describe 'Array' describe '.toSentence' it 'should return an empty string if you pass a 0-length array' expect([].toSentence()).to(be, ''); end it 'should return the lone value if you pass a 1-length array' expect(['banana'].toSentence()).to(be, 'banana'); end it 'should concatenate only using "and" if you pass a 2-length array' expect(['apple', 'banana'].toSentence()).to(be, 'apple and banana'); end it 'should use different concatenators for a 3+-length array' expect(['apple', 'banana', 'chocolate'].toSentence()).to(be, 'apple, banana, and chocolate'); end end describe '.dup' it 'should create an independently modifiable array' var a = [1, 2, 3]; var b = a.dup(); a.shift(); expect(a.length).to(be, 2); expect(b.length).to(be, 3); end end describe '.each' it 'should correctly work through this array of arrays' var i = 0; [ ['awesome'], ['attended', "school"], ['died'], ['name', {'is': "Jerome"}] ].each(function(item) { i += 1; }); expect(i).to(be, 4); end end describe '.inject' it 'should count 4 objects in [12,32,12,11]' expect([12,32,12,11].inject(0, function(i, item) { return i + 1; })).to(be, 4); end end describe '.collect' it 'should make each word lowercase in ["BIG", "ANGRY", "WORDS"]' expect(["BIG", "ANGRY", "WORDS"].collect(function(word) { return word.toLowerCase(); })).to(eql, ["big", "angry", "words"]); end end describe '.find' it 'should return the first word with an "a" in it' expect(["not", "me", "what?", "me"].find(function(word) { return /a/i.test(word); })).to(be, "what?") end end describe '.select' it 'should return all members of the array where fn(member) is true' expect(["this", "nope", "that", "this"].select(function(word){ return word == "this"; })).to(eql, ["this", "this"]); end end end describe 'Object' describe '.keys' it 'should return the properties of a JSON object' expect(Object.keys({one:1, test:2, contains:'hi'})).to(eql, ['one', 'test', 'contains']); end end end