/*************** SCRABBLER_JS ***************/ const getScript = document.currentScript; let form = document.querySelector("#form"); let wordCount = document.querySelector(".wordCount"); let main = document.querySelector(".main"); let errorMsg = document.querySelector(".errorMsg"); // getqueryUrl from form const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); let serachValue = params.get("search").toLowerCase(); let prefixValue = params.get("prefix"); let containsValue = params.get("contains"); let suffixValue = params.get("suffix"); let exculdeValue = params.get("exclude"); let includeValue = params.get("include"); let lengthValue = params.get("length"); let dictonary = params.get("dictionary"); // advanced filter element grabs let tick; let ok = true; let tab_container = document.querySelector(".tab_container"); let lengthSelect = document.querySelector(".length-select"); const siteUrl = getScript.dataset.url; var sortValue; var sortBool = false; let featureContainer = document.querySelector("#featureContainer") let howContainer = document.querySelector("#howContainer") let faqsContainer = document.querySelector("#faqsContainer") let infographicsContainer = document.querySelector("#infographicsContainer") txtBox.value = serachValue; let theSelect = document.getElementById("select_dropDown"); let sortingFilter = document.querySelector("#select_dropDown"); const sortup = document.querySelector(".sortup-icon"); let bool = false; // const serachSection = document.querySelector(".serachSection") const letterLen = serachSection.dataset.letter const ablank = serachSection.dataset.ablank if (ablank) { if (!serachValue.includes("?")) { if (serachValue.length <= letterLen || serachValue.length >= letterLen) { serachValue = serachValue + '?' txtBox.value = serachValue } } } sortup.addEventListener("click", () => { if (bool) { theSelect.size = 0; bool = false; theSelect.style.display = "none"; } else { bool = true; theSelect.size = 3; theSelect.style.display = "block"; } }); document.querySelector(".select_dropDown2").value = dictonary; const getDiff = (text1, text2) => { var diffRange = []; var currentRange = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < text1.length; i++) { if (text1[i] != text2[i]) { if (currentRange == undefined) { currentRange = [i]; } } if (currentRange != undefined && text1[i] == text2[i]) { currentRange.push(i); diffRange.push(currentRange); currentRange = undefined; } } if (currentRange != undefined) { currentRange.push(i); diffRange.push(currentRange); } return diffRange; }; let authorsLists = document.querySelector(".authors-list") let serachBtn = document.querySelector(".serachBtn") let searchBtnContainer = document.querySelector(".search-btn-container") let home_page_search_result let homePageSearchResult // getWords define... const worker = new Worker('/assets/js/wordfinder-worker.js'); const getData = async (serachValue) => { try { if (letterLen) { home_page_search_result = document.querySelector("#home_page_search_result") homePageSearchResult = `/?search=${serachValue}&dictionary=Dictionary&prefix=&contains=&suffix=&exculde=&inculde=&length=`; } document.querySelector(".main-header").style.background = "#fff" document.querySelector(".heading-h2").style.display = "none" document.querySelector(".sortingFilters").style.display = "none" if (featureContainer) { featureContainer.remove() } if (howContainer) { howContainer.remove() } if (faqsContainer) { faqsContainer.remove() } if (infographicsContainer) { infographicsContainer.remove() } if (authorsLists) { authorsLists.remove() } errorMsg.innerHTML = ""; wordCount.innerHTML = ""; let selectedDictionary = document.querySelector(".select_dropDown2").value; serachBtn.style.background = 'url(/assets/images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center center'; main.innerHTML = `<main class="placeholder-loader"> <ul class="o-vertical-spacing o-vertical-spacing--l"> <li class="blog-post o-media"> <div class="o-media__body"> <div class="o-vertical-spacing"> <p class="m-0"> <span class="skeleton-box" style="width:40%;"></span> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="blog-post o-media"> <div class="o-media__figure"> <span class="skeleton-box" style="width:900px;height:140px;"></span> </div> </li> <li class="blog-post o-media"> <div class="o-media__figure"> <span class="skeleton-box" style="width:900px;height:140px;"></span> </div> </li> <li class="blog-post o-media"> <div class="o-media__figure"> <span class="skeleton-box" style="width:900px;height:140px;"></span> </div> </li> </ul> </main>`; worker.postMessage({ type: "api", serachValue: serachValue, selectedDictionary: selectedDictionary, endpoint: `/.netlify/functions` }); worker.onmessage = (event) => { main.innerHTML = ""; serachBtn.style.background = 'url(/assets/images/search.svg) no-repeat center center'; getWords(event.data.data); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }; //getData calling... if (lengthValue === "1") { errorMsg.innerHTML = "words length should be more than 1"; } else { function logSubmit(event) { document.querySelector(".fillterWrapper").classList.add("hide") const scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement || document.body; scrollingElement.scroll({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); let selectedDictionary = document.querySelector(".select_dropDown2").value; event.preventDefault(); if (history.pushState) { var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + "?" + "search" + "=" + txtBox.value.toLowerCase() + "&" + "dictionary" + "=" + selectedDictionary + "&" + "prefix" + "=" + startsWith.value + "&" + "contains" + "=" + mustInclude.value + "&" + "suffix" + "=" + endsWith.value + "&" + "exclude" + "=" + exculdeWith.value + "&" + "include" + "=" + inculdeWith.value + "&" + "length" + "=" + wordLength.value; window.history.pushState({ path: newurl }, "", newurl); const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); serachValue = params.get("search"); prefixValue = params.get("prefix"); containsValue = params.get("contains"); suffixValue = params.get("suffix"); exculdeValue = params.get("exclude"); includeValue = params.get("include"); lengthValue = params.get("length"); dictonary = params.get("dictionary"); gtag("event", "page_view", { page_location: window.location.pathname + location.search, }); } getData(txtBox.value.toLowerCase()); } let selectedDictionary = document.querySelector(".select_dropDown2"); selectedDictionary.addEventListener("change", (e) => { logSubmit(e); }); form.addEventListener("submit", logSubmit); sortingFilter.addEventListener("change", logSubmit); } let previousDataIndex = null let previousID = null; let storepreviousIndex = [] let moreData = [] let data_index = 25; function getWords(data) { data_index = 25 moreData = [] storepreviousIndex = [] main.innerHTML = ""; lengthSelect.innerHTML = "" if (typeof data === "string") { errorMsg.innerHTML = "no words found"; } else { worker.postMessage({ type: 'filterwords', data: data, serachValue: serachValue, prefixValue: prefixValue, containsValue: containsValue, suffixValue: suffixValue, exculdeValue: exculdeValue, includeValue: includeValue, lengthValue: lengthValue, sortingFilter: sortingFilter.selectedIndex, dictonary: dictonary }); worker.onmessage = (event) => { if (event.data.type === "filterwords") { errorMsg.innerHTML = "" document.querySelector(".sortingFilters").style.display = "flex" let { prefixValue, containsValue, suffixValue, exculdeValue, includeValue, lengthValue, newdata, i, newWordsLength, result } = event.data moreData.push(newdata) if (prefixValue) { startsWith.nextElementSibling.querySelector("img").src = "/assets/images/close-btn.svg" startsWith.classList.add("tick"); startsWith.value = prefixValue; } if (suffixValue) { endsWith.nextElementSibling.querySelector("img").src = "/assets/images/close-btn.svg" endsWith.classList.add("tick"); endsWith.value = suffixValue; } if (containsValue) { mustInclude.nextElementSibling.querySelector("img").src = "/assets/images/close-btn.svg" mustInclude.classList.add("tick"); mustInclude.value = containsValue; } if (lengthValue) { wordLength.nextElementSibling.querySelector("img").src = "/assets/images/close-btn.svg" wordLength.classList.add("tick"); wordLength.value = lengthValue; } if (exculdeValue) { exculdeWith.nextElementSibling.querySelector("img").src = "/assets/images/close-btn.svg" exculdeWith.classList.add("tick"); exculdeWith.value = exculdeValue; } if (includeValue) { inculdeWith.nextElementSibling.querySelector("img").src = "/assets/images/close-btn.svg" inculdeWith.classList.add("tick"); inculdeWith.value = includeValue; } if (newdata.length === 0) { main.innerHTML += ""; } else { if (result[0] !== undefined) { if (wordLength.value) { lengthSelect.style.display = "none" } else { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = `${i} Letter`; option.value = i; lengthSelect.setAttribute("onchange", `Filtering(${i})`) lengthSelect.add(option); lengthSelect.style.display = "block" } if (letterLen) { home_page_search_result.href = homePageSearchResult home_page_search_result.innerHTML = `See words of any length with letters ${serachValue.split("")}` } main.innerHTML += ` <div class="allGroupWords wordlistContainer" id="alpha_${i}"> <h3 class="wordListHeading lead">${i} Letter Words</h3> <div class="wordList">${result.join("")}</div> <div class="w-100 text-center btn-container"> <button style="background: black; padding: 1rem 2rem; border-radius: 50px; color: #fff; font-size: 15px; border: none;" onclick="showMoreWords(this)" type="button" class="my-4 showmore_btn" id="${i}">More Words</button> </div> </div>` showMoreLimit() } } if (newWordsLength === 0) { errorMsg.innerHTML = "No Words Found"; document.querySelector(".sortingFilters").style.display = "none" } else { if (serachValue) { wordCount.innerHTML = `<strong>Found ${newWordsLength} words with letters with ${serachValue.split("")}</strong>`; } else { let startwithMsg = "" let endwithMsg = "" let containsMsg = "" let lengthMsg = "" let inputVal = "" if (serachValue) { inputVal = `${input.value.split("")} ` } if (prefixValue) { startwithMsg = `starting with ${prefixValue.split("")}` } if (suffixValue) { endwithMsg = `ending with ${suffixValue.split("")} ` } if (containsValue) { containsMsg = `containing with ${containsValue.split("")} ` } if (lengthValue) { lengthMsg = `with ${lengthValue} letter words` } let msg = `<strong> Found ${newWordsLength} words with letters ${lengthMsg} ${inputVal} ${startwithMsg} ${endwithMsg} ${containsMsg} </strong>` wordCount.innerHTML = `${msg} ` } } } } } } async function getMoreWords() { let flattenedArray = moreData.flat(); let uniqueArray = [...new Set(flattenedArray)];; return uniqueArray } async function showMoreWords(e) { try { let showmore = e.parentElement.children[0]; let id = showmore.id; if (previousID !== null && parseInt(previousID) !== parseInt(id)) { data_index = 25 const filteredIndexes = storepreviousIndex.filter(item => item.id === id); if (filteredIndexes.length > 0) { const lastItem = filteredIndexes[filteredIndexes.length - 1]; data_index = lastItem.data_index + 25; lastItem.data_index = data_index; } } previousID = id; storepreviousIndex.push({ data_index, id }) console.log("Current data_index:", data_index); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = `Loading...`; let content_area = document.getElementById("alpha_" + id).getElementsByClassName("wordList")[0]; const result = await getMoreWords(); let full_words = result.filter((item) => item.length === Number(id)); if (data_index < full_words.length) { for (let d = data_index; d < data_index + 25; d++) { if (full_words[d] != undefined) { let itemHtml = ""; if (serachValue) { var text1 = serachValue.replace("?", ""); var text2 = full_words[d]; var text3 = full_words[d]; let chars = text1.split(""); let indexs = []; chars.map((i) => { let findIndexes = findIndex(text3, i); if (findIndexes.length > 0) { text3 = text3.split(""); text3[findIndexes] = "$"; text3 = text3.join(""); indexs = [...indexs, ...findIndexes]; } }); text2.split("").map((itemValue, index) => { let check = indexs.find((i) => i === index); if (check !== undefined) { itemHtml += `${itemValue}`; } else { itemHtml += `<span class='highlight'>${itemValue}</span>`; } }); } else { itemHtml = full_words[d] } let ScrabbleLetterScore = ScrabbleScore(); let points = 0; full_words[d] = full_words[d].toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < full_words[d].length; i++) { points += ScrabbleLetterScore[full_words[d][i]] || 0; // for unknown characters } let span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("class", "points"); span.setAttribute("value", `${points}`); span.innerHTML = `${points}`; let a = document.createElement("a"); a.setAttribute("class", "anchor__style"); a.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); a.setAttribute("href", "/word-meaning?search=" + full_words[d].replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, '')); a.setAttribute("data-original-title", `Lookup ${full_words[d].replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, '')} in Dictionary`) a.innerHTML = ` ${itemHtml} `; a.appendChild(span) content_area.appendChild(a); } } document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = `More Words`; data_index += 25; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching or processing data:", error); } } // Scrabble Point Array const ScrabbleScore = (dictonary) => { let twl06_sowpods = { a: 1, e: 1, i: 1, o: 1, u: 1, l: 1, n: 1, r: 1, s: 1, t: 1, d: 2, g: 2, b: 3, c: 3, m: 3, p: 3, f: 4, h: 4, v: 4, w: 4, y: 4, k: 5, j: 8, x: 8, q: 10, z: 10, }; let wwfScore = { a: 1, b: 4, c: 4, d: 2, e: 1, f: 4, g: 3, h: 3, i: 1, j: 10, k: 5, l: 2, m: 4, n: 2, o: 1, p: 4, q: 10, r: 1, s: 1, t: 1, u: 2, v: 5, w: 4, x: 8, y: 3, z: 10, }; if (dictonary === "wwf") { return wwfScore; } else { return twl06_sowpods; } }; function showMoreLimit() { let tableFooter = document.querySelectorAll(".btn-container") let showmore = document.querySelectorAll(".showmore_btn"); for (let i = 0; i < showmore.length; i++) { let data_of_button = document.getElementById("alpha_" + showmore[i].getAttribute("id")); let final_data = data_of_button.getElementsByClassName("anchor__style"); if (final_data.length < 25) { tableFooter[i].style.display = "none"; } } } // handling of filter on scroll window.onscroll = function () { var section = document.querySelectorAll(".wordlistContainer"); let new_sections = {}; Array.prototype.forEach.call(section, function (e) { if (document.body.clientWidth > 991) { new_sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10; } else { new_sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10; } }); var scrollPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; for (i in new_sections) { let sort_val = document.querySelector(".sort-select").value; if ( i.split("_")[0] == sort_val && new_sections[i] && new_sections[i] <= scrollPosition ) { // document.querySelector(".active-tab").classList.remove("active-tab"); // var active_now = document.querySelector("#Tab_" + i.split("_")[1]); // active_now.classList.add("active-tab"); // active_now.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); } } }; let sections = {}; function Filtering(id) { id = lengthSelect.value let tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("tab_link"); tabs[0] ? tabs[0].classList.add("active-tab") : ""; Array.from(tabs).map((item) => { item.classList.remove("active-tab"); }); main.innerHTML += ``; let activeLetter = event.target; activeLetter.classList.add("active-tab"); var section = document.querySelectorAll(".allGroupWords"); var sort_val = "alpha"; Array.prototype.forEach.call(section, function (e) { if (document.body.clientWidth > 991) { sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10; } else { sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10; } }); document.documentElement.scrollTop = sections[sort_val + "_" + id] + 5; setTimeout(() => { document.documentElement.scrollTop = sections[sort_val + "_" + id] + 5; }, 150); } function findIndex(str, char) { const strLength = str.length; const indexes = []; let newStr = str; while (newStr && newStr.indexOf(char) > -1) { indexes.push(newStr.indexOf(char) + strLength - newStr.length); newStr = newStr.substring(newStr.indexOf(char) + 5); newStr = newStr.substring(newStr.indexOf(char) + 5); } return indexes; }