<% # Variables: # - @proposal: Proposal record # - @comment: Comment record, may be a new_record or one with error # - @focus_comment: Focus on comment? E.g., because it has an error # - @display_comment_form: Display the comment? # - @kind: :session or :proposal, optional. @kind ||= :proposal page_title h(@proposal.title) include_user_favorites_javascript run_when_dom_is_ready( 'bind_calendar_items();' ) focus :comment_message if @focus_comment show_private_note = (can_edit?(@proposal) || selector?) && ! @proposal.note_to_organizers.blank? %> <% content_for :meta do %> <% published_type = proposal_statuses? && (@event.proposal_status_published? && @proposal.confirmed? ? 'A session ' : 'A proposed session ') metadescription = "#{published_type if published_type}at #{@event.title}" metadescription << " by #{@proposal.users.fullnames}" if multiple_presenters? && @proposal.users.size > 1 %> 200) %>"> <%- if OpenConferenceWare.twitter -%> <%- end -%> <%- if user_profiles? -%> <%- if multiple_presenters? && first_user_with_twitter = @proposal.users.detect{|u| !u.twitter.blank?} -%> <%- elsif !multiple_presenters? && !@proposal.user.twitter.blank? -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% content_for :scripts do %> <% end %> <% if @selector_vote %>
SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBER: <%= @proposal.user_favorites.count %> users have favorited this proposal. <%= form_for(@selector_vote, :url => proposal_selector_vote_path(@proposal), :html => {:method => :post}) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :rating %> <%= f.label :comment %>
<%= f.select :rating, [ ["Choose one:", ""], ["0 - Horrible", 0], ["1 - Poor" , 1], ["2 - Fair", 2], ["3 - Average", 3], ["4 - Good", 4], ["5 - Awesome", 5], ["x - I don't know", -1]] %> <% focus(:selector_vote_rating) %> <%= f.text_area :comment, :rows => 2 %> <%= f.submit "Vote and next!" %>
<% if previous_proposal_path = previous_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %> <%= link_to("← Previous", previous_proposal_path) %> <% else %> First proposal! <% end %> | <% if next_proposal_path = next_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %> <%= link_to("Next →", next_proposal_path) %> <% else %> Last proposal! <% end %>
<% end %>
Protip: You can vote quickly by just pressing the number of rating to choose it because it's focused on page load, then Tab to the comment field and fill it, then Tab to the "Vote" button and Enter to submit!
<% end %> <%= user_favorite_control_for @proposal %> <%= render :partial => "open_conference_ware/proposals/admin_controls" %> <%= cache "#{@kind}_#{@proposal.id},edit_#{can_edit?(@proposal)},private_note_#{show_private_note}" do %> <% unless multiple_presenters? %>
<% unless @profile.affiliation.blank? %> <% end %> <% if can_edit?(@proposal) %> <% email = @profile.email %> <% end %> <% unless @profile.website.blank? %> <% end %>


<% if user_profiles? %> <%= link_to(h(@proposal.user.fullname), user_path(@proposal.user)) %> <% else %> <%=h @proposal.presenter %> <% end %>

<%=h @profile.affiliation %>

<%=link_to h(email), "mailto:"+h(email) %>

<%= display_link_to @profile.website %>

<%= preserve_formatting_of @profile.biography %>
<% end %>
<% if current_user_is_proposal_speaker? %> <% if proposal_statuses? && @event.show_proposal_confirmation_controls? && @proposal.accepted? %>

Congratulations, your proposal was accepted!

Are you are still able and willing to deliver this talk at the conference?

<%= link_to "Yes, I'll be there!", speaker_confirm_path(@proposal), :method => :post, :class => 'confirmable' %> <%= link_to 'No, I decline.', speaker_decline_path(@proposal), :data => { :confirm => 'Are you sure?' }, :method => :post, :class => 'deletable' %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% unless @proposal.audio_url.blank? %>

Session Audio

<%= link_to "Download audio of this session", @proposal.audio_url %>

<% end -%>
<% if proposal_statuses? && @event.proposal_status_published? %> <% if @proposal.confirmed? %>
Accepted Session
<% else %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if event_tracks? %>
<%= link_to(h(@proposal.track.try(:title)), event_track_path(@proposal.event, @proposal.track)) || "- N/A -" %>
<% end %> <% if event_session_types? && @proposal.session_type && ! @proposal.session_type.title.blank? && @event.session_types.size > 1 %> <%= link_to(h(@proposal.session_type.try(:title)), event_session_type_path(@proposal.event, @proposal.session_type), :class=>'session_type') || "- N/A -" %> <% end %> <% unless @proposal.audience_level_label.blank? %>
<%= @proposal.audience_level_label %>
<% end %>
<%= @proposal.slug %>
<% if schedule_visible? && @proposal.start_time %>
Scheduled: <%= normalize_time(@proposal, :format => :html) %> <% if event_rooms? && @proposal.room %> in <%= link_to h(@proposal.room.name), @proposal.room %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% if @proposal.session_notes_url && @event.proposal_titles_locked? %>
<%= link_to "Session notes", @proposal.session_notes_url, :class => "showable" %>
<% end -%>
<% if proposal_excerpts? %>


<%= preserve_formatting_of @proposal.excerpt %> <% end %>


<%= display_textile_for @proposal.description %> <% unless @proposal.tags.empty? %>


<%= @proposal.tag_list %>

<% end %> <% if proposal_speaking_experience? %>

Speaking experience

<%= preserve_formatting_of @proposal.speaking_experience %> <% end %> <% if show_private_note %>

Private Note to Organizers

<%= preserve_formatting_of @proposal.note_to_organizers %> <% end %>
<% if can_edit?(@proposal) %> <%= link_to 'Edit proposal', edit_proposal_path(@proposal), :class => "editable" %> <%= link_to 'Destroy proposal', @proposal, :data => { :confirm => 'Are you sure?' }, :method => :delete, :class => "deletable" %> <% end %> <%= link_to "Back to list of #{@kind.to_s.pluralize}", records_path, :class => "cancelable" %>
<% if multiple_presenters? %>

<%= @proposal.users.size == 1 ? "Speaker" : "Speakers" %>

<%= render :partial => 'open_conference_ware/users/list', :locals => { :users => @proposal.users.by_name, :hide_rooms => true, :only_for_event => @event } %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if admin? or selector? %> <%= cache "proposal_#{@proposal.id},comments_list" do %>


<%= render :partial => 'open_conference_ware/comments/list', :locals => { :comments => @proposal.comments }%> <% end %> <% end %> <% if @display_comment_form %> <%= form_for(@comment, :url => proposal_comments_path(@proposal), :html => {:id => "comment-form", :class => "standard-form"}) do |f| %>

Leave a private comment to organizers about this proposal

<% unless error_messages_for(:comment).blank? %> <% end %>
  <%= error_messages_for :comment %>
<%= f.label :email, "Email address" %> <%= f.text_field :email %>
<%= f.label :message, "Comment" %> <%= f.text_area :message, :rows => 3 %>
<%= label :quagmire, "Leave blank" %> <%= text_field_tag :quagmire %>
  <%= f.submit "Create comment" %>
<% end %> <% end %>