--- en: activemodel: attributes: proposal: body: Body category_id: Category scope_id: Scope title: Title user_group_id: Create proposal as proposal_answer: answer: Answer decidim: features: proposals: actions: create: Create vote: Vote name: Proposals settings: global: announcement: Announcement attachments_allowed: Allow attachments comments_enabled: Comments enabled geocoding_enabled: Geocoding enabled maximum_votes_per_proposal: Maximum votes per proposal new_proposal_help_text: New proposal help text official_proposals_enabled: Official proposals enabled proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled proposal_limit: Proposal limit per user vote_limit: Vote limit per user step: announcement: Announcement comments_blocked: Comments blocked creation_enabled: Proposal creation enabled proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled votes_blocked: Votes blocked votes_enabled: Votes enabled votes_hidden: Votes hidden (if votes are enabled, checking this will hide the number of votes) proposals: actions: answer: Answer new: New title: Actions admin: actions: preview: Preview exports: comments: Comments proposals: Proposals models: proposal: name: Proposal proposal_answers: edit: accepted: Accepted answer_proposal: Answer evaluating: Evaluating rejected: Rejected title: Answer for proposal %{title} proposals: answer: invalid: There's been a problem answering this proposal success: Proposal successfully answered create: invalid: There's been a problem creating this proposal success: Proposal successfully created form: attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" select_a_category: Select a category index: title: Proposals new: create: Create title: Create proposal answers: accepted: Accepted evaluating: Evaluating not_answered: Not answered rejected: Rejected create: error: There's been errors when saving the proposal. success: Proposal created successfully. models: proposal: fields: category: Category id: ID official_proposal: Official proposal scope: Scope state: State title: Title votes: Votes new: limit_reached: You can't create new proposals since you've exceeded the limit. proposal_votes: create: error: There's been errors when voting the proposal. proposals: author: deleted: Deleted user verified_user_group: Verified organization count: proposals_count: one: 1 proposal other: "%{count} proposals" filters: accepted: Accepted activity: Activity all: All category: Category category_prompt: Select a category citizens: Citizens evaluating: Evaluating official: Official origin: Origin rejected: Rejected related_to: Related to scope_prompt: Select a scope scopes: Scopes search: Search state: State voted: Voted filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold index: new_proposal: New proposal view_proposal: View proposal linked_proposals: proposal_votes: one: 1vote other: %{count}votes new: attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" back: Back select_a_category: Please select a category send: Send title: New proposal orders: label: 'Order proposals by:' most_voted: Most voted random: Random recent: Recent proposal: view_proposal: View proposal show: proposal_accepted_reason: 'This proposal has been accepted because:' proposal_in_evaluation_reason: This proposal is being evaluated proposal_rejected_reason: 'This proposal has been rejected because:' report: Report vote_button: already_voted: Already voted maximum_votes_reached: Vote limit reached no_votes_remaining: No votes remaining vote: Vote votes_blocked: Voting disabled votes_count: count: one: VOTE other: VOTES voting_rules: maximum_votes_per_proposal: description: Each proposal can receive a maximum of %{limit} votes. proposal_limit: description: You can create up to %{limit} proposals. title: 'Voting is subject to the following rules:' vote_limit: description: You can vote up to %{limit} proposals. left: Remaining votes: Votes resource_links: included_proposals: proposal_projects: 'Proposal appearing in these projects:' proposal_results: 'Proposal appearing in these results:'