module Cinch module Plugins class Octospy module Recording def self.included(base) base.class_eval do match(/watch ([\w\-\.]+)\/([\w\-\.]+)/, method: :watch_repository) match(/unwatch ([\w\-\.]+)\/([\w\-\.]+)/, method: :unwatch_repository) match(/watch ([\w\-\.]+)/, method: :watch_repositories) match(/unwatch ([\w\-\.]+)/, method: :unwatch_repositories) match(/show watched( repos(itories)?)?/, method: :show_watched_repositories) end end def watch_repository(m, owner, project) repo = "#{owner}/#{project}" unless ::Octokit.repository?(repo) m.reply "Sorry, '#{repo}' not found" return end ::Octospy.add_channel restart(m) m.reply "I started to watch the #{repo} events" end def watch_repositories(m, owner) user = ::Octokit.user?(owner) unless user m.reply "Sorry, '#{owner}' not found" return end ::Octospy.add_channel method = "#{'org_' if user.type == 'Organization'}repos".to_sym repos = ::Octokit.send(method, owner).map { |repo| repo.full_name } if repos.count > 0 m.reply "I started to watch events of #{repos.count} repositories" restart(m) end end def unwatch_repository(m, owner, project) repo = "#{owner}/#{project}" unless ::Octokit.repository?(repo) m.reply "Sorry, '#{repo}' not found" return end restart(m) m.reply "I stopped to watch the #{repo} events" end def unwatch_repositories(m, owner) repos =[]) do |repo, obj| next unless repo.split('/').first == owner opj << repo end if repos.count > 0 if > 0 m.reply "stopped to watch events of #{repos.count} repositories" restart(m) else m.reply "stopped job so no watched repository" stop(m) end end end def unwatch_all(m) end def show_watched_repositories(m) channel = if channel.nil? || channel.repos.nil? || !channel.repos m.reply 'nothing!' return end channel.repos.each.with_index(1) do |repo, i| m.reply "#{i} #{repo}" end end end end end end