// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple, Inc. and contributors. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same notest */ var set, ret ; module("SC.IndexSet#without", { setup: function() { set = SC.IndexSet.create(1,9); } }); function iter(s) { var ret = []; s.forEach(function(k) { ret.push(k); }); return ret ; } test("should return empty set when removing self", function() { ret = set.without(set); ok(ret !== set, 'is not same instance'); same(iter(ret), []); }); test("should return set with range removed from middle", function() { ret = SC.IndexSet.create(2,6); ret = set.without(ret); ok(ret !== set, 'is not same instance'); same(iter(ret), [1,8,9]); }); test("should return set with range removed overlapping end", function() { ret = set.without(SC.IndexSet.create(6,6)); ok(ret !== set, 'is not same instance'); same(iter(ret), [1,2,3,4,5]); }); test("should return set with range removed overlapping beginning", function() { ret = set.without(SC.IndexSet.create(0,6)); ok(ret !== set, 'is not same instance'); same(iter(ret), [6,7,8,9]); }); test("should return set with multiple ranges removed", function() { ret = set.without(SC.IndexSet.create(2,2).add(6,2)); ok(ret !== set, 'is not same instance'); same(iter(ret), [1,4,5,8,9]); }); test("using without should properly hint returned index set", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create(10000,5), set2 = SC.IndexSet.create(10000), actual = set.without(set2), loc = SC.IndexSet.HINT_SIZE; while(loc<2000) { // spot check equals(actual._content[loc], 0, 'index set should have hint at loc %@ - set: %@'.fmt(loc, actual.inspect())); loc += SC.IndexSet.HINT_SIZE; } }); // .......................................................... // NORMALIZED PARAMETER CASES // test("passing no params should return clone", function() { ret = set.without(); ok(ret !== set, 'is not same instance'); ok(ret.isEqual(set), 'has same content'); }); test("passing single number should remove just that index", function() { ret = set.without(5); same(iter(ret), [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9]); }); test("passing two numbers should remove range", function() { ret = set.without(2,6); same(iter(ret), [1,8,9]); }); test("passing range object should remove range", function() { ret = set.without({ start: 2, length: 6 }); same(iter(ret), [1,8,9]); });