# encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'cloud_connection.rb' module Forj # This module helps you to setup your forge's account module Settings def self.common_options(options) PrcLib.level = Logger::INFO if options[:verbose] PrcLib.level = Logger::DEBUG if options[:debug] unless options[:lorj_debug].nil? PrcLib.core_level = options[:lorj_debug].to_i PrcLib.level = Logger::DEBUG end latest_version?(options[:account_name]) if options[:account_name] end def self.latest_version?(account_name) config = Lorj::Account.new(nil, Forj.file_version) config.ac_load account_name PrcLib.fatal(1, "Your account '%s' is obsolete, use `forj setup`," \ ' to update it.', account_name) \ unless config.latest_version?('account') end def self.account_show_all(account_name) config = Lorj::Account.new config.ac_load account_name Forj::CloudConnection.connect(config) puts format( "List of account settings for provider '%s': ", config.get(:provider) ) puts format( "%-15s %-12s :\n------------------------------", 'key', 'section name' ) config.meta_each do |section, found_key, hValue| next if hValue.rh_get(:readonly) || hValue.rh_get(:get) == false s_desc = hValue.rh_get(:desc) puts format('%-15s %-12s : %s', found_key, section, s_desc) end puts format( "\nUse `forj set KeyName=Value -a %s` to set one.", [account_name] ) puts format( 'Use `forj get -a %s` to check current values.', account_name ) end def self.config_show_all config = Lorj::Account.new puts 'List of available FORJ default settings:' puts format( "%-15s %-12s :\n------------------------------", 'key', 'section name' ) config.meta_each do |section, found_key, hValue| next if hValue.rh_get(:readonly) || hValue.rh_get(:get) == fals s_desc = hValue.rh_get(:desc) puts format('%-15s %-12s : %s', found_key, section, s_desc) end puts "\nUse `forj set KeyName=Value` to set one. " puts 'Use `forj get` to get current values. ' end def self.validate_account_set(account, account_name, account_key) PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to update protected '%s'. use `forj setup`," \ ' to update it.', account_key) if account.readonly?(account_key) if account.meta_type?(account_key) == :default PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable set '%s' value. To update this one, use forj" \ ' set %s, WITHOUT -a %s', account_key, account_key, account_name) end end end # This module helps you to setup your forge's account module Settings def self.format_old_key(account, old_value, key_to_set) s_bef = 'unset' s_bef = format( "'%s' (%s)", old_value, account.where?(key_to_set)[0] ) if account.exist?(key_to_set) s_bef end def self.format_new_key(account, key_to_set) s_aft = 'unset' s_aft = format( "'%s' (%s)", account.get(key_to_set), account.where?(key_to_set)[0] ) if account.exist?(key_to_set) s_aft end def self.account_set(account_name, *p) config = Lorj::Account.new b_dirty = false config.ac_load account_name Forj::CloudConnection.connect(config) p.flatten! p.each do |key_val| mkey_val = valid_key_value?(key_val) key_to_set = mkey_val[1] key_value = mkey_val[2] validate_account_set(config, account_name, key_to_set) section, key_to_set = Lorj.data.first_section(key_to_set) full_key = format('%s/%s', section, key_to_set) old_value = config.get(key_to_set) s_bef = format_old_key(config, old_value, key_to_set) if old_value == key_value puts format('%-25s: No update', full_key) next end b_dirty = true if key_value == '' config.del(key_to_set, :name => 'account') else config.set(key_to_set, key_value, :name => 'account') end s_aft = format_new_key(config, key_to_set) puts format( '%-25s: %s => %s', full_key, s_bef, ANSI.bold + s_aft + ANSI.clear ) end config.ac_save if b_dirty end def self.valid_key_value?(key_val) mkey_val = key_val.match(/^(.*) *= *(.*)$/) PrcLib.fatal( 1, "Syntax error. Please set your value like: 'key=value' and retry." ) unless mkey_val mkey_val end def self.valid_key?(key) key = key.to_sym if key.is_a?(String) return nil unless key.is_a?(Symbol) if Lorj.defaults.get_meta_auto(key).nil? PrcLib.warning("key '%s' is not a recognized default key by forj"\ ' model. ', key) end key end end # This module helps you to setup your forge's account module Settings def self.config_set(*p) config = Lorj::Account.new b_dirty = false p.flatten! p.each do |key_val| mkey_val = valid_key_value?(key_val) key_to_set = mkey_val[1] key_value = mkey_val[2] s_bef = 'unset' s_aft = 'unset' key_to_set = valid_key?(key_to_set) old_value = config.get(key_to_set) s_bef = format("%s: '%s'", config.where?(key_to_set)[0], config.get(key_to_set)) if config.exist?(key_to_set) next if _no_update?(key_to_set, old_value, key_value, config) b_dirty = true if key_value != '' config.local_set(key_to_set, key_value) else config.local_del(key_to_set) end s_aft = format("%s: '%s'", config.where?(key_to_set)[0], config.get(key_to_set)) if config.exist?(key_to_set) puts format('%-15s: %s => %s', key_to_set, s_bef, ANSI.bold(s_aft)) end config.save_local_config if b_dirty end def self._no_update?(key_to_set, old_value, key_value, config) if key_value == '' && config.where?(key_to_set)[0] != 'local' puts format('%-15s: No update', key_to_set) return true end if old_value == key_value puts format('%-15s: No update', key_to_set) return true end false end def self.format_highlight(account_name, config_where, where_format) return format(where_format, config_where) if config_where == 'default' return ANSI.bold(format(where_format, account_name)) if config_where == 'account' ANSI.bold(ANSI.yellow(format(where_format, config_where))) end def self.get_account_values(account, account_name) Lorj.data.meta_each do |section, mykey, hValue| next if hValue.rh_get(:get) == false config_where = account.where?(mykey, :section => section, :names => account.layers - %w(runtime)) s_upd_msg = '+' s_upd_msg = ' ' if hValue.rh_get(:readonly) if config_where where_highlight = format_highlight(account_name, config_where[0], '%-9s') default_key = nil if hValue.rh_exist?(:default) && config_where[0] != 'account' default_key = format(" (from default key '%s')", hValue.rh_get(:default)) end puts format("%s %-15s(%s) %-12s: '%s'%s", s_upd_msg, mykey, where_highlight, section, account.get(mykey, nil, :section => section), default_key) else puts format( '%s %-15s( ) %-12s: unset', s_upd_msg, mykey, section ) end end end def self.account_get_all(oConfig, account_name) # byebug PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to load account '%s'. Not found.", account_name) unless oConfig.ac_load account_name Forj::CloudConnection.connect(oConfig) puts format( 'legend: default = Application defaults, local = Local' \ " default config, %s = '%s' account config\n\n", account_name, account_name) puts format( '%s %-15s(%-7s) %-12s:' + "\n" + '--------------------------' \ '--------------', 'U', 'key', 'origin', 'section name' ) get_account_values(oConfig, account_name) puts "\nOn values identified by '+' you can:" puts format( 'Use `forj set <key>=<value> -a %s` to update account data.', account_name ) puts format( 'Or `forj set <key>= -a %s` '\ 'to restore key default value.', account_name ) end end # This module helps you to setup your forge's account module Settings def self.config_get_all(oConfig) puts 'legend: default = Application defaults, local = Local default' \ " config\n\n" puts format("%s %-19s(%-7s) %-12s:\n"\ '----------------------------------------', 'U', 'key', 'origin', 'section name') a_processes = [{ :process_module => :cloud }, { :process_module => :forj_core }] # Loading CloudCore embedding provider controller + its process. Lorj::Core.new(oConfig, a_processes) oConfig.meta_each do |section, found_key, hValue| next if hValue.rh_get(:get) == false s_upd_msg = '+' s_upd_msg = ' ' if hValue.rh_get(:readonly) found_key = hValue.rh_get(:default) if hValue.rh_exist?(:default) where = oConfig.where?(found_key, :section => section) if where where = where[0] highlight = '' highlight = ANSI.bold + ANSI.yellow if where == 'local' puts format( "%s %-19s(%s%-7s%s) %-12s: '%s'", s_upd_msg, found_key, highlight, where, ANSI.clear, section, oConfig.get(section.to_s + '#' + found_key.to_s) ) else puts format( '%s %-19s( ) %-12s: unset', s_upd_msg, found_key, section ) end end puts "\nUse 'forj set <key>=<value>' to update defaults on values" \ " identified with '+'" end def self.account_get(oConfig, account_name, key) PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to load account '%s'. Not found.", account_name) unless oConfig.ac_load account_name Forj::CloudConnection.connect(oConfig) if oConfig.where?(key) puts format( "%s: '%s'", oConfig.where?(key)[0], oConfig.get(key) ) elsif oConfig.where?(key.parameterize.underscore.to_sym) key_symb = key.parameterize.underscore.to_sym puts format( "%s: '%s'", oConfig.where?(key_symb)[0], oConfig.get(key_symb) ) else PrcLib.message("key '%s' not found", key) end end def self.config_get(oConfig, key) where = oConfig.where?(key) if where puts format("%s:'%s'", where[0], oConfig[key]) else PrcLib.message("key '%s' not found", key) end end def self.show_settings(options) if !options[:account_name] config_show_all else account_show_all(options[:account_name]) end end def self.set_settings(options, p) if options[:account_name] account_set(options[:account_name], p) else config_set(p) end end end end