@numerology Feature: Formatting a number In order to format numbers the format_like method formats a number with a human readable example. @integer Scenario Outline: Format integers by example Given the integer "" When I format using the example "" Then I produce "" Examples: | value | example | output | | 123456 | 1,111 | 123,456 | | 123456 | 1.111 | 123.456 | | 123456 | 1 111 | 123 456 | | 1234567 | 1,111 | 1,234,567 | | 1234567 | 1.111 | 1.234.567 | | 1234 | 01111 | 01234 | | 123 | 01111 | 00123 | | 12 | 01111 | 00012 | | 12345 | 01111 | 12345 | | 12345 | 01,111 | 12,345 | | 1234 | 01,111 | 01,234 | | 123 | 01,111 | 00,123 |