# This file contain all settings for the core module. # set application name used for titles, links ecc. application_name: Lato Management System # set possible permissions for superusers. superusers_permissions: operator: value: 1 title: Operator editor: value: 2 title: Editor admin: value: 3 title: Admin developer: value: 4 title: Developer # set the default superuser info created if no users are present on th system. default_superuser: name: Core surname: Lato email: lato@mail.com username: lato password: WelcomeToLato! # google maps API key (used for maps inputs). google_maps_api_key: AIzaSyBc45CKHFw7q3WK4FJO2jybNnYSZ3bKFW8 # set main template colors. colors: white: '#ffffff' black: '#000000' grey: '#ecf0f1' main: '#34495e' active: '#2980b9' danger: '#e74c3c' warning: '#f39c12' success: '#27ae60' # set menu for the module. menu: core_dashboard: icon: tachometer title: translate[dashboard] url: /lato/core/dashboard position: 1 permission_min: 0 permission_max: 99 core_superusers: icon: users title: translate[superusers] url: /lato/core/superusers position: 2 permission_min: 0 permission_max: 99 sub_items: new: title: translate[superusers_new] url: /lato/core/superusers/new permission_min: 0 permission_max: 99 all: title: translate[superusers_index] url: /lato/core/superusers permission_min: 0 permission_max: 99 core_documentation: icon: book title: translate[documentation] url: /lato/core/doc position: 1001 permission_min: 4 permission_max: 99 # set assets for the module. -> Please, do not edit default assets. assets: core_style: path: lato_core/application type: stylesheet core_script: path: lato_core/application type: javascript # set widgets for the module. -> This is a test widget. Remove it. widgets: core_system_info: icon: info path: lato_core/widgets/systeminfo position: 1 title: Info # set partials added at the end of the layout. partials: core_dynamic_data_to_js: path: lato_core/partials/dynamic_data_to_js position: 1 core_gmaps: path: lato_core/partials/gmaps position: 2