/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Main authors: * Guido Tack * * Copyright: * Guido Tack, 2007 * * Last modified: * $Date: 2012-02-22 16:04:20 +1100 (Wed, 22 Feb 2012) $ by $Author: tack $ * $Revision: 12537 $ * * This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint * development environment: * http://www.gecode.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef __GECODE_FLATZINC_AST_HH__ #define __GECODE_FLATZINC_AST_HH__ #include #include #include #include /** * \namespace Gecode::FlatZinc::AST * \brief Abstract syntax trees for the %FlatZinc interpreter */ namespace Gecode { namespace FlatZinc { namespace AST { class Call; class Array; class Atom; class SetLit; /// %Exception signaling type error class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT TypeError { private: std::string _what; public: TypeError() : _what("") {} TypeError(std::string what) : _what(what) {} std::string what(void) const { return _what; } }; /** * \brief A node in a %FlatZinc abstract syntax tree */ class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT Node { public: /// Destructor virtual ~Node(void); /// Append \a n to an array node void append(Node* n); /// Test if node has atom with \a id bool hasAtom(const std::string& id); /// Test if node is int, if yes set \a i to the value bool isInt(int& i); /// Test if node is function call with \a id bool isCall(const std::string& id); /// Return function call Call* getCall(void); /// Test if node is function call or array containing function call \a id bool hasCall(const std::string& id); /// Return function call \a id Call* getCall(const std::string& id); /// Cast this node to an array node Array* getArray(void); /// Cast this node to an Atom node Atom* getAtom(void); /// Cast this node to an integer variable node int getIntVar(void); /// Cast this node to a Boolean variable node int getBoolVar(void); /// Cast this node to a set variable node int getSetVar(void); /// Cast this node to an integer node int getInt(void); /// Cast this node to a Boolean node bool getBool(void); /// Cast this node to a Float node double getFloat(void); /// Cast this node to a set literal node SetLit *getSet(void); /// Cast this node to a string node std::string getString(void); /// Test if node is an integer variable node bool isIntVar(void); /// Test if node is a Boolean variable node bool isBoolVar(void); /// Test if node is a set variable node bool isSetVar(void); /// Test if node is an integer node bool isInt(void); /// Test if node is a Boolean node bool isBool(void); /// Test if node is a string node bool isString(void); /// Test if node is an array node bool isArray(void); /// Test if node is a set literal node bool isSet(void); /// Test if node is an atom node bool isAtom(void); /// Output string representation virtual void print(std::ostream&) = 0; }; /// Boolean literal node class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT BoolLit : public Node { public: bool b; BoolLit(bool b0) : b(b0) {} virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << "b(" << (b ? "true" : "false") << ")"; } }; /// Integer literal node class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT IntLit : public Node { public: int i; IntLit(int i0) : i(i0) {} virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << "i("< s; SetLit(void) {} SetLit(int min0, int max0) : interval(true), min(min0), max(max0) {} SetLit(const std::vector& s0) : interval(false), s(s0) {} bool empty(void) const { return ( (interval && min>max) || (!interval && s.size() == 0)); } virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << "s()"; } }; /// Variable node base class class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT Var : public Node { public: int i; Var(int i0) : i(i0) {} }; /// Boolean variable node class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT BoolVar : public Var { public: BoolVar(int i0) : Var(i0) {} virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << "xb("< a; Array(const std::vector& a0) : a(a0) {} Array(Node* n) : a(1) { a[0] = n; } Array(int n=0) : a(n) {} virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << "["; for (unsigned int i=0; iprint(os); if (iprint(os); os << ")"; } Array* getArgs(unsigned int n) { Array *a = args->getArray(); if (a->a.size() != n) throw TypeError("arity mismatch"); return a; } }; /// %Node representing an array access class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT ArrayAccess : public Node { public: Node* a; Node* idx; ArrayAccess(Node* a0, Node* idx0) : a(a0), idx(idx0) {} ~ArrayAccess(void) { delete a; delete idx; } virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { a->print(os); os << "["; idx->print(os); os << "]"; } }; /// %Node representing an atom class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT Atom : public Node { public: std::string id; Atom(const std::string& id0) : id(id0) {} virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << id; } }; /// %String node class GECODE_VTABLE_EXPORT String : public Node { public: std::string s; String(const std::string& s0) : s(s0) {} virtual void print(std::ostream& os) { os << "s(\"" << s << "\")"; } }; inline Node::~Node(void) {} inline void Node::append(Node* newNode) { Array* a = dynamic_cast(this); if (!a) throw TypeError("array expected"); a->a.push_back(newNode); } inline bool Node::hasAtom(const std::string& id) { if (Array* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { for (int i=a->a.size(); i--;) if (Atom* at = dynamic_cast(a->a[i])) if (at->id == id) return true; } else if (Atom* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { return a->id == id; } return false; } inline bool Node::isCall(const std::string& id) { if (Call* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { if (a->id == id) return true; } return false; } inline Call* Node::getCall(void) { if (Call* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a; throw TypeError("call expected"); } inline bool Node::hasCall(const std::string& id) { if (Array* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { for (int i=a->a.size(); i--;) if (Call* at = dynamic_cast(a->a[i])) if (at->id == id) { return true; } } else if (Call* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { return a->id == id; } return false; } inline bool Node::isInt(int& i) { if (IntLit* il = dynamic_cast(this)) { i = il->i; return true; } return false; } inline Call* Node::getCall(const std::string& id) { if (Array* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { for (int i=a->a.size(); i--;) if (Call* at = dynamic_cast(a->a[i])) if (at->id == id) return at; } else if (Call* a = dynamic_cast(this)) { if (a->id == id) return a; } throw TypeError("call expected"); } inline Array* Node::getArray(void) { if (Array* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a; throw TypeError("array expected"); } inline Atom* Node::getAtom(void) { if (Atom* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a; throw TypeError("atom expected"); } inline int Node::getIntVar(void) { if (IntVar* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->i; throw TypeError("integer variable expected"); } inline int Node::getBoolVar(void) { if (BoolVar* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->i; throw TypeError("bool variable expected"); } inline int Node::getSetVar(void) { if (SetVar* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->i; throw TypeError("set variable expected"); } inline int Node::getInt(void) { if (IntLit* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->i; throw TypeError("integer literal expected"); } inline bool Node::getBool(void) { if (BoolLit* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->b; throw TypeError("bool literal expected"); } inline double Node::getFloat(void) { if (FloatLit* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->d; throw TypeError("float literal expected"); } inline SetLit* Node::getSet(void) { if (SetLit* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a; throw TypeError("set literal expected"); } inline std::string Node::getString(void) { if (String* a = dynamic_cast(this)) return a->s; throw TypeError("string literal expected"); } inline bool Node::isIntVar(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isBoolVar(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isSetVar(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isInt(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isBool(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isSet(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isString(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isArray(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline bool Node::isAtom(void) { return (dynamic_cast(this) != NULL); } inline Node* extractSingleton(Node* n) { if (Array* a = dynamic_cast(n)) { if (a->a.size() == 1) { Node *ret = a->a[0]; a->a[0] = NULL; delete a; return ret; } } return n; } }}} #endif // STATISTICS: flatzinc-any