module MangoPay # See class PayIn < Resource include HTTPCalls::Fetch include HTTPCalls::Refund # Fetches list of refunds belonging to the given +pay_in_id+. # # Optional +filters+ is a hash accepting following keys: # - +page+, +per_page+, +sort+: pagination and sorting params (see MangoPay::HTTPCalls::Fetch::ClassMethods#fetch) # - +Status+: TransactionStatus {CREATED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED} # - +ResultCode+: string representing the transaction result def self.refunds(pay_in_id, filters = {}) url = url(pay_in_id) + '/refunds' MangoPay.request(:get, url, {}, filters) end module Card # See class Web < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/card/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end def self.extended(pay_in_id) MangoPay.request(:get, extended_url(pay_in_id), {}, {}) end # See # example: data = MangoPay::PayIn::Card::Web.extended(12639078) def self.extended_url(pay_in_id) escaped_pay_in_id = CGI.escape(pay_in_id.to_s) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/card/web/#{escaped_pay_in_id}/extended" end end # See class Direct < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/card/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end end module PreAuthorized # See class Direct < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/preauthorized/direct" end end end module BankWire # See class Direct < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/bankwire/direct" end end class ExternalInstruction < Resource end end module DirectDebit # See class Web < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/directdebit/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end # See class Direct < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/directdebit/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end end module PayPal # See class Web < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/paypal/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end end module Payconiq class Web < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/payconiq/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end end module ApplePay class Direct < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/applepay/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end end module GooglePay class Direct < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/googlepay/#{CGI.escape(class_name.downcase)}" end end end module RecurringPayments class Recurring < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create include HTTPCalls::Fetch include HTTPCalls::Update def self.url(*args) if args.any? "#{MangoPay.api_path}/recurringpayinregistrations/#{args.first}" else "#{MangoPay.api_path}/recurringpayinregistrations" end end end class CIT < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/recurring/card/direct" end end class MIT < Resource include HTTPCalls::Create def self.url(*) "#{MangoPay.api_path}/payins/recurring/card/direct" end end end end end