module Avo class ApplicationController < ::ActionController::Base if defined?(Pundit::Authorization) Avo::ApplicationController.include Pundit::Authorization elsif defined?(Pundit) Avo::ApplicationController.include Pundit end include Avo::InitializesAvo include Avo::ApplicationHelper include Avo::UrlHelpers include Avo::Concerns::Breadcrumbs protect_from_forgery with: :exception around_action :set_avo_locale around_action :set_force_locale, if: -> { params[:force_locale].present? } before_action :set_default_locale, if: -> { params[:set_locale].present? } before_action :init_app before_action :set_active_storage_current_host before_action :set_resource_name before_action :_authenticate! before_action :set_authorization before_action :set_container_classes before_action :add_initial_breadcrumbs before_action :set_view before_action :set_sidebar_open before_action :set_stylesheet_assets_path rescue_from Avo::NotAuthorizedError, with: :render_unauthorized rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :exception_logger helper_method :_current_user, :resources_path, :resource_path, :new_resource_path, :edit_resource_path, :resource_attach_path, :resource_detach_path, :related_resources_path, :turbo_frame_request?, :resource_view_path, :preview_resource_path add_flash_types :info, :warning, :success, :error def exception_logger(exception) respond_to do |format| format.html { raise exception } format.json { render json: { errors: exception.respond_to?(:record) && exception.record.present? ? exception.record.errors : [], message: exception.message, traces: exception.backtrace }, status: ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.status_code_for_exception( } end end # This is coming from Turbo::Frames::FrameRequest module. # Exposing it as public method def turbo_frame_request? super end private # Get the pluralized resource name for this request # Ex: projects, teams, users def resource_name return params[:resource_name] if params[:resource_name].present? return controller_name if controller_name.present? begin request.path .match(/\/?#{Avo.root_path.delete('/')}\/resources\/([a-z1-9\-_]*)\/?/mi) .captures .first rescue end end def related_resource_name params[:related_name] end # Gets the Avo resource for this request based on the request from the `resource_name` "param" # Ex: Avo::Resources::Project, Avo::Resources::Team, Avo::Resources::User def resource resource = Avo.resource_manager.get_resource @resource_name.to_s.camelize.singularize return resource if resource.present? Avo.resource_manager.get_resource_by_controller_name @resource_name end def related_resource # Find the field from the parent resource field = @resource.get_field params[:related_name] return field.use_resource if field&.use_resource.present? reflection = @record._reflections[params[:related_name]] reflected_model = reflection.klass Avo.resource_manager.get_resource_by_model_class reflected_model end def set_resource_name @resource_name = resource_name end def set_related_resource_name @related_resource_name = related_resource_name end def set_resource raise "No route matches" if resource.nil? @resource = params[:view].presence || action_name.to_s, user: _current_user, params: params) set_authorization end def detect_fields @resource.detect_fields end def set_related_resource raise if related_resource.nil? action_view = action_name.to_sym # Get view from params unless actions is index or show or forms... # Else, for example for detach action we want the view from params to can fetch the correct fields # This logic avoid the following scenario: # When a has many field is rendered the action is index and params[:view] is show or edit but we want to # keep @view as index for the related_resource # Same do not happen with other actions except the list below. view = if[:index, :show, :new, :edit, :create]) action_view else params[:view].presence || action_view end @related_resource = params: params, view: view, user: _current_user, record: @related_record ).detect_fields end def set_record @record = @resource.find_record(params[:id], query: model_scope, params: params) @resource.hydrate(record: @record) end def set_related_record association_name = BaseResource.valid_association_name(@record, params[:related_name]) @related_record = if @field.is_a? Avo::Fields::HasOneField @record.send association_name else @related_resource.find_record params[:related_id], query: @record.send(association_name), params: params end @related_resource.hydrate(record: @related_record) end def model_scope # abort @resource.inspect @resource.class.find_scope end def set_view @view = end def set_record_to_fill @record_to_fill = if @view.create? @record_to_fill = @record if @view.update? # If resource.record is nil, most likely the user is creating a new record. # In that case, to access resource.record in visible and readonly blocks we hydrate the resource with a new record. # TODO: commented this @resource.hydrate(record: @record_to_fill) if @resource.record.nil? end def fill_record # We have to skip filling the the record if this is an attach action return if is_attach_action? @record = @resource.fill_record(@record_to_fill, cast_nullable(model_params), extra_params: extra_params) assign_default_value_to_disabled_fields if @view.create? end def is_attach_action? params[model_param_key].blank? && params[:related_name].present? && params[:fields].present? end def assign_default_value_to_disabled_fields do |field| field.is_disabled? && field.visible? && !field.computed end.each do |field| # Get the default value from the field default definition # If there is no default value specified on the resource, get the value from the record (DB, Callbacks, etc.) default_value = field.default || @record.send( field.fill_field @record,, default_value, params end end def authorize_base_action class_to_authorize = @record || @resource.model_class authorize_action class_to_authorize end def authorize_action(class_to_authorize, action = nil) # Use the provided action or figure it out from the request action_to_authorize = action || action_name @authorization.set_record(class_to_authorize).authorize_action action_to_authorize.to_sym end def _authenticate! instance_eval(&Avo.configuration.authenticate) end def render_unauthorized(exception) flash[:notice] = t "avo.not_authorized" redirect_url = if request.referrer.blank? || (request.referrer == request.url) root_url else request.referrer end redirect_to(redirect_url) end def set_authorization # We need to set @resource_name for the #resource method to work properly set_resource_name @authorization = if @resource @resource.authorization(user: _current_user) else _current_user end end def set_container_classes contain = true if Avo.configuration.full_width_container contain = false elsif Avo.configuration.full_width_index_view && action_name.to_sym == :index && self.class.superclass.to_s == "Avo::ResourcesController" contain = false end @container_classes = contain ? "2xl:container 2xl:mx-auto" : "" end def add_initial_breadcrumbs instance_eval(&Avo.configuration.initial_breadcrumbs) if Avo.configuration.initial_breadcrumbs.present? end def model_param_key @resource.form_scope end # Sets the locale set in avo.rb initializer def set_avo_locale(&action) locale = Avo.configuration.locale || I18n.default_locale I18n.with_locale(locale, &action) end # Enable the user to change the default locale with the `?set_locale=pt-BR` param def set_default_locale locale = params[:set_locale] || I18n.default_locale I18n.default_locale = locale end # Temporary set the locale and reverting at the end of the request. def set_force_locale(&action) locale = params[:force_locale] || I18n.default_locale I18n.with_locale(locale, &action) end def default_url_options result = super if params[:force_locale].present? result[:force_locale] = params[:force_locale] end extra_options = get_extra_default_url_options if extra_options.present? extra_options.each do |param_name| result[param_name] = params[param_name] end end result end def set_sidebar_open value = cookies["#{Avo::COOKIES_KEY}"] @sidebar_open = value.blank? || value == "1" end # Set the current host for ActiveStorage def set_active_storage_current_host if defined?(ActiveStorage::Current) if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR === 6 = request.base_url elsif Rails::VERSION::MAJOR === 7 ActiveStorage::Current.url_options = {protocol: request.protocol, host:, port: request.port} end end rescue => exception Avo.logger.debug "Failed to set ActiveStorage::Current.url_options, #{exception.inspect}" end def set_stylesheet_assets_path # Prefer the user's tailwind config if it exists, otherwise use the default one from Avo @stylesheet_assets_path = if Rails.root.join("config", "avo", "tailwind.config.js").exist? "avo.tailwind" elsif Avo::PACKED "/avo-assets/avo.base" else "avo.base" end end private def get_extra_default_url_options block_or_array = Avo.configuration.default_url_options if block_or_array.respond_to?(:call) instance_eval(&block_or_array) else block_or_array end end end end