open Core open Model open Yojson.Basic let strip_quotes s = String.drop_prefix s 1 |> Fn.flip String.drop_suffix 1 let map_elements (to_str: json -> string) (parameters: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = parameters ~f:(fun (k,j) -> (k,to_str j)) let optional_int ~(none: int) = function | `Int n when n = none -> "None" | `Int n -> "(Some " ^ Int.to_string n ^ ")" | x -> json_to_string x let optional_int_list = function | `List xs -> "(Some [" ^ String.concat ~sep:"; " ( ~f:json_to_string xs) ^ "])" | _ -> "None" let optional_int_or_string ~(none: int) = function | `String s -> "(Some \"" ^ s ^ "\")" | `Int n when n = none -> "None" | x -> json_to_string x let default_value ~(key: string) ~(value: string) (parameters: (string * string) list): (string * string) list = if List.exists ~f:(fun (k, _) -> k = key) parameters then parameters else (key, value) :: parameters let optional_strings ~(f: string -> bool) (parameters: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = let replace parameter = let (k, v) = parameter in if f k then (k, "(Some " ^ json_to_string v ^ ")") else (k, json_to_string v) in ~f:replace parameters let option_of_null (value: json): string = match value with | `Null -> "None" | `String s -> "(Some \"" ^ s ^ "\")" | `List xs as l -> "(Some " ^ (json_to_string l) ^ ")" | _ -> failwith "cannot handle this type" let is_empty_string (value: json): bool = match value with | `String s -> String.is_empty s | _ -> false let edit_connect_expected = function | `String "X" -> "(Some X)" | `String "O" -> "(Some O)" | `String "" -> "None" | x -> failwith "Bad json value in connect " ^ json_to_string x let edit_change_expected (value: json) = match value with | `List xs -> "(Some [" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"; " ( ~f:json_to_string xs)) ^ "])" | `Int (-1) -> "None" | _ -> failwith "Bad json value in change" let edit_bowling_expected (value: json) = match value with | `Int n -> "(Ok " ^ (Int.to_string n) ^ ")" | `Assoc [(k, v)] -> if k = "error" then "(Error " ^ json_to_string v ^ ")" else failwith ("Can only handle error value but got " ^ k) | _ -> failwith "Bad json value in bowling" let ocaml_edit_expected ~(stringify: json -> string) ~(slug: string) ~(value: json) = match slug with | "hamming" -> optional_int ~none:(-1) value | "all-your-base" -> optional_int_list value | "say" -> optional_int_or_string ~none:(-1) value | "phone-number" -> option_of_null value | "connect" -> edit_connect_expected value | "change" -> edit_change_expected value | "bowling" -> edit_bowling_expected value | "binary-search" -> optional_int ~none:(-1) value | "forth" -> option_of_null value | _ -> stringify value let edit_say (ps: (string * json) list) = let edit = function | ("input", v) -> ("input", let v = json_to_string v in if Int.of_string v >= 0 then "(" ^ v ^ "L)" else v ^ "L") | (k, ps) -> (k, json_to_string ps) in ps ~f:edit let edit_all_your_base (ps: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = let edit = function | ("output_base", v) -> let v = json_to_string v in ("output_base", if Int.of_string v >= 0 then v else "(" ^ v ^ ")") | ("input_base", v) -> let v = json_to_string v in ("input_base", if Int.of_string v >= 0 then v else "(" ^ v ^ ")") | (k, v) -> (k, json_to_string v) in ps ~f:edit let edit_dominoes (ps: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = let two_elt_list_to_tuple (j: json): string = match j with | `List [`Int x1; `Int x2] -> sprintf "(%d,%d)" x1 x2 | _ -> failwith "two element list expected, but got " ^ (json_to_string j) in let edit (p: (string * json)) = match p with | ("input", `List j) -> ("input", "[" ^ ( ~f:two_elt_list_to_tuple j |> String.concat ~sep:"; ") ^ "]") | (k, v) -> (k, json_to_string v) in ps ~f:edit let edit_space_age (ps: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = let edit = function | ("planet", v) -> ("planet", json_to_string v |> strip_quotes) | (k, v) -> (k, json_to_string v) in ps ~f:edit let edit_bowling (ps: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = let edit = function | ("property", v) -> ("property", json_to_string v |> strip_quotes) | ("roll", `Int n) -> ("roll", let s = Int.to_string n in if n < 0 then ("(" ^ s ^ ")") else s) | (k, v) -> (k, json_to_string v) in ps ~f:edit let edit_binary_search (ps: (string * json) list): (string * string) list = let open Yojson.Basic.Util in let as_array_string xs = let xs = to_list xs |> ~f:to_int |> ~f:Int.to_string in "[|" ^ String.concat ~sep:"; " xs ^ "|]" in let edit = function | ("array", v) -> ("array", as_array_string v) | (k, v) -> (k, json_to_string v) in ps ~f:edit let edit_parameters ~(slug: string) (parameters: (string * json) list) = match (slug, parameters) with | ("hello-world", ps) -> default_value ~key:"name" ~value:"None" (optional_strings ~f:(fun _x -> true) parameters) | ("say", ps) -> edit_say ps | ("all-your-base", ps) -> edit_all_your_base ps | ("dominoes", ps) -> edit_dominoes ps | ("space-age", ps) -> edit_space_age ps | ("bowling", ps) -> edit_bowling ps | ("binary-search", ps) -> edit_binary_search ps | (_, ps) -> map_elements json_to_string ps let expected_key_name slug = match slug with | "dominoes" -> "can_chain" | _ -> "expected" let cases_name _slug = "cases"