{"version":3,"sources":["../../../../src/govuk/components/hint/_index.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;EACE;IACE,8BAA8B;;IAE9B,+BAA+B;;IAE/B,mCAAmC;EACrC;;EAEA,4EAA4E;EAC5E,kDAAkD;;EAElD,6EAA6E;EAC7E,4EAA4E;EAC5E,OAAO;;EAEP,uEAAuE;EACvE,0EAA0E;;EAE1E;IACE,+BAA+B;EACjC;;EAEA,6EAA6E;EAC7E,6DAA6D;;EAE7D,4EAA4E;EAC5E,6EAA6E;EAC7E,oBAAoB;;EAEpB,uEAAuE;EACvE,0EAA0E;;EAE1E,iBAAiB;EACjB;IACE,+BAA+B;EACjC;;EAEA,uDAAuD;EACvD;IACE,6BAA6B;EAC/B;AACF","file":"_index.scss","sourcesContent":["@include govuk-exports(\"govuk/component/hint\") {\n .govuk-hint {\n @include govuk-font($size: 19);\n\n margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(3);\n\n color: $govuk-secondary-text-colour;\n }\n\n // Reduces margin-bottom of hint when used after the default label (no class)\n // or govuk-label--s for better vertical alignment.\n\n // This adjustment will not work when the label is inside the

, however it\n // is unlikely that the default or govuk-label--s class would be used in this\n // case.\n\n // This adjustment will not work in browsers that do not support :not().\n // Users with these browsers will see the default size margin (5px larger).\n\n .govuk-label:not(.govuk-label--m):not(.govuk-label--l):not(.govuk-label--xl) + .govuk-hint {\n margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(2);\n }\n\n // Reduces margin-bottom of hint when used after the default legend (no class)\n // or govuk-fieldset__legend--s for better vertical alignment.\n\n // This adjustment will not work when the legend is outside the

, however\n // it is unlikely that the default or govuk-fieldset__legend--s class would be\n // used in this case.\n\n // This adjustment will not work in browsers that do not support :not().\n // Users with these browsers will see the default size margin (5px larger).\n\n // prettier-ignore\n .govuk-fieldset__legend:not(.govuk-fieldset__legend--m):not(.govuk-fieldset__legend--l):not(.govuk-fieldset__legend--xl) + .govuk-hint {\n margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(2);\n }\n\n // Reduces visual spacing of legend when there is a hint\n .govuk-fieldset__legend + .govuk-hint {\n margin-top: govuk-spacing(-1);\n }\n}\n"]}