# Routing Form Calendlyr::RoutingForm Information about a routing form. Visit official [API Doc](https://developer.calendly.com/api-docs/20e016678903c-routing-form) ## Client requests ### Retrieve Get a specified Routing Form. Visit official [API Doc](https://developer.calendly.com/api-docs/910a7e2f573e8-get-routing-form) ```ruby client.routing_forms.retrieve(uuid: form_uuid) #=> # ``` ### List Get a list of Routing Forms for a specified Organization. Visit official [API Doc](https://developer.calendly.com/api-docs/9fe7334bec6ad-list-routing-forms) For the example bellow we will use only required parameters, but you can use any other parameter as well. ```ruby client.routing_forms.list(organization: organization_uri) #=> #, ...], @count=nil, @next_page=nil, @next_page_token=nil, @client=#> ``` ## Object methods ### Associated Organization ```ruby routing_form.associated_organization #=> # ``` ### Submissions For the example bellow we will use not parameters, but you can use the allowed parameters in Calendly docs. ```ruby routing_form.submissions #=> #, ...], @count=nil, @next_page=nil, @next_page_token=nil, @client=#> ```