require 'yaml' require 'pdk/version' require 'ostruct' # @summary # A class used to contain a set of configuration variables # @note # Configuration is loaded from `$HOME/.pdksync.yml`. If $HOME is not set, the config_path will use the current directory. # The configuration filename and path can be overridden with env variable PDK_CONFIG_PATH # Set PDKSYNC_LABEL to '' to disable adding a label during pdksync runs. module PdkSync class Configuration < OpenStruct SUPPORTED_SCM_PLATFORMS = [:github, :gitlab].freeze PDKSYNC_FILE_NAME = 'pdksync.yml'.freeze # Any key value added to the default config or custom config # will automatically be a new configuration item and referenced # via ie. # c = # c.api_endpoint DEFAULT_CONFIG = { namespace: 'puppetlabs', pdksync_dir: 'modules_pdksync', pdksync_gem_dir: 'gems_pdksync', push_file_destination: 'origin', create_pr_against: 'main', managed_modules: 'managed_modules.yml', pdksync_label: 'maintenance', git_platform: :github, git_base_uri: '', gitlab_api_endpoint: '', api_endpoint: nil, pdk_templates_prefix: nil, pdk_templates_ref: PDK::VERSION, pdk_templates_url: '', jenkins_platform: :jenkins, jenkins_base_uri: '', jenkins_api_endpoint: '', jenkins_server_url: '', module_is_authoritive: true }.freeze # @param config_path [String] - the path to the pdk config file def initialize(config_path = ENV['PDKSYNC_CONFIG_PATH']) @config_path = locate_config_path(config_path) @custom_config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(custom_config(@config_path)) @custom_config[:pdk_templates_ref] = "#{@custom_config[:pdk_templates_prefix]}#{@custom_config[:pdk_templates_ref]}" super(@custom_config) valid_scm?(git_platform) valid_access_token? end # @return [Hash] - returns the access settings for git scm def git_platform_access_settings @git_platform_access_settings ||= { access_token: access_token, gitlab_api_endpoint: gitlab_api_endpoint || api_endpoint, api_endpoint: api_endpoint } end def jenkins_platform_access_settings @jenkins_platform_access_settings ||= { jenkins_username: ENV['JENKINS_USERNAME'].freeze, jenkins_password: ENV['JENKINS_PASSWORD'].freeze, jenkins_api_endpoint: '' } end # @return [Hash] - returns the access settings for gemfury account def gemfury_access_settings valid_access_token_gem_fury? @gemfury_access_token = access_token_gem_fury end # @return [String] return a rendered string for pdk to use the templates def templates "--template-url=#{pdk_templates_url} --template-ref=#{pdk_templates_ref}" end # @param path [String] path to the pdksync config file in yaml format # @return [Hash] the custom configuration as a hash def custom_config(path = nil) return {} unless path return {} unless File.exist?(path) c = (YAML.load_file(path) || {}).transform_keys_to_symbols c[:git_base_uri] ||= '' if c[:git_platform].eql?(:gitlab) c end # @return [String] the path the pdksync config file, nil if not found def locate_config_path(custom_file = nil) files = [ custom_file, PDKSYNC_FILE_NAME, File.join(ENV['HOME'], PDKSYNC_FILE_NAME) ] files.find { |file| file && File.exist?(file) } end private # @return [Boolean] true if the supported platforms were specified correctly # @param scm [Symbol] - the scm type (:github or :gitlab) def valid_scm?(scm) unless SUPPORTED_SCM_PLATFORMS.include?(scm) raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported Git hosting platform '#{scm}'."\ " Supported platforms are: #{SUPPORTED_SCM_PLATFORMS.join(', ')}" end true end # @return [Boolean] true if the access token for the scm platform was supplied def valid_access_token? if access_token.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Git platform access token for #{git_platform.capitalize} not set"\ " - use 'export #{git_platform.upcase}_TOKEN=\"\"' to set" end true end # @return [Boolean] true if the access token for the gemfury was supplied def valid_access_token_gem_fury? if access_token_gem_fury.nil? raise 'Gemfury access token not set'\ " - use 'export GEMFURY_TOKEN=\"\"' to set" end true end # @return [String] the platform specific access token def access_token case git_platform when :github ENV['GITHUB_TOKEN'].freeze when :gitlab ENV['GITLAB_TOKEN'].freeze end end # @return [String] the gem_fury access token def access_token_gem_fury ENV['GEMFURY_TOKEN'].freeze end end end # monkey patch class Hash # take keys of hash and transform those to a symbols def transform_keys_to_symbols each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), memo| memo[k.to_sym] = v; } end end