require 'spec_helper' require 'reek/smells/too_many_statements' require 'reek/smells/smell_detector_shared' def process_method(source) end def process_singleton_method(source) end describe Reek::Smells::TooManyStatements do it 'should not report short methods' do src = 'def short(arga) alf = f(1);@bet = 2;@cut = 3;@dit = 4; @emp = 5;end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:TooManyStatements) end it 'should report long methods' do src = 'def long() alf = f(1);@bet = 2;@cut = 3;@dit = 4; @emp = 5;@fry = 6;end' expect(src).to reek_only_of(:TooManyStatements) end it 'should not report initialize' do src = <<-EOS def initialize(arga) alf = f(1); @bet = 2; @cut = 3; @dit = 4; @emp = 5; @fry = 6 end EOS expect(src).not_to reek_of(:TooManyStatements) end it 'should report long inner block' do src = <<-EOS def long() f(3) self.each do |xyzero| xyzero = 1 xyzero = 2 xyzero = 3 xyzero = 4 xyzero = 5 xyzero = 6 end end EOS expect(src).to reek_only_of(:TooManyStatements) end end describe Reek::Smells::TooManyStatements do it 'counts 1 assignment' do method = process_method('def one() val = 4; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 3 assignments' do method = process_method('def one() val = 4; val = 4; val = 4; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(3) end it 'counts 1 attr assignment' do method = process_method('def one() val[0] = 4; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 1 increment assignment' do method = process_method('def one() val += 4; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 1 increment attr assignment' do method = process_method('def one() val[0] += 4; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 1 nested assignment' do method = process_method('def one() val = fred = 4; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts returns' do method = process_method('def one() val = 4; true; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(2) end it 'counts nil returns' do method = process_method('def one() val = 4; nil; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(2) end end describe Reek::Smells::TooManyStatements, 'does not count control statements' do it 'counts 1 statement in a conditional expression' do method = process_method('def one() if val == 4; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 3 statements in a conditional expression' do method = process_method('def one() if val == 4; callee(); callee(); callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(3) end it 'counts 1 statements in an else' do method = process_method('def one() if val == 4; callee(); else; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(2) end it 'counts 3 statements in an else' do method = process_method(' def one() if val == 4 callee(); callee(); callee() else callee(); callee(); callee() end end ') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(6) end it 'does not count empty conditional expression' do method = process_method('def one() if val == 4; ; end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(0) end it 'does not count empty else' do method = process_method('def one() if val == 4; ; else; ; end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(0) end it 'counts extra statements in an if condition' do method = process_method('def one() if begin val = callee(); val < 4 end; end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 1 statement in a while loop' do method = process_method('def one() while val < 4; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 3 statements in a while loop' do source = 'def one() while val < 4; callee(); callee(); callee(); end; end' expect(process_method(source).num_statements).to eq(3) end it 'counts extra statements in a while condition' do method = process_method('def one() while begin val = callee(); val < 4 end; end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 1 statement in a until loop' do method = process_method('def one() until val < 4; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 3 statements in a until loop' do source = 'def one() until val < 4; callee(); callee(); callee(); end; end' expect(process_method(source).num_statements).to eq(3) end it 'counts 1 statement in a for loop' do method = process_method('def one() for i in 0..4; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 3 statements in a for loop' do source = 'def one() for i in 0..4; callee(); callee(); callee(); end; end' expect(process_method(source).num_statements).to eq(3) end it 'counts 1 statement in a rescue' do method = process_method('def one() begin; callee(); rescue; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(2) end it 'counts 3 statements in a rescue' do method = process_method(' def one() begin callee(); callee(); callee() rescue callee(); callee(); callee() end end ') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(6) end it 'counts 1 statement in a when' do method = process_method('def one() case fred; when "hi"; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end it 'counts 3 statements in a when' do method = process_method(' def one() case fred when "hi" then callee(); callee() when "lo" then callee() end end ') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(3) end it 'counts 1 statement in a case else' do source = 'def one() case fred; when "hi"; callee(); else; callee(); end; end' expect(process_method(source).num_statements).to eq(2) end it 'counts 3 statements in a case else' do method = process_method(' def one() case fred when "hi" then callee(); callee(); callee() else callee(); callee(); callee() end end ') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(6) end it 'does not count empty case' do method = process_method('def one() case fred; when "hi"; ; when "lo"; ; end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(0) end it 'does not count empty case else' do method = process_method('def one() case fred; when "hi"; ; else; ; end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(0) end it 'counts 2 statement in an iterator' do method = process_method('def one() fred.each do; callee(); end; end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(2) end it 'counts 4 statements in an iterator' do source = 'def one() fred.each do; callee(); callee(); callee(); end; end' expect(process_method(source).num_statements).to eq(4) end it 'counts 1 statement in a singleton method' do method = process_singleton_method('def; callee(); end') expect(method.num_statements).to eq(1) end end describe Reek::Smells::TooManyStatements do before(:each) do @detector = build(:smell_detector, smell_type: :TooManyStatements, source: 'source_name') end it_should_behave_like 'SmellDetector' context 'when the method has 30 statements' do before :each do @num_statements = 30 ctx = double('method_context').as_null_object expect(ctx).to receive(:num_statements).and_return(@num_statements) expect(ctx).to receive(:config_for).with(described_class).and_return({}) @smells = @detector.examine_context(ctx) end it 'reports only 1 smell' do expect(@smells.length).to eq(1) end it 'reports the number of statements' do expect(@smells[0].parameters[:count]).to eq(@num_statements) end it 'reports the correct smell sub class' do expect(@smells[0].smell_type).to eq(described_class.smell_type) end end end