module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: class Base # :nodoc: module ThreadIdentityMap # :nodoc: # ClassIdMap do the job of properly use typecasted +id+ value of model object # for search in a cache class ClassIdMap def initialize(klass) @objects = {} @object = klass.allocate @object.instance_variable_set(:@attributes, {:id=>nil}) @object.instance_variable_set(:@attributes_cache, {}) end def [](id) = id @objects[] end def []=(id, v) = id @objects[] = v end def delete(id) = id @objects.delete( end end # Manages separated object caches for each model class IdMap def initialize @objects = {} end def for_class(klass) @objects[ klass.base_class ] ||= end end module ClassMethods # Creates new identity map and put it in thread local storage # # For most use cases +with_id_map+ should be used instead. # # Usage: # ActiveRecord::Base.create_identity_map def create_identity_map set_thread_id_map end # Remove identity map from thread local storage # # For most use cases +without_id_map+ should be used instead. # # Usage: # ActiveRecord::Base.drop_identity_map def drop_identity_map set_thread_id_map nil end # Execute block with identity map. # # If it called with +true+, then new instance of identity map would be used # regardless of any present. # # If it called with +false+, then it only ensures that identity map created if absent. # # Default is +true+ # # Usage: # ActiveRecord::Base.with_id_map do # #do_some_actions # end def with_id_map( fresh = true) old = thread_id_map create_identity_map if fresh || old.nil? yield ensure set_thread_id_map old end # Execute block with identity map turned off. # # Usage: # ActiveRecord::Base.without_id_map do # #do_some_actions # end def without_id_map old = thread_id_map drop_identity_map yield ensure set_thread_id_map old end protected def thread_id_map Thread.current[:ar_identity_map] end def thread_id_map=(v) Thread.current[:ar_identity_map] = v end alias set_thread_id_map thread_id_map= end end extend ThreadIdentityMap::ClassMethods end end