Select a destination invoice:

<% if @errors_during_move.length > 0 -%>

The following error(s) prevented your move from completing:

<% end -%>

The following un-published invoices are available targets for this move:

<% form_remote_tag( :url => { :action => "move_to_invoice", :id => params[:id], :eid => params[:eid], :nested => 'true', :parent_model => 'Invoice', :parent_column => 'activities' }, :loading => "Modalbox.hide();$('#{loading_indicator_id(:action => :pagination)}').style.visibility = 'visible';", :complete => "$('#{loading_indicator_id(:action => :pagination)}').style.visibility = 'hidden';", :failure => "ActiveScaffold.report_500_response('#{active_scaffold_id}')", :method => :get ) do %> <% if @dest_invoices and @dest_invoices.length > 0 -%> <%= select_tag( 'move_to_invoice_id', options_for_select( [['(None)', nil]]+@dest_invoices.collect{|inv| [inv.long_name,]}, params[:move_to_invoice_id].to_i ) ) %> <% else -%>

We're sorry, but no un-published invoices were available in the database for this move.

<% end -%>

This activity's client and invoice association will be matched with the selected destination. If "(None)" is selected, this actvity will be removed from its current invoice, and placed back in the unassigned activity queue.

<%= submit_tag 'Move...', :class => "MB_focusable" %> or <%= link_to_function 'Cancel & Close', "Modalbox.hide();", :class => "MB_focusable", :title => 'Cancel & Close' %>

<% end %>