module Hobo module Dryml # Raised when the part context fails its integrity check. class PartContext class TamperedWithPartContext < StandardError; end class Id < String; end class << self attr_accessor :secret, :digest end self.digest = 'SHA1' def self.client_side_storage(contexts, session) return "" if contexts.empty? do |dom_id, context| code = context.marshal(session).split("\n").map{|line| "'#{line}\\n'"}.join(" +\n ") "hoboParts.#{dom_id} = (#{code})\n" end.join end def initialize(part_name, this_id, locals) @part_name = part_name @this_id = this_id @locals = {|l| pre_marshal(l) } end def pre_marshal(x) if x.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && x.respond_to?(:typed_id) else x end end def marshal(session) context = [@part_name, @this_id, @locals] data = Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(context)).strip digest = self.class.generate_digest(data, session) "#{data}--#{digest}" end class << self # Generate the HMAC keyed message digest. Uses SHA1 by default. def generate_digest(data, session) secret = self.secret || ActionController::Base.cached_session_options.first[:secret] key = secret.respond_to?(:call) ? : secret OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(, key, data) end # Unmarshal part context to a hash and verify its integrity. def unmarshal(client_store, this, session) data, digest = CGI.unescape(client_store).strip.split('--') raise TamperedWithPartContext unless digest == generate_digest(data, session) part_name, this_id, locals = Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(data)) [part_name, restore_part_this(this_id, this), restore_locals(locals)] end def restore_part_this(this_id, this) if this_id == "this" or this_id.blank? this elsif this_id == "nil" nil else Hobo.object_from_dom_id(this_id) end end def restore_locals(locals) do |l| if l.is_a?(Id) Hobo.object_from_dom_id(l) else l end end end end end end end