require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../helper")) module Johnson module TraceMonkey class RubyLandProxyTest < Johnson::TestCase def setup @runtime = end def test_constructing_a_proxy_directly_asplodes assert_raise(Johnson::Error) { } end def test_objects_get_wrapped_as_proxies assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, @runtime.evaluate("x = {}")) assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, @runtime.evaluate("new Object()")) end def test_proxies_get_unwrapped_when_roundtripping proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = {}") @runtime["y"] = proxy assert(@runtime.evaluate("x === y")) end def test_reponds_to? proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = {}") assert ! proxy.respond_to?(:foo) assert ! proxy.respond_to?("foo") end def test_array_indexable proxy = @runtime.evaluate("var x = [1,2,3]; x") assert_equal(1, proxy[0]) assert_equal(1, proxy['0']) proxy[0] = 10 assert_js_equal(10, 'x[0]') end def test_hash_indexable proxy = @runtime.evaluate("var x = { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3 }; x") assert_equal(1, proxy[0]) assert_equal(1, proxy['0']) proxy[0] = 10 assert_js_equal(10, 'x[0]') end def test_functions_get_wrapped_as_proxies f = @runtime.evaluate("function() {}") assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, f) assert(f.function?) end def test_function? f = @runtime.evaluate("function() {}") assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, f) assert(f.function?) f = @runtime.evaluate("new Object()") assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, f) assert(!f.function?) end def test_calling_non_functions_complains o = @runtime.evaluate("new Object()") assert_equal(false, o.respond_to?(:call)) assert_raise(NoMethodError) { } end def test_functions_can_be_called f = @runtime.evaluate("function() { return 42; }") assert_equal(42, end def test_functions_can_be_called_with_args f = @runtime.evaluate("function(x) { return x * 2; }") assert_equal(84, end def test_functions_can_be_used_as_procs f = @runtime.evaluate("function(x) { return x * 2; }") a = [1, 2, 3] assert_equal([2, 4, 6], a.collect(&f)) end def test_function_proxies_are_called_with_a_global_this f = @runtime.evaluate("x = 42; function() { return this.x; }") assert_equal(42, end def test_can_be_indexed_by_string proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 42 }") assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, proxy) assert_equal(42, proxy["foo"]) proxy["foo"] = 99 proxy["bar"] = 42 assert_js_equal(99, "") assert_equal(99, proxy["foo"]) assert_equal(42, proxy["bar"]) end def test_can_be_indexed_by_symbol proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 42 }") assert_kind_of(Johnson::TraceMonkey::RubyLandProxy, proxy) assert_equal(42, proxy[:foo]) proxy[:foo] = 99 proxy[:bar] = 42 assert_js_equal(99, "") assert_equal(99, proxy[:foo]) assert_equal(42, proxy[:bar]) end def test_multilevel_indexing_works proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: { bar: 42 , baz: function() { return 42 } } }") assert_equal(42, proxy["foo"]["bar"]) assert_equal(42, proxy["foo"]["baz"].call) end def test_respond_to_works proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 42 }") assert(!proxy.respond_to?(:bar)) assert(proxy.respond_to?(:foo)) end def test_respond_to_always_returns_true_for_assignment proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = {}") assert(proxy.respond_to?(:bar=)) end def test_accessor proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 42 }") assert_equal(42, end def test_mutator proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = {}") = 42 assert_js_equal(42, "") assert_equal(42, end def test_method_with_no_arguments proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: function() { return 42 } }") assert_equal(42, end def test_method_with_one_argument proxy = @runtime.evaluate("f = { f: function(x) { return x * 2 } }") assert_equal(84, proxy.f(42)) end def test_method_with_multiple_arguments proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { add: function(x, y) { return x + y } }") assert_equal(42, proxy.add(40, 2)) end def test_supports_each_on_arrays proxy = @runtime.evaluate("[1, 2, 3]") values = [] proxy.each { |n| values << n } assert_equal([1, 2, 3], values) end def test_supports_each_on_things_that_arent_arrays proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 'fooval', bar: 'barval' }; x[0] = 42; x") values = {} proxy.each { |k, v| values[k] = v } assert_equal({ 'foo' => 'fooval', 'bar' => 'barval', 0 => 42 }, values) end def test_each_passes_an_exception proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 'fooval', bar: 'barval' }; x[0] = 42; x") values = {} assert_raise(RuntimeError) do proxy.each do |k, v| values[k] = v raise "splat" if values.keys.size == 2 end end assert_equal({ 'foo' => 'fooval', 'bar' => 'barval' }, values) end def test_is_enumerable proxy = @runtime.evaluate("[1, 2, 3]") assert_kind_of(Enumerable, proxy) assert_equal([2, 4, 6], proxy.collect { |n| n * 2 }) end def test_has_a_length proxy = @runtime.evaluate("[1, 2, 3]") assert_equal(3, proxy.length) end def test_length_is_aliased_as_size proxy = @runtime.evaluate("[1, 2, 3]") assert_equal(3, proxy.size) end def test_length_for_arrays_ignores_non_numeric_properties proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = [1, 2, 3]; x['foo'] = 'bar'; x") assert_equal(3, proxy.length) end def test_length_for_objects_includes_all_properties proxy = @runtime.evaluate("x = { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', 0: 42 }") assert_equal(3, proxy.length) end def test_raises_in_js @runtime["foo"] = lambda { raise"an exception") } raised = @runtime.evaluate "x = null; try { foo(); } catch(ex) { x = ex; }; x" assert_equal "#<RuntimeError: an exception>", raised.message end def test_uncaught_exceptions_have_decent_stack_trace @runtime["foo"] = lambda { raise"an exception") } line_number = __LINE__ - 1 # reference to previous line begin @runtime.evaluate "foo()" rescue Exception => e assert_equal "#<RuntimeError: an exception> at (none):1", e.message assert_match %r/none:1\b/, e.backtrace[0] assert_match %r/#{__FILE__}:#{line_number}\b/, e.backtrace[1] else flunk "exception was not raised" end end def test_array_multiple_assignment a = @runtime.evaluate("[1,2,3]") x, y, z = a assert_equal(1, x) assert_equal(2, y) assert_equal(3, z) end # FIXME: If you uncomment this test, we get this error: # # JS API usage error: the address passed to JS_AddNamedRoot currently holds an # invalid jsval. This is usually caused by a missing call to JS_RemoveRoot. # The root's name is "ruby_land_proxy.c[210]:native_call: proxy_value". # Assertion failure: root_points_to_gcArenaList, at jsgc.c:2618 # # WTF? # # -Aaron # #def test_throwing_in_js_goes_to_ruby # func = @runtime.evaluate('function () { throw "foo"; }') # assert_raise(Johnson::Error) { # # } #end end end end