# ## ShellOut # # Provides a convenient feature-rich way to "shell out" to external commands. # Most useful features come from using `PTY` to execute the command. Not available # on Windows, `Kernel#system` will be used instead. # # ## Features # # ### Interruption # # The external command can be easily interrupted and `Interrupt` exception # will propagate to the calling program. # # For example while something like this can hang your terminal # # loop { system("ls -R /") } # => lists directories indefinitely, # # Ctrl-C only stops ls # # That won't be the case with ShellOut: # # require "shell_out" # include ShellOut # loop { shell_out("ls -R /") } # => when Ctrl-C is pressed ls is terminated # # and Interrupt exception is propagated # # Yes it's possible to examine the `$CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus` variable but that's # not nearly as robust and flexible as `PTY` solution. # # ### TTY-like Output # # External command is running in pseudo TTY provided by `PTY` library on Unix, # which means that commands like `ffmpeg`, `git` can report progress and # **otherwise interact with user as usual**. # # ### Output Capturing # # Output of the command can be captured using `:out` option # # io = StringIO.new # shell_out("echo 42", :out => io) # doesn't print anything # io.string.chomp # => "42" # # If `:out => :return` option is passed - the `shell_out` return the output # of the command instead of exit status. # # ### :raise_exceptions, :verbose, :noop, and :dry_run Options # # * `:raise_exceptions => true` will raise `ShellOutException` for any non-zero # exit status of the command # # Following options have the same semantics as `FileUtils` method options do # # * `:verbose => true` will echo command before execution # # * `:noop => true` will just return zero exit status without executing # the command # # * `:dry_run => true` equivalent to `:verbose => true, :noop => true` # module ShellOut class ShellOutException < Exception end CTRL_C_CODE = ?\C-c SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS = 0 class << self def before(*args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last verbose, dry_run, noop = options.delete(:verbose), options.delete(:dry_run), options.delete(:noop) verbose = noop = true if dry_run puts "Executing: #{ args[0..-2].join(" ") }" if verbose return false if noop end true end def after(exitstatus, out_stream, *args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) && args.last[:raise_exceptions] == true unless exitstatus == SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS raise ShellOutException, "`#{ args[0..-2].join(" ") }' command finished with non-zero (#{ exitstatus }) exit status" end end if args.last.is_a?(Hash) && args.last[:out] == :return out_stream.rewind if out_stream.is_a?(StringIO) out_stream.read else exitstatus end end def command(*args) stripped_command = args.dup stripped_command.pop if stripped_command[-1].is_a?(Hash) # remove options stripped_command.shift if stripped_command[0].is_a?(Hash) # remove env stripped_command.join(" ") end def with_env(*args) yield unless (env = args[0]).is_a?(Hash) stored_env = {} for name, value in env stored_env[name] = ENV[name] value == nil ? ENV.delete(name) : ENV[name] = value end begin yield ensure for name, value in stored_env ENV[name] = value end end end def getopt(opt, default, *args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) if opt == :out && args.last[:out] == :return StringIO.new else args.last.fetch(opt, default) end else default end end end module_function def shell_out_with_pty(*args) old_state = `stty -g` return SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS unless ShellOut::before(*args) begin # stolen from ruby/ext/pty/script.rb # disable echoing and enable raw (not having to press enter) system "stty -echo raw lnext ^_" in_stream = ShellOut.getopt(:in, STDIN, *args) out_stream = ShellOut.getopt(:out, STDOUT, *args) writer = nil spawned_pid = nil ShellOut.with_env(*args) do PTY.spawn(ShellOut.command(*args)) do |r_pty, w_pty, pid| spawned_pid = pid reader = Thread.current writer = Thread.new do while true break if (ch = in_stream.getc).nil? ch = ch.chr if ch == ShellOut::CTRL_C_CODE reader.raise Interrupt, "Interrupted by user" else w_pty.print ch w_pty.flush end end end writer.abort_on_exception = true loop do c = begin r_pty.getc rescue Errno::EIO, EOFError nil end break if c.nil? out_stream.print c out_stream.flush end begin # try to invoke waitpid() before the signal handler does it return ShellOut::after(Process::waitpid2(pid)[1].exitstatus, out_stream, *args) rescue Errno::ECHILD # the signal handler managed to call waitpid() first; # PTY::ChildExited will be delivered pretty soon, so just wait for it sleep 1 end end end rescue PTY::ChildExited => e return ShellOut::after(e.status.exitstatus, out_stream, *args) ensure if writer writer.kill rescue nil end if spawned_pid Process.kill(-9, spawned_pid) rescue nil end system "stty #{ old_state }" end end def shell_out_with_system(*args) return SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS unless ShellOut::before(*args) cleaned_args = if args.last.is_a?(Hash) cleaned_options = args.last.dup.delete_if { |k, | [ :verbose, :raise_exceptions ].include?(k) } require "stringio" if cleaned_options[:out].is_a?(StringIO) || cleaned_options[:out] == :return r, w = IO.pipe cleaned_options[:out] = w cleaned_options[:err] = [ :child, :out ] end if cleaned_options[:in].is_a?(StringIO) in_r, in_w = IO.pipe in_w.write cleaned_options[:in].read in_w.close cleaned_options[:in] = in_r end cleaned_options.empty? ? args[0..-2] : args[0..-2].dup << cleaned_options else args end exitstatus = if Kernel.system(*cleaned_args) SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS else require "English" $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus end if r w.close unless args.last[:out] == :return args.last[:out] << r.read end end ShellOut::after(exitstatus, r, *args) end begin require "pty" alias shell_out shell_out_with_pty rescue LoadError alias shell_out shell_out_with_system end module_function :shell_out end def ShellOut(*args) ShellOut.shell_out(*args) end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ require "spec" require "stringio" require "./io_interceptor.rb" describe "ShellOut" do before do STDOUT.extend(IoInterceptor) end share_examples_for "having base capabilities" do it "shells out to successful command and returns 0 exit code" do ShellOut("ruby -e ''").should == 0 end it "passes arbitrary exit codes" do ShellOut("ruby -e 'exit(42)'").should == 42 end it "passes STDIN (or options[:in]) stream to the command" do fake_stdin = StringIO.new fake_stdin.write "testing\n" fake_stdin.rewind STDOUT.supress do # TODO still mystery why "testing\n" gets written to the output ShellOut("ruby -e 'exit(123) if gets.chomp == \"testing\"'", :in => fake_stdin).should == 123 end end it "alters command environment when first argument is a Hash" do ShellOut({ "ENV_VAR" => "42" }, "ruby -e 'puts ENV.inspect'", :out => :return).should include('"ENV_VAR"=>"42"') end describe ":raise_exceptions option" do it "raises exception for non-zero exit codes" do lambda do ShellOut("false", :raise_exceptions => true) end.should raise_error(ShellOut::ShellOutException) end it "raises exception for non-existing command" do lambda do ShellOut("nonexisting", :raise_exceptions => true) end.should raise_error(ShellOut::ShellOutException) end end describe ":out option" do it "redirects output of command" do fake_stdout = StringIO.new ShellOut("echo 42", :out => fake_stdout) fake_stdout.string.chomp.should == "42" end end describe ":out => :return option" do it "return the output of command" do ShellOut("echo 42", :out => :return).chomp.should == "42" end it "return STDERR output of command" do ShellOut("ruby -e 'STDERR.puts 42'", :out => :return).chomp.should == "42" end end describe ":verbose option" do it "echoes the command name" do STDOUT.intercept { ShellOut("true", :verbose => true) }.should include("true") end end def with_vanishing_file(f) yield ensure File.delete(f) rescue nil end describe ":noop option" do it "always returns 0 status" do ShellOut("ruby -e 'exit 123'", :noop => true).should == 0 end it "never executes command" do f = "never_executes_command.test" with_vanishing_file(f) do ShellOut("touch #{ f }", :noop => true) File.exist?(f).should == false end end end describe ":dry_run option" do it "echoes the command name" do STDOUT.intercept { ShellOut("true", :dry_run => true) }.should include("true") end it "always returns 0 status" do STDOUT.supress { ShellOut("ruby -e 'exit 123'", :dry_run => true) }.should == 0 end it "never executes command" do f = "never_executes_command.test" with_vanishing_file(f) do STDOUT.supress { ShellOut("touch #{ f }", :dry_run => true) } File.exist?(f).should == false end end end end describe "#shell_out_with_system" do before do def ShellOut(*args) ShellOut.shell_out_with_system(*args); end end it_should_behave_like "having base capabilities" end describe "#shell_out_with_pty" do begin require "pty" before do def ShellOut(*args) ShellOut.shell_out_with_pty(*args); end end it_should_behave_like "having base capabilities" it "uses pseudo-tty" do ShellOut("ruby -e 'exit(123) if [STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].all? { |stream| stream.tty? }'").should == 123 end it "shows the output of the executing command on own STDOUT" do STDOUT.intercept { ShellOut("echo '42'") }.should include("42") end it "doesn't pass Ctrl-C to the command and raises Interrupt exception when Ctrl-C is sent" do fake_stdin = StringIO.new fake_stdin.write ShellOut::CTRL_C_CODE fake_stdin.rewind int_trap = "ruby -e 'trap(\"INT\") { puts \"SIGINT received\" }; sleep 999'" lambda do ShellOut(int_trap, :in => fake_stdin) end.should raise_error(Interrupt) fake_stdin = StringIO.new fake_stdin.write ShellOut::CTRL_C_CODE fake_stdin.rewind STDOUT.intercept do begin ShellOut(int_trap, :in => fake_stdin) rescue Interrupt end end.should_not include("SIGINT received") end rescue LoadError it "cannot be tested because 'pty' is not available on this system" end end end exit ::Spec::Runner::CommandLine.run end