# Features: # * ORM agnostic # * works with arrays and Plain Old Ruby Objects (POROs) (just provide: #id, #updated_at) # * supports locale # * recognizes subdomains # * deletion from and addition to collections sorted in ascending order (via embedded `count` in the key) # * accepts `cache_owner_cache_key` for personalized cache, eg. current_company.cache_key, current_user.cache_key etc. # * filters params with proper non-utf8 data handling for key generation # * recognizes pagination via params (performs well for less than 100 objects per page) # * allows to set default page and per_page or sort order or any param in `default_params` to avoid multiple different default caches # * includes all params, not only GET's `query` params, which enables submitting of complex forms via POST, # which - otherwise - would have query string longer than 2048 characters (Microsoft Internet Explorer) # * optional whitelist of first level parameters to prevent accidentally generating duplicated cache # * strips utm_* params # * optional suffix for: # * expiry tags (unlike :expires_in cache option, this offers full :file_store storage compatibility) # * any edge cases # * file differentiation and file changes are handled separately by Rails' `cache` helper (md5 is added at the end of cache path) # * one key instead of many, but also unobtrusive (example in haml): # ```haml # - cache [cache_key_for(@articles, 'articles'), @some_active_model_object, 'box-type-view'] do # (...) # ``` # * core concept of Russian Doll Caching is touching: `belongs_to :some_model, touch: true`, but if you do not use `touch`, you can still cache safely like this (example in haml): # ```haml # - cache [cache_key_for(@articles, 'articles'), @some_model_instance] do # (...) # ``` # Example (haml): # ```haml # - cache cache_key_for(@service.datacenters, 'datacenters', current_company.cache_key, Time.now.utc.to_date.to_s) do # (...) # ``` # Rails will generate cache at: # ``` # app_name:views/en/datacenters/5bd92bd352e7726d02175752913014711f5d412e/companies/1-20150619101645935901000/2015-06-26/7a6f89a738006a69c1d1e0214e147bab # ``` module CacheKeyForHelper def cache_key_for(scoped_collection, collection_prefix, cache_owner_cache_key = '', suffix = '', whitelist_params = [], default_params = {}) if scoped_collection.respond_to?(:maximum) # ActiveRecord begin max_updated_at = scoped_collection.maximum(scoped_collection.table_name + '.updated_at').to_f # can't use join table as query root if query includes polimorphic associations rescue ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError Rails.logger.debug "[CacheKeyForHelper] Fallback to array (ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError)" scoped_collection = scoped_collection.to_a max_updated_at = scoped_collection.to_a.map { |i| i.updated_at ? i.updated_at.utc.to_f : 0 }.max end elsif scoped_collection.class == Array max_updated_at = scoped_collection.to_a.map { |i| i.updated_at ? i.updated_at.utc.to_f : 0 }.max elsif scoped_collection.respond_to?(:max) # Mongoid max_updated_at = scoped_collection.max(:updated_at).to_f end count = scoped_collection.count if scoped_collection.respond_to?(:ids) ids_string = scoped_collection.ids else ids_string = scoped_collection.to_a.map(&:id).join('-') end blacklist_params = ['utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'utm_campaign'] request_params = if request.params if whitelist_params.empty? default_params.merge(request.params).reject { |k, _v| blacklist_params.map(&:to_s).include?(k.to_s) } else default_params.merge(request.params).select { |k, _v| whitelist_params.map(&:to_s).include?(k.to_s) } end.map { |k, v| [k.to_s.dup.force_encoding('UTF-8'), v.dup.to_s.force_encoding('UTF-8')] } else nil end digest = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{ids_string}-#{max_updated_at}-#{count}-#{request.subdomains.join('.')}-#{request.path}-#{request_params}") # puts "Caller: #{caller.first}" # puts "generated cache key digest base: #{ids_string}-#{max_updated_at}-#{count}-#{request.subdomains.join('.')}-#{request.path}-#{request_params}" # puts "generated cache key: #{I18n.locale}/#{collection_prefix}/#{digest}/#{cache_owner_cache_key}/#{suffix}" "#{I18n.locale}/#{collection_prefix}/#{digest}/#{cache_owner_cache_key}/#{suffix}" end end