require 'yaml' require 'erb' module ScalingoBackupsManager module Restore class Mysql def self.restore(filename, options = {}) opts = options.reverse_merge({ database_config_file: 'database.yml', env: 'development', host: nil, remote_database_name: nil, local_database_name: nil, skip_rm: false, port: nil, }) destination_path = filename.split("/") backup_name = destination_path.pop.gsub(".tar.gz", "") destination_path = destination_path.join("/") + backup_name + "/" if Dir.exist?(destination_path) puts "Unzipped backup is already present, skipping..." else unless Dir.exist?(destination_path) p "Creating destination folder..." Dir.mkdir(destination_path) end untar_cmd = "tar zxvf #{filename} -C #{destination_path}" p "Untar file with command #{untar_cmd}" system untar_cmd end rails_db_config = YAML.load("config/#{opts[:database_config_file]}")).result)[opts[:env]] config = { host: rails_db_config["host"], database: rails_db_config["database"], password: rails_db_config["password"], user: rails_db_config["username"], } restore_cmd = "/usr/bin/env mysql -h #{opts[:host] || config[:host]}" if config[:user].present? restore_cmd << " -u #{config[:user]}" if config[:password].present? restore_cmd << " --password=" restore_cmd << "#{config[:password]}" end end if config[:port].present? || opts[:port].present? restore_cmd << " -P #{opts[:port] || config[:port] || 5432}" end restore_cmd << " #{config[:database]}" file_path = Dir["#{destination_path}*.sql"] if file_path.empty? puts "*** No SQL file found in tar ***" return end restore_cmd << " < #{file_path.first}" puts "*** Restoring backup to mysql database ***" puts "Command: #{restore_cmd}" system(restore_cmd) #FileUtils.rm_r destination_path unless opts[:skip_rm] end end end end