module Stagecoach class Git class << self def branches `git branch`.split("\n").collect(&:strip) end def list(local_stagecoach_branches, all_branches_list) deletable_branches = [] local_stagecoach_branches.keys.sort.each do |branch_name| # branch_attributes = local_stagecoach_branches[branch_name] if all_branches_list.include?(branch_name.strip) if Git.branch_merged_to_master?(branch_name) puts branch_name + " *".red deletable_branches << branch_name else puts branch_name end end end CommandLine.line_break puts "*".red + " = merged to master, can be deleted by stagecoach -t" CommandLine.line_break deletable_branches end def local_stagecoach_branches(config) local_stagecoach_branches = {} config.each { |k,v| local_stagecoach_branches[k] = v unless k =~ /redmine_site|redmine_api_key|redmine_user_id|master|staging/i} end def tidy(deletable_branches) CommandLine.line_break if deletable_branches.length > 0 puts "All branches that have been merged into master will be deleted locally and remotely.".red print "Continue? [Y]es or anything else to cancel: " case STDIN.gets.chomp when 'Y' erase(deletable_branches) else puts 'No branches deleted. Exiting...' end else puts 'No branches to delete. Exiting...' end exit end def remote_branches (`git ls-remote`.split(" ") { |e| e =~ /refs\/heads/}).collect {|a| a.gsub("refs/heads/", "")} end def erase(list) change_to_branch('master') branches_on_remote = Git.remote_branches list.each {|b| delete_branch(b, branches_on_remote ) } end def delete_branch(branch, list) puts "Local: " + `git branch -D #{branch}` if list.include?(branch) puts "Remote: " puts `git push origin :#{branch}` end end def global_config(header, config) `git config --global #{header}.#{config}` end def set_global_config(header, config, value) `git config --global #{header}.#{config} #{value}` end def changes `git diff-files --name-status -r --ignore-submodules` end def status `git status` end def current_branch branches.each do |b| if b =~ /\*/ return b[1..-1].strip end end end def branch_merged_to_master?(branch) list = `git branch --merged`.split("\n").collect(&:strip) list << Git.current_branch list.include?(branch.strip) end def correct_branch? CommandLine.line_break print "You are currently in local branch: #{} \nAre these details correct? ([Y]es or [Q]uit): " case STDIN.gets.chomp when "Y" when "Q" exit else puts "Please enter Y to continue or Q to quit." end end def new_branch(branch) CommandLine.line_break `git checkout -b #{branch}` end def change_to_branch(branch) CommandLine.line_break puts "Changing to branch '#{branch}'" if branch_exist?(branch) `git checkout #{branch}` else print "Branch '#{branch}' does not exist. [C]reate or [Q]uit: " case STDIN.gets.chomp when 'C' new_branch(branch) when 'Q' exit end end end def diff(branch1, branch2) diff = `git diff --name-status #{branch1}..#{branch2}` return diff end def merge(to_branch, from_branch) CommandLine.line_break puts "Merging into #{to_branch} (after pulling updates)" Git.change_to_branch(to_branch) puts `git pull origin #{to_branch}` puts `git merge #{from_branch}` begin raise 'Merge failed' if $?.exitstatus != 0 rescue puts $! + ": " + $!.message # $! refers to the last error object puts "Please resolve the merge conflict and deploy again. Exiting..." end end def push(branch) CommandLine.line_break puts "Pushing your changes to branch '#{branch}'" puts `git push origin #{branch}` end def checkout(branch) puts `git checkout #{branch}` end def pull(branch) puts `git pull origin #{branch}` end def branch_exist?(branch) branches.find { |e| /#{branch}/ =~ e } end def new_issue(title, description) `ghi open -m "#{title}\n#{description}"` end def assign_issue_to_me(issue_number) `ghi assign #{issue_number}` end def branch_has_commits?(branch) log = `git log --branches --not --remotes --simplify-by-decoration --decorate --oneline` if log.include? branch return true else return false end end def issue(id) `ghi list #{id}` end end end end