require 'spec_helper' require 'ostruct' describe Rspec::Core::CommandLineOptions do def options_from_args(*args) end describe 'color_enabled' do example "-c, --colour, or --color should be parsed as true" do options_from_args('-c').should include(:color_enabled => true) options_from_args('--color').should include(:color_enabled => true) options_from_args('--colour').should include(:color_enabled => true) end example "--no-color should be parsed as false" do options_from_args('--no-color').should include(:color_enabled => false) end end describe 'formatter' do example '-f or --formatter with no arguments should be parsed as nil' do options_from_args('--formatter').should include(:formatter => nil) end example '-f or --formatter with an argument should parse' do options_from_args('--formatter', 'd').should include(:formatter => 'd') options_from_args('-f', 'd').should include(:formatter => 'd') options_from_args('-fd').should include(:formatter => 'd') end end describe 'profile_examples' do example "-p or --profile should be parsed as true" do options_from_args('-p').should include(:profile_examples => true) options_from_args('--profile').should include(:profile_examples => true) end end describe 'line_number' do it "is parsed from -l or --line_number" do options_from_args('-l','3').should include(:line_number => '3') options_from_args('--line_number','3').should include(:line_number => '3') end end describe "example" do it "is parsed from --example or -e" do options_from_args('--example','foo').should include(:full_description => /foo/) options_from_args('-e','bar').should include(:full_description => /bar/) end end describe "options" do it "is parsed from --options or -o" do options_from_args('--options', 'spec/spec.opts').should include(:options_file => "spec/spec.opts") options_from_args('-o', 'foo/spec.opts').should include(:options_file => "foo/spec.opts") end it "defaults to spec/spec.opts when you don't give it a file path" do options_from_args('-o').should include(:options_file => "spec/spec.opts") options_from_args('--options').should include(:options_file => "spec/spec.opts") end it "loads automatically" do cli_options =[]).parse File.stub(:exist?) { true } File.stub(:readlines) { ["--formatter", "doc"] } config = cli_options.apply(config) config.formatter.should == 'doc' end it "allows options on one line" do cli_options =[]).parse File.stub(:exist?) { true } File.stub(:readlines) { ["--formatter doc"] } config = cli_options.apply(config) config.formatter.should == 'doc' end it "merges options from the CLI and file options gracefully" do cli_options =['--formatter', 'progress', '--options', 'spec/spec.opts']).parse cli_options.stub!(:parse_spec_file_contents).and_return(:full_backtrace => true) config = cli_options.apply(config) config.full_backtrace.should == true config.formatter.should == 'progress' end it "CLI options trump file options" do cli_options =['--formatter', 'progress', '--options', 'spec/spec.opts']).parse cli_options.stub!(:parse_spec_file_contents).and_return(:formatter => 'documentation') config = cli_options.apply(config) config.formatter.should == 'progress' end end describe "files_or_directories_to_run" do it "parses files from '-c file.rb dir/file.rb'" do options_from_args("-c", "file.rb", "dir/file.rb").should include(:files_or_directories_to_run => ["file.rb", "dir/file.rb"]) end it "parses dir from 'dir'" do options_from_args("dir").should include(:files_or_directories_to_run => ["dir"]) end it "parses dir and files from 'spec/file1_spec.rb, spec/file2_spec.rb'" do options_from_args("dir", "spec/file1_spec.rb", "spec/file2_spec.rb").should include(:files_or_directories_to_run => ["dir", "spec/file1_spec.rb", "spec/file2_spec.rb"]) end end describe "--backtrace (-b)" do it "sets full_backtrace on config" do options_from_args("--backtrace").should include(:full_backtrace => true) options_from_args("-b").should include(:full_backtrace => true) end end describe "--debug (-d)" do it "sets debug on config" do options_from_args("--debug").should include(:debug => true) options_from_args("-d").should include(:debug => true) end end end