require 'spec_helper' require 'howitzer/utils/locator_store' RSpec.describe 'Locator store' do let(:bad_name) { 'name' } let(:error) { Howitzer::LocatorNotDefinedError } shared_examples 'locator methods' do |prefix, web_page| describe "#{prefix}locator" do context 'when bad locator given' do subject { web_page.locator(bad_name) } it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with(error, bad_name).once.and_call_original expect { subject }.to raise_error(error) end end context 'when CSS locator given' do before { web_page.add_locator :base_locator, 'base_locator' } subject { web_page.locator(:base_locator) } it { eq('base_locator') } end context 'when XPATH locator given' do before { web_page.add_locator :test_xpath, xpath: "//select[@id='modelOptions']/option[@value='m6']" } subject { web_page.locator(:test_xpath) } it { eq([:xpath, "//select[@id='modelOptions']/option[@value='m6']"]) } end end describe "#{prefix}link_locator" do context 'when bad locator given' do subject { web_page.link_locator(bad_name) } it { expect {subject}. to raise_error(error) } end context 'when correct locator given' do before { web_page.add_link_locator :link_locator, 'link_locator' } subject { web_page.link_locator(:link_locator) } it { eq('link_locator') } end end describe "#{prefix}field_locator" do context 'when bad locator given' do subject { web_page.field_locator(bad_name) } it { expect {subject}. to raise_error(error) } end context 'when correct locator given' do before { web_page.add_field_locator :field_locator, 'field_locator' } subject { web_page.field_locator(:field_locator) } it { eq('field_locator') } end end describe "#{prefix}button_locator" do context 'when bad locator given' do subject { web_page.button_locator(bad_name) } it { expect {subject}. to raise_error(error) } end context 'when correct locator given' do before { web_page.add_button_locator :button_locator, 'button_locator' } subject { web_page.button_locator(:button_locator) } it { eq('button_locator') } end end describe "#{prefix}find_element" do context 'when existing locator name given' do context 'of base type' do before { web_page.add_locator :test_locator, '.foo' } subject { web_page.find_element(name) } context 'as string' do let(:name) { 'test_locator' } it do expect(web_page.is_a?(Class) ? web_page : web_page.class).to receive(:find).with('.foo') subject end end context 'as symbol' do let(:name) { :test_locator } it do expect(web_page.is_a?(Class) ? web_page : web_page.class).to receive(:find).with('.foo') subject end end end context 'when link locator or other' do before { web_page.add_link_locator :test_link_locator, 'foo' } subject { web_page.find_element(:test_link_locator) } it do expect(web_page.is_a?(Class) ? web_page : web_page.class).to receive(:find_link).with('foo') subject end end end context 'when not existing locator name' do subject { web_page.find_element(:unknown_locator) } it { expect{ subject }.to raise_error(Howitzer::LocatorNotDefinedError, 'unknown_locator') } end end describe "#{prefix}first_element" do context 'when existing locator name given' do context 'of base type' do before { web_page.add_locator :test_locator, '.foo' } subject { web_page.first_element(name) } context 'as string' do let(:name) { 'test_locator' } it do expect(web_page.is_a?(Class) ? web_page : web_page.class).to receive(:first).with('.foo') subject end end context 'as symbol' do let(:name) { :test_locator } it do expect(web_page.is_a?(Class) ? web_page : web_page.class).to receive(:first).with('.foo') subject end end end context 'when link locator or other' do before { web_page.add_link_locator :test_link_locator, 'foo' } subject { web_page.first_element(:test_link_locator) } it do expect(web_page.is_a?(Class) ? web_page : web_page.class).to receive(:first).with(:link, 'foo') subject end end end context 'when not existing locator name' do subject { web_page.first_element(:unknown_locator) } it { expect{ subject }.to raise_error(Howitzer::LocatorNotDefinedError, 'unknown_locator') } end end describe "#{prefix}apply" do context 'when bad locator given' do before { web_page.add_locator :test_locator, lambda{|test| test} } let(:locator) { lambda{|test| test} } subject { web_page.apply(locator, 'test') } it { expect {subject}.to raise_error(NoMethodError) } end context 'when correct locator given' do before { web_page.add_locator :test_locator, lambda{|location_name| {xpath: ".//a[contains(.,'#{location_name}')]"}} } let(:locator) { lambda{|location_name| {xpath: ".//a[contains(.,'#{location_name}')]"}} } subject { web_page.apply(locator, 'Kiev') } it { eq([:xpath, ".//a[contains(.,'Kiev')]"]) } end end end context 'Class methods' do it_behaves_like 'locator methods', '.',{ include LocatorStore } end context 'Instance methods' do it_behaves_like 'locator methods', '#',{ include LocatorStore }.new end end