module Embulk module Parser class MysqldumpTab < ParserPlugin DUMMY_STRING = "\v" FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY = "\t" FIELDS_ESCAPED_BY = '\\' FIELDS_ENCLOSED_BY = '' LINES_TERMINATED_BY = "\n" Plugin.register_parser("mysqldump_tab", self) def self.transaction(config, &control) # configuration code: parser_task = config.load_config(Java::LineDecoder::DecoderTask) task = { "decoder_task" => DataSource.from_java(parser_task.dump) # "option1" => config.param("option1", :integer), # integer, required # "option2" => config.param("option2", :string, default: "myvalue"), # string, optional # "option3" => config.param("option3", :string, default: nil), # string, optional } # attributes = {} columns = config.param(:columns, :array).map do |column| name = column["name"] type = column["type"].to_sym attributes[name] = type, name, type, column["format"]) end task[:attributes] = attributes # parser option # task[:option1] = config['option1'] # task[:option1] = config.param(:option1, :integer, default: 5) yield(task, columns) end def init # initialization code: # @option1 = task["option1"] # @option2 = task["option2"] # @option3 = task["option3"] @decoder_task = task.param("decoder_task", :hash).load_task(Java::LineDecoder::DecoderTask) end def run(file_input) decoder = { @java_file_input }, @decoder_task) while decoder.nextFile buffer = '' while line = decoder.poll buffer = buffer + line if in_column?(line) buffer = buffer.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(FIELDS_ESCAPED_BY)}/, LINES_TERMINATED_BY) next end cols = parse_line(buffer) page_builder.add(cols) buffer = '' end # When output has not ended if buffer.length > 0 cols = parse_line(buffer) page_builder.add(cols) end end page_builder.finish end def parse_line(line) # Escape "escaped TAB" temporarily line = line.gsub(/\\#{FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY}/, DUMMY_STRING) # Split with separator (TAB) cols = line.split(FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY)! { |item| item.gsub(/#{DUMMY_STRING}/, FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY) } len = task[:attributes].length cols = adjust_column(cols, len) return cols end def in_column?(line) /#{Regexp.escape(FIELDS_ESCAPED_BY)}$/.match(line) ? true : false # escaped new line end # Adjust array length def adjust_column(arr, len) arr = arr.slice(0, len) # Truncate if more than len arr.fill(0, len) { |i| arr[i] } # If it is less than len, fill it with nil end end end end