# frozen_string_literal: true # Run using: rake --rakefile benchmark.rake [tasks] $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib")) require "benchmark" require "benchmark/ips" require "appsignal" def process_rss `ps -o rss= -p #{Process.pid}`.to_i end GC.disable task :default => :"benchmark:all" namespace :benchmark do task :all => [:memory_inactive, :memory_active, :ips] task :memory_inactive do puts "Memory benchmark with AppSignal off" ENV["APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY"] = nil run_benchmark end task :memory_active do puts "Memory benchmark with AppSignal on" ENV["APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY"] = "something" run_benchmark end task :ips do puts "Iterations per second benchmark" start_agent Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config( :time => 5, :warmup => 2 ) x.report("monitor transaction inactive") do |times| ENV["APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY"] = nil monitor_transaction("transaction_#{times}") end x.report("monitor transaction active") do |times| ENV["APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY"] = "something" monitor_transaction("transaction_#{times}") end x.compare! end end end def start_agent Appsignal.configure(:production) do |config| config.endpoint = "http://localhost:8080" end Appsignal.start end def monitor_transaction(transaction_id) transaction = Appsignal::Transaction.create( transaction_id, Appsignal::Transaction::HTTP_REQUEST ) transaction.set_action("HomeController#show") transaction.add_params(:id => 1) Appsignal.instrument("process_action.action_controller") do Appsignal.instrument_sql( "sql.active_record", nil, "SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = ?" ) 10.times do Appsignal.instrument_sql( "sql.active_record", nil, "SELECT `todos`.* FROM `todos` WHERE `todos`.`id` = ?" ) end Appsignal.instrument( "render_template.action_view", "app/views/home/show.html.erb" ) do 5.times do Appsignal.instrument( "render_partial.action_view", "app/views/home/_piece.html.erb" ) do 3.times do Appsignal.instrument("cache.read") end end end end end Appsignal::Transaction.complete_current! end def run_benchmark no_transactions = (ENV["NO_TRANSACTIONS"] || 100_000).to_i no_threads = (ENV["NO_THREADS"] || 1).to_i total_objects = ObjectSpace.count_objects[:TOTAL] puts "Initializing, currently #{total_objects} objects" puts "RSS: #{process_rss}" start_agent puts "Appsignal #{Appsignal.active? ? "active" : "not active"}" threads = [] puts "Running #{no_transactions} normal transactions in #{no_threads} threads" puts(Benchmark.measure do no_threads.times do thread = Thread.new do no_transactions.times do |i| monitor_transaction("transaction_#{i}") end end thread.abort_on_exception = true threads << thread end threads.each(&:join) puts "Finished" end) puts "Done, currently #{ObjectSpace.count_objects[:TOTAL] - total_objects} objects created" puts "RSS: #{process_rss}" end