Odin ==== ![Odin Esper from Final Fantasy VI](https://github.com/benjaminoakes/odin/raw/master/images/odin-ff6.gif) ![Still Maintained?](http://stillmaintained.com/benjaminoakes/odin.png) ![Build Status](http://travis-ci.org/benjaminoakes/odin.png) Odin is an **ATN** (Augmented Transition Network) based parser for natural languages with basic part of speech tagging and word-sense disambiguation. Currently, the only supported language is English, but other languages can be added. If interested, please become a watcher. Usage ----- ruby check_grammar.rb file_name Output is saved to `file_name.checked.html`. There are some test files in "test/fixtures/". History ------- This is based on a project I made for a Computational Linguistics course at the University of Iowa (taught by now-retired [Professor Oden][oden], hence the name) back in 2007. It's not the earliest "serious" Ruby code I've written, but it's pretty close. [oden]: http://cs.uiowa.edu/~oden Contributing ------------ I'm not actively developing Odin right now, but if you have a use for it and you'd like to be a maintainer, please let me know. You can run unit and functional tests with `rake test`. Resources --------- The design of the `AugmentedTransitionNetwork` class was inspired by Paul Graham's implementation in Lisp. For details on his implementation, please see the full text of his book [_On Lisp_][onlisp] (pages 309 - 320). Also, there's a diagram of the ATN being used in `images/atn_diagram.pdf`. [onlisp]: http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisptext.html License ------- Please see the `LICENSE.md` file.