => nil, :routes => [], :spec => 'aamine@loveruby.net' }, { :phrase => nil, :routes => [], :spec => 'taro@softica.org' }] validate_case '', true, nil, [], [] validate_case '(comment only)', true, nil, ['comment only'], [] kcode('EUC') { validate_case 'hoge@example.jp (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJUYlOSVIGyhC?=)', false, "hoge@example.jp (\245\306\245\271\245\310)", ["\245\306\245\271\245\310"], [{ :phrase => nil, :routes => [], :spec => 'hoge@example.jp'}] } end end class SingleAddressHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Sender', 'aamine@loveruby.net') assert_instance_of TMail::SingleAddressHeader, h end def test_addr h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Sender', 'aamine@loveruby.net') assert_not_nil h.addr assert_instance_of TMail::Address, h.addr assert_equal 'aamine@loveruby.net', h.addr.spec assert_equal nil, h.addr.phrase assert_equal [], h.addr.routes end def test_to_s str = 'Minero Aoki , "AOKI, Minero" ' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Sender', str) assert_equal 'Minero Aoki ', h.to_s end end class ReturnPathHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Return-Path ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, '') assert_instance_of TMail::ReturnPathHeader, h, name assert_equal false, h.empty? assert_equal false, h.illegal? end end def test_ATTRS h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Return-Path', '<@a,@b,@c:aamine@loveruby.net>') assert_not_nil h.addr assert_instance_of TMail::Address, h.addr assert_equal 'aamine@loveruby.net', h.addr.spec assert_equal nil, h.addr.phrase assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], h.addr.routes assert_not_nil h.routes assert_instance_of Array, h.routes assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], h.routes assert_equal h.addr.routes, h.routes assert_not_nil h.spec assert_instance_of String, h.spec assert_equal 'aamine@loveruby.net', h.spec # missing '<' '>' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Return-Path', 'xxxx@yyyy') assert_equal 'xxxx@yyyy', h.spec h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Return-Path', '<>') assert_instance_of TMail::Address, h.addr assert_nil h.addr.local assert_nil h.addr.domain assert_nil h.addr.spec assert_nil h.spec end def test_to_s body = 'Minero Aoki <@a,@b,@c:aamine@loveruby.net>' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Return-Path', body) assert_equal '<@a,@b,@c:aamine@loveruby.net>', h.to_s assert_equal h.to_s, h.decoded body = 'aamine@loveruby.net' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Return-Path', body) assert_equal '', h.to_s assert_equal h.to_s, h.decoded body = '<>' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Return-Path', body) assert_equal '<>', h.to_s end end class MessageIdHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Message-Id MESSAGE-ID Message-ID Resent-Message-Id Content-Id ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>') assert_instance_of TMail::MessageIdHeader, h end end def test_id str = '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Message-Id', str) assert_not_nil h.id assert_equal str, h.id id = '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>' str = id + ' (comm(ent))' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Message-Id', str) assert_not_nil h.id assert_equal id, h.id end def test_id= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Message-Id', '') h.id = str = '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>' assert_not_nil h.id assert_equal str, h.id end end class ReferencesHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new str = '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>' %w( References REFERENCES ReFeReNcEs In-Reply-To ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, str) assert_instance_of TMail::ReferencesHeader, h, name end end def test_ATTRS id1 = '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>' id2 = '<20011204103415.64DB.GGB03124@nifty.ne.jp>' phr = 'message of "Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:42:07 +0900"' str = id1 + ' ' + phr + ' ' + id2 h = TMail::HeaderField.new('References', str) ok = [id1, id2] h.each_id do |i| assert_equal ok.shift, i end ok = [id1, id2] assert_equal ok, h.ids h.each_id do |i| assert_equal ok.shift, i end ok = [phr] assert_equal ok, h.phrases h.each_phrase do |i| assert_equal ok.shift, i end ok = [phr] h.each_phrase do |i| assert_equal ok.shift, i end # test 2 # 'In-Reply-To' # 'aamine@dp.u-netsurf.ne.jp's message of "Fri, 8 Jan 1999 03:49:37 +0900"' end def test_to_s id1 = '<20020103xg88.k0@mail.loveruby.net>' id2 = '<20011204103415.64DB.GGB03124@nifty.ne.jp>' phr = 'message of "Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:42:07 +0900"' str = id1 + ' ' + phr + ' ' + id2 h = TMail::HeaderField.new('References', str) assert_equal id1 + ' ' + id2, h.to_s end end class ReceivedHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase HEADER1 = <; Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:58 +0900 (JST) EOS HEADER2 = <; Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:31 +0900 (JST) EOS =begin dangerous headers # 2-word WITH (this header is also wrong in semantic) # I cannot support this. Received: by mebius with Microsoft Mail id <01BE2B9D.9051EAA0@mebius>; Sat, 19 Dec 1998 22:18:54 -0800 =end def test_s_new %w( Received ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, HEADER1) assert_instance_of TMail::ReceivedHeader, h, name end end def test_ATTRS h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', HEADER1) assert_instance_of String, h.from assert_equal 'helium.ruby-lang.org', h.from assert_instance_of String, h.by assert_equal 'doraemon.edit.ne.jp', h.by assert_instance_of String, h.via assert_equal 'TCP', h.via assert_instance_of Array, h.with assert_equal %w(ESMTP), h.with assert_instance_of String, h.id assert_equal 'fB41nwEj007438', h.id assert_instance_of String, h._for assert_equal 'aamine@mx.edit.ne.jp', h._for # must be ? assert_instance_of Time, h.date time = Time.parse('Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:58 +0900') assert_equal time, h.date h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', '; Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:58 +0900') assert_nil h.from assert_nil h.by assert_nil h.via assert_equal [], h.with assert_nil h.id assert_nil h._for time = Time.parse('Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:58 +0900') assert_equal time, h.date # without date h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', 'by NeXT.Mailer (1.144.2)') assert_nil h.from assert_equal 'NeXT.Mailer', h.by assert_nil h.via assert_equal [], h.with assert_nil h.id assert_nil h._for assert_nil h.date # FROM is not a domain h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', 'from someuser@example.com; Tue, 24 Nov 1998 07:59:39 -0500') assert_equal 'example.com', h.from assert_nil h.by assert_nil h.via assert_equal [], h.with assert_nil h.id assert_nil h._for time = Time.parse('Tue, 24 Nov 1998 07:59:39 -0500') assert_equal time, h.date =begin # FOR is not route-addr. # item order is wrong. h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', 'from aamine by mail.softica.org with local for list@softica.org id 12Vm3N-00044L-01; Fri, 17 Mar 2000 10:59:53 +0900') assert_equal 'aamine', h.from assert_equal 'mail.softica.org', h.by assert_nil h.via assert_equal ['local'], h.with assert_equal '12Vm3N-00044L-01', h.id assert_equal 'list@softica.org', h._for assert_equal Time.local(2000,4,17, 10,59,53), h.date =end # word + domain-literal in FROM h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', 'from localhost []; Sat, 19 Dec 1998 22:19:50 PST') assert_equal 'localhost', h.from assert_nil h.by assert_nil h.via assert_equal [], h.with assert_nil h.id assert_nil h._for time = Time.parse('Sat, 19 Dec 1998 22:19:50 PST') assert_equal time, h.date # addr-spec in BY (must be a domain) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', 'by aamine@loveruby.net; Wed, 24 Feb 1999 14:34:20 +0900') assert_equal 'loveruby.net', h.by end def test_to_s h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', HEADER1) time = Time.parse('Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:49:58 +0900').strftime("%a,%e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") assert_equal "from helium.ruby-lang.org by doraemon.edit.ne.jp via TCP with ESMTP id fB41nwEj007438 for ; #{time}", h.to_s [ 'from harmony.loveruby.net', 'by mail.loveruby.net', 'via TCP', 'with ESMTP', 'id LKJHSDFG', 'for ', "; #{time}" ]\ .each do |str| h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Received', str) assert_equal str, h.to_s, 'ReceivedHeader#to_s: data=' + str.dump end end end class KeywordsHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Keywords KEYWORDS KeYwOrDs ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'key, word, is, keyword') assert_instance_of TMail::KeywordsHeader, h end end def test_keys h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Keywords', 'key, word, is, keyword') assert_instance_of Array, h.keys assert_equal %w(key word is keyword), h.keys end end class EncryptedHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Encrypted ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'lot17 solt') assert_instance_of TMail::EncryptedHeader, h end end def test_encrypter h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Encrypted', 'lot17 solt') assert_equal 'lot17', h.encrypter end def test_encrypter= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Encrypted', 'lot17 solt') h.encrypter = 'newscheme' assert_equal 'newscheme', h.encrypter end def test_keyword h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Encrypted', 'lot17 solt') assert_equal 'solt', h.keyword h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Encrypted', 'lot17') assert_equal nil, h.keyword end def test_keyword= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Encrypted', 'lot17 solt') h.keyword = 'newscheme' assert_equal 'newscheme', h.keyword end end class MimeVersionHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Mime-Version MIME-VERSION MiMe-VeRsIoN ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, '1.0') assert_instance_of TMail::MimeVersionHeader, h end end def test_ATTRS h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Mime-Version', '1.0') assert_equal 1, h.major assert_equal 0, h.minor assert_equal '1.0', h.version h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Mime-Version', '99.77 (is ok)') assert_equal 99, h.major assert_equal 77, h.minor assert_equal '99.77', h.version end def test_major= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Mime-Version', '1.1') h.major = 2 assert_equal 2, h.major assert_equal 1, h.minor assert_equal 2, h.major h.major = 3 assert_equal 3, h.major end def test_minor= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Mime-Version', '2.3') assert_equal 3, h.minor h.minor = 5 assert_equal 5, h.minor assert_equal 2, h.major end def test_to_s h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Mime-Version', '1.0 (first version)') assert_equal '1.0', h.to_s end def test_empty? h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Mime-Version', '') assert_equal true, h.empty? end end class ContentTypeHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Content-Type CONTENT-TYPE CoNtEnT-TyPe ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp') assert_instance_of TMail::ContentTypeHeader, h, name end end def test_ATTRS h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp') assert_equal 'text', h.main_type assert_equal 'plain', h.sub_type assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal 'iso-2022-jp', h.params['charset'] h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'Text/Plain; Charset=shift_jis') assert_equal 'text', h.main_type assert_equal 'plain', h.sub_type assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal 'shift_jis', h.params['charset'] end def test_multipart_with_legal_unquoted_boundary h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'multipart/mixed; boundary=dDRMvlgZJXvWKvBx') assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type assert_equal 'mixed', h.sub_type assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal 'dDRMvlgZJXvWKvBx', h.params['boundary'] end def test_multipart_with_legal_quoted_boundary_should_retain_quotations h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'multipart/mixed; boundary="dDRMvlgZJXvWKvBx"') assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type assert_equal 'mixed', h.sub_type assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal 'dDRMvlgZJXvWKvBx', h.params['boundary'] end def test_multipart_with_illegal_unquoted_boundary_should_add_quotations h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative; boundary=----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850') assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type assert_equal 'alternative', h.sub_type assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal '----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850', h.params['boundary'] end def test_multipart_with_illegal_quoted_boundary_should_retain_quotations h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"') assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type assert_equal 'alternative', h.sub_type assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal '----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850', h.params['boundary'] end def test_multipart_with_extra_with_multiple_params h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'multipart/related;boundary=1_4626B816_9F1690;Type="application/smil";Start=""') assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type assert_equal 'related', h.sub_type assert_equal 3, h.params.size assert_equal '1_4626B816_9F1690', h.params['boundary'] end def test_main_type= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp') assert_equal 'text', h.main_type h.main_type = 'multipart' assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type assert_equal 'multipart', h.main_type h.main_type = 'TEXT' assert_equal 'text', h.main_type end def test_sub_type= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp') assert_equal 'plain', h.sub_type h.sub_type = 'html' assert_equal 'html', h.sub_type h.sub_type = 'PLAIN' assert_equal 'plain', h.sub_type end end class ContentEncodingHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Content-Transfer-Encoding CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING COnteNT-TraNSFer-ENCodiNG ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'Base64') assert_instance_of TMail::ContentTransferEncodingHeader, h end end def test_encoding h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'Base64') assert_equal 'base64', h.encoding h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '7bit') assert_equal '7bit', h.encoding end def test_encoding= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'Base64') assert_equal 'base64', h.encoding h.encoding = '7bit' assert_equal '7bit', h.encoding end def test_to_s h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'Base64') assert_equal 'Base64', h.to_s assert_equal h.to_s, h.decoded assert_equal h.to_s, h.encoded end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_them_short mail = TMail::Mail.new mail['X-Mail-Header'] = "short bit of data" assert_equal("X-Mail-Header: short bit of data\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_them_more_than_78_char_total_with_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new mail['X-Ruby-Talk'] = "<11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA 4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net>" assert_equal("X-Ruby-Talk: <11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA\r\n\t4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net>\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) result = TMail::Mail.parse(mail.encoded) assert_equal(mail['X-Ruby-Talk'].to_s, result['X-Ruby-Talk'].to_s) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_them_more_than_78_char_total_with_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new mail['X-Ruby-Talk'] = "<11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA 4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA 4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net>" assert_equal("X-Ruby-Talk: <11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA\r\n\t4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA\r\n\t4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net>\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) result = TMail::Mail.parse(mail.encoded) assert_equal(mail['X-Ruby-Talk'].to_s, result['X-Ruby-Talk'].to_s) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_them_more_than_78_char_total_without_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new mail['X-Ruby-Talk'] = "<11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net>" assert_equal("X-Ruby-Talk: <11152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A111152772-AAFA-4614-95FD-9071A4BDF4A1@grayproductions.net>\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) result = TMail::Mail.parse(mail.encoded) assert_equal(mail['X-Ruby-Talk'].to_s, result['X-Ruby-Talk'].to_s) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_them_less_than_998_char_total_without_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new text_with_whitespace = ""; 985.times{text_with_whitespace << "a"} mail['Reply-To'] = "#{text_with_whitespace}" assert_equal("Reply-To: #{text_with_whitespace}\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) result = TMail::Mail.parse(mail.encoded) assert_equal(mail['Reply-To'].to_s, result['Reply-To'].to_s) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_them_more_than_998_char_total_without_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new text_with_whitespace = ""; 1200.times{text_with_whitespace << "a"} before_text = ""; 985.times{before_text << "a"} after_text = ""; 215.times{after_text << "a"} mail['X-Ruby-Talk'] = "#{text_with_whitespace}" assert_equal("X-Ruby-Talk: #{before_text}\r\n\t#{after_text}\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_with_1_more_than_998_char_total_without_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new text_with_whitespace = ""; 996.times{text_with_whitespace << "a"} before_text = ""; 995.times{before_text << "a"} after_text = ""; 1.times{after_text << "a"} mail['X'] = "#{text_with_whitespace}" assert_equal("X: #{before_text}\r\n\t#{after_text}\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) end def test_insertion_of_headers_and_encoding_with_exactly_998_char_total_without_whitespace mail = TMail::Mail.new text_with_whitespace = ""; 995.times{text_with_whitespace << "a"} before_text = ""; 995.times{before_text << "a"} mail['X'] = "#{text_with_whitespace}" assert_equal("X: #{before_text}\r\n\r\n", mail.encoded) end end class ContentDispositionHeaderTester < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_s_new %w( Content-Disposition CONTENT-DISPOSITION ConTENt-DIsPOsition ).each do |name| h = TMail::HeaderField.new(name, 'attachment; filename="README.txt.pif"') assert_instance_of TMail::ContentDispositionHeader, h end end def test_ATTRS begin _test_ATTRS _test_tspecials _test_rfc2231_decode #_test_rfc2231_encode _test_raw_iso2022jp _test_raw_eucjp _test_raw_sjis _test_code_conversion ensure TMail.KCODE = 'NONE' end end def _test_ATTRS TMail.KCODE = 'NONE' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="README.txt.pif"') assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal 'README.txt.pif', h.params['filename'] h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; Filename="README.txt.pif"') assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal 'README.txt.pif', h.params['filename'] h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=') assert_equal true, h.empty? assert_nil h.params assert_nil h['filename'] end def _test_tspecials h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'a; n=a') h['n'] = %q|()<>[];:@\\,"/?=| assert_equal 'a; n="()<>[];:@\\\\,\"/?="', h.encoded end def _test_rfc2231_decode TMail.KCODE = 'EUC' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename*=iso-2022-jp'ja'%1b$B$Q$i$`%1b%28B") assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size expected = "\244\321\244\351\244\340" expected.force_encoding 'EUC-JP' if expected.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] end def _test_rfc2231_encode TMail.KCODE = 'EUC' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'a; n=a') h['n'] = "\245\265\245\363\245\327\245\353.txt" assert_equal "a; n*=iso-2022-jp'ja'%1B$B%255%25s%25W%25k%1B%28B.txt", h.encoded h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'a; n=a') h['n'] = "\245\265()<>[];:@\\,\"/?=%*'" assert_equal "a;\r\n\tn*=iso-2022-jp'ja'%1B$B%255%1B%28B%28%29%3C%3E%5B%5D%3B%3A%40%5C%2C%22%2F%3F%3D%25%2A%27", h.encoded end def _test_raw_iso2022jp TMail.KCODE = 'EUC' # raw iso2022jp string in value (token) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size # assert_equal "\e$BF|K\\8l\e(B.doc", h.params['filename'] expected = "\306\374\313\334\270\354.doc" expected.force_encoding 'EUC-JP' if expected.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] # raw iso2022jp string in value (quoted string) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size # assert_equal "\e$BF|K\\8l\e(B.doc", h.params['filename'] assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] end def _test_raw_eucjp TMail.KCODE = 'EUC' # raw EUC-JP string in value (token) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size expected = "\306\374\313\334\270\354.doc" expected.force_encoding 'EUC-JP' if expected.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] # raw EUC-JP string in value (quoted-string) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] end def _test_raw_sjis TMail.KCODE = 'SJIS' # raw SJIS string in value (token) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size expected = "\223\372\226{\214\352.doc" expected.force_encoding 'Windows-31J' if expected.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] # raw SJIS string in value (quoted-string) h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] end def _test_code_conversion # JIS -> TMail.KCODE auto conversion TMail.KCODE = 'EUC' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size expected = "\306\374\313\334\270\354.doc" expected.force_encoding 'EUC-JP' if expected.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] TMail.KCODE = 'SJIS' h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', %Q) assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition assert_equal 1, h.params.size expected = "\223\372\226{\214\352.doc" expected.force_encoding 'Windows-31J' if expected.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal expected, h.params['filename'] end def test_disposition= h = TMail::HeaderField.new('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="README.txt.pif"') assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition h.disposition = 'virus' assert_equal 'virus', h.disposition h.disposition = 'AtTaChMeNt' assert_equal 'attachment', h.disposition end def test_wrong_mail_header fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email9") assert_raise(TMail::SyntaxError) { TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) } end def test_decode_message_with_unknown_charset fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email10") mail = TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) assert_nothing_raised { mail.body } end def test_decode_message_with_unquoted_atchar_in_header fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email11") mail = TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) assert_not_nil mail.from end def test_new_from_port_should_produce_a_header_object_of_the_correct_class p = TMail::FilePort.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/mailbox") h = TMail::HeaderField.new_from_port(p, 'Message-Id') assert_equal(TMail::MessageIdHeader, h.class) end def test_should_return_the_evelope_sender_when_given_from_without_a_colon p = TMail::FilePort.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/mailbox") h = TMail::HeaderField.new_from_port(p, 'EnvelopeSender') assert_equal("mike@envelope_sender.com.au", h.addrs.join) end def test_new_from_port_should_produce_a_header_object_that_contains_the_right_data p = TMail::FilePort.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/mailbox") h = TMail::HeaderField.new_from_port(p, 'From') assert_equal("Mikel Lindsaar ", h.addrs.join) end def test_unwrapping_a_long_header_field_using_new_from_port p = TMail::FilePort.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/mailbox") h = TMail::HeaderField.new_from_port(p, 'Content-Type') line = 'multipart/signed; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; boundary=Apple-Mail-42-587703407; micalg=sha1' assert(line =~ /multipart\/signed/) assert(line =~ /protocol="application\/pkcs7-signature"/) assert(line =~ /boundary=Apple-Mail-42-587703407/) assert(line =~ /micalg=sha1/) assert_equal(line.length, 103) end def test_returning_nil_if_there_is_no_match p = TMail::FilePort.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/mailbox") h = TMail::HeaderField.new_from_port(p, 'Received-Long-Header') assert_equal(h, nil) end end