unless defined? Adhearsion if File.exists? File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../adhearsion/lib/adhearsion.rb" # If you wish to freeze a copy of Adhearsion to this app, simply place a copy of Adhearsion # into a folder named "adhearsion" within this app's main directory. require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../adhearsion/lib/adhearsion.rb" elsif File.exists? File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../../../../lib/adhearsion.rb" # This file may be ran from the within the Adhearsion framework code (before a project has been generated) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../../../../lib/adhearsion.rb" else require 'rubygems' gem 'adhearsion', '>= 0.7.999' require 'adhearsion' end end require 'adhearsion/component_manager/spec_framework' RESTFUL_RPC = ComponentTester.new("restful_rpc", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../..") ##### This is here for a reference #{"CONTENT_LENGTH" => "12", # "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", # "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" => "CGI/1.1", # "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml", # "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "gzip, deflate", # "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Basic amlja3N0YTpyb2ZsY29wdGVyeg==", # "HTTP_HOST" => "localhost:5000", # "HTTP_VERSION" => "HTTP/1.1", # "PATH_INFO" => "/rofl", # "QUERY_STRING" => "", # "rack.errors" => StringIO.new(""), # "rack.input" => StringIO.new('["o","hai!"]'), # "rack.multiprocess" => false, # "rack.multithread" => true, # "rack.run_once" => false, # "rack.url_scheme" => "http", # "rack.version" => [0, 1], # "REMOTE_ADDR" => "::1", # "REMOTE_HOST" => "localhost", # "REMOTE_USER" => "jicksta", # "REQUEST_METHOD" => "POST" # "REQUEST_PATH" => "/", # "REQUEST_URI" => "http://localhost:5000/rofl", # "SCRIPT_NAME" => "", # "SERVER_NAME" => "localhost", # "SERVER_PORT" => "5000", # "SERVER_PROTOCOL" => "HTTP/1.1", # "SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.6/2008-03-03)"} describe "The VALID_IP_ADDRESS regular expression" do it "should match only valid IP addresses" do valid_ip_addresses = ["", "", "", "123.*.4.*"] invalid_ip_addresses = [" foo", "bar", "0*0*0*0", "1234"] valid_ip_addresses. each { |ip| RESTFUL_RPC::VALID_IP_ADDRESS.should =~ ip } invalid_ip_addresses.each { |ip| RESTFUL_RPC::VALID_IP_ADDRESS.should_not =~ ip } end end describe "The initialization block" do it "should create a new Thread" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {} mock(Thread).new { nil } RESTFUL_RPC.initialize! end it "should run the Rack adapter specified in the configuration" do mock(Thread).new.yields mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"adapter" => "Mongrel"} mock(Rack::Handler::Mongrel).run is_a(Proc), :Port => 5000 RESTFUL_RPC.initialize! end it "should wrap the RESTFUL_API_HANDLER in an Rack::Auth::Basic object if authentication is enabled" do mock(Thread).new.yields mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"authentication" => {"foo" => "bar"}} proper_authenticator = lambda do |obj| request = OpenStruct.new :credentials => ["foo", "bar"] obj.is_a?(Rack::Auth::Basic) && obj.send(:valid?, request) end mock(Rack::Handler::Mongrel).run(satisfy(&proper_authenticator), :Port => 5000) RESTFUL_RPC.initialize! end it 'should wrap the RESTFUL_API_HANDLER in ShowStatus and ShowExceptions objects when show_exceptions is enabled' do mock(Thread).new.yields mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"show_exceptions" => true} mock.proxy(Rack::ShowExceptions).new(is_a(Proc)) mock.proxy(Rack::ShowStatus).new is_a(Rack::ShowExceptions) mock(Rack::Handler::Mongrel).run is_a(Rack::ShowStatus), :Port => 5000 RESTFUL_RPC.initialize! end end describe 'Private helper methods' do describe "the RESTFUL_API_HANDLER lambda" do it "should return a 200 for requests which execute a method that has been defined in the methods_for(:rpc) context" do component_manager = Adhearsion::Components::ComponentManager.new('/path/shouldnt/matter') mock(Adhearsion::Components).component_manager { component_manager } component_manager.load_code <<-RUBY methods_for(:rpc) do def testing_123456(one,two) [two.reverse, one.reverse] end end RUBY input = StringIO.new %w[jay phillips].to_json mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"path_nesting" => "/"} env = {"PATH_INFO" => "/testing_123456", "rack.input" => input} response = RESTFUL_RPC::RESTFUL_API_HANDLER.call(env) response.should be_kind_of(Array) response.should have(3).items response.first.should equal(200) JSON.parse(response.last).should eql(%w[jay phillips].map(&:reverse).reverse) end it "should return a 400 when no data is POSTed" do env = {"rack.input" => StringIO.new(""), "REQUEST_URI" => "/foobar"} RESTFUL_RPC::RESTFUL_API_HANDLER.call(env).first.should equal(400) end it "should work with a high level test of a successful method invocation" do component_manager = Adhearsion::Components::ComponentManager.new('/path/shouldnt/matter') mock(Adhearsion::Components).component_manager { component_manager } component_manager.load_code ' methods_for(:rpc) do def rofl(one,two) "Hai! #{one} #{two}" end end' env = { "CONTENT_LENGTH" => "12", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" => "CGI/1.1", "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "gzip, deflate", "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Basic amlja3N0YTpyb2ZsY29wdGVyeg==", "HTTP_HOST" => "localhost:5000", "HTTP_VERSION" => "HTTP/1.1", "PATH_INFO" => "/rofl", "QUERY_STRING" => "", "rack.errors" => StringIO.new(""), "rack.input" => StringIO.new('["o","hai!"]'), "rack.multiprocess" => false, "rack.multithread" => true, "rack.run_once" => false, "rack.url_scheme" => "http", "rack.version" => [0, 1], "REMOTE_ADDR" => "::1", "REMOTE_HOST" => "localhost", "REMOTE_USER" => "jicksta", "REQUEST_METHOD" => "POST", "REQUEST_PATH" => "/", "REQUEST_URI" => "http://localhost:5000/rofl", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "", "SERVER_NAME" => "localhost", "SERVER_PORT" => "5000", "SERVER_PROTOCOL" => "HTTP/1.1", "SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.6/2008-03-03)" } response = RESTFUL_RPC::RESTFUL_API_HANDLER.call(env) JSON.parse(response.last).should == ["Hai! o hai!"] end it "should contain backtrace information when show_errors is enabled and an exception occurs" do mock_component_config_with :restful_api => {"show_errors" => true} pending end end describe 'the ip_allowed?() method' do before :each do @method = RESTFUL_RPC.helper_method :ip_allowed? end it 'should raise a ConfigurationError if "access" is not one of "everyone", "whitelist" or "blacklist"' do good_access_values = %w[everyone whitelist blacklist] bad_access_values = %w[foo bar qaz qwerty everone blaclist whitlist] good_access_values.each do |access_value| mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => access_value, "whitelist" => [], "blacklist" => []} lambda { @method.call("") }.should_not raise_error end bad_access_values.each do |access_value| mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => access_value, "authentication" => false} lambda { @method.call("") }.should raise_error(Adhearsion::Components::ConfigurationError) end end describe 'whitelists' do it "should parse *'s as wildcards" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => "whitelist", "whitelist" => ["10.*.*.*"]} @method.call("").should be_true end it "should allow IPs which are explictly specified" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => "whitelist", "whitelist" => [""]} @method.call("").should be_true end it "should not allow IPs which are not explicitly specified" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => "whitelist", "whitelist" => %w[]} @method.call("").should be_false end end describe 'blacklists' do it "should parse *'s as wildcards" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => "blacklist", "blacklist" => ["10.*.*.*"]} @method.call("").should be_false end it "should not allow IPs which are explicitly specified" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => "blacklist", "blacklist" => ["", ""]} @method.call("").should be_false end it "should allow IPs which are not explicitly specified" do mock_component_config_with :restful_rpc => {"access" => "blacklist", "blacklist" => [""]} @method.call("").should be_true end end describe '"everyone" access' do it "should return true for any IP given, irrespective of the configuration" do ip_addresses = %w[ *.0.0.*] ip_addresses.each do |address| RESTFUL_RPC.helper_method(:ip_allowed?).call(address).should equal(true) end end end end end