require "json" module Formalist module RichText # Our input data looks like this example, which consists of 3 elements: # # 1. A text line # 2. embedded form data # 3. Another text line # # [ # ["block",["unstyled","b14hd",[["inline",[[],"Before!"]]]]], # ["block",["atomic","48b4f",[["entity",["formalist","1","IMMUTABLE",{"name":"image_with_caption","label":"Image with caption","data":{"image_id":"5678","caption":"Large panda"}},[["inline",[[],"ΒΆ"]]]]]]]], # ["block",["unstyled","aivqi",[["inline",[[],"After!"]]]]] # ] # # We want to intercept the embededed form data and transform them into full # form ASTs, complete with validation messages. class EmbeddedFormCompiler attr_reader :embedded_forms def initialize(embedded_form_collection) @embedded_forms = embedded_form_collection end def call(ast) return ast if ast.nil? ast = ast.is_a?(String) ? JSON.parse(ast) : ast { |node| visit(node) } end alias_method :[], :call private def visit(node) name, nodes = node handler = :"visit_#{name}" if respond_to?(handler, true) send(handler, nodes) else [name, nodes] end end # We need to visit blocks in order to get to the formalist entities nested within them def visit_block(node) type, id, children = node ["block", [type, id, { |child| visit(child) }]] end def visit_entity(node) type, key, mutability, entity_data, children = node return ["entity", node] unless type == "formalist" embedded_form = embedded_forms[entity_data["name"]] compiled_entity_data = entity_data.merge( "label" => embedded_form.label, "form" => prepare_form_ast(embedded_form, entity_data["data"]) ) ["entity", [type, key, mutability, compiled_entity_data, children]] end def prepare_form_ast(embedded_form, data) # Run the raw data through the validation schema validation = embedded_form.schema.(data) # And then through the embedded form's input processor (which may add # extra system-generated information necessary for the form to render # fully) input = embedded_form.input_processor.(validation.to_h) embedded_form.form.fill(input: input, errors: validation.errors.to_h).to_ast end end end end