# *ProductScope* is model for storing named scopes with their arguments, # to be used with ProductGroups. # # Each product Scope can be applied to Product (or product scope) with #apply_on method # which returns new combined named scope # class ProductScope < ActiveRecord::Base # name # arguments belongs_to :product_group serialize :arguments validate :check_validity_of_scope extend ::Scopes::Dynamic # Get all products with this scope def products if Product.respond_to?(name) Product.send(name, *arguments) end end # Applies product scope on Product model or another named scope def apply_on(another_scope) array = *self.arguments if Product.respond_to?(self.name.intern) relation2 = if (array.blank? || array.size < 2) Product.send(self.name.intern, array.try(:first)) else Product.send(self.name.intern, *array) end else relation2 = Product.search({self.name.intern => array}).relation end unless another_scope.class == ActiveRecord::Relation another_scope = another_scope.send(:relation) end another_scope.merge(relation2) end before_validation(:on => :create) { # Add default empty arguments so scope validates and errors aren't caused when previewing it if name && args = ::Scopes::Product.arguments_for_scope_name(name) self.arguments ||= ['']*args.length end } # checks validity of the named scope (if its safe and can be applied on Product) def check_validity_of_scope errors.add(:name, "is not a valid scope name") unless Product.respond_to?(self.name.intern) apply_on(Product).limit(0) != nil rescue Exception => e unless Rails.env.production? puts "name: #{self.name}" puts "arguments: #{self.arguments.inspect}" puts e.message puts e.backtrace end errors.add(:arguments, "are incorrect") end # test ordering scope by looking for name pattern or missed arguments def is_ordering? name =~ /^(ascend_by|descend_by)/ || arguments.blank? end def to_sentence result = I18n.t(:sentence, :scope => [:product_scopes, :scopes, self.name], :default => "") result = I18n.t(:name, :scope => [:product_scopes, :scopes, self.name]) if result.blank? result % [*self.arguments] end def to_s to_sentence end end