=begin rdoc The Vmrun remote base uses the vmrun command to implement a cloud remoter base. The Vmrun remoter base has been tested with Vmware fusion on the mac. In order to use the Vmrun remoter base you will need to setup a few things. First, you will need to have the Vmware fusion installed and vmrun command in your path. The default location of the vmrun binary is /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmrun. You will then of course need a virtual machine installed and available. Once you have your instance installed and running, you need to setup your ssh keys so that poolparty can ssh into the instance. Get the ip of you instnace with ifconfig inside the running instance. For example: ssh root@ "mkdir /root/.ssh && chmod 600 /root/.ssh" scp my_key.pub root@ provide a using :vmrun block in your clouds.rb for example: using :vmrun do vmx_hash(::File.expand_path("~/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/Ubuntu-jaunty.vmwarevm/Ubuntu-jaunty.vmx") => '') end The vmx file fulfills a similar purpose as the ami id in ec2. Note that expand path. vmrun return fuill paths, so we must provide full paths so things match up later. W Vmrun does not provide a meta server like ec2 has, so you need to list the ip address of your VM. For this reason it is recommended that you use NAT addressing on your VM to maintain consistent addressing across different physical networks. Also, note that vmrun does not copy the VM to a new distinct VM on each run, so if you want to be able to start from a known state, you should make a snapshot before using your vm with poolparty. Then, you can rollback to this initial state if you want to ensure you can repeat a fresh cloud-start. =end module PoolParty module Remote class Vmrun < Remote::RemoterBase include Dslify default_options( :path_to_binary => 'vmrun', :images_repo_path => ::File.expand_path("~/Documents/Virtual_Machines.localized/"), :default_cli_options => 'gui', :terminate_options => 'soft', :vmx_hash => 'need to specify vmx_files to use' ) def initialize(par, opts={}, &block) dsl_options opts instance_eval &block if block super(par, &block) end def self.launch_new_instance!(o={}) new_instance(o).launch_new_instance! end def launch_new_instance!(o={}) VmwareInstance.new( :vmx_file => next_unused_vmx_file, :ip => vmx_hash[next_unused_vmx_file], :keypair => cloud.keypair ).launch! end # Terminate an instance by id def self.terminate_instance!(o={}) new(nil, o).terminate_instance! end def terminate_instance!(o={}) dsl_options o VmwareInstance.new( :vmx_file => last_unused_vmx_file, :ip => vmx_hash[last_unused_vmx_file], :keypair => cloud.keypair ).terminate!(terminate_options) end # Describe an instance's status, must pass :vmx_file in the options def self.describe_instance(o={}) # vmx_file = o[:vmx_file] || Vmrun.running_instances.first new_instance(o).describe_instance end def describe_instance(o={}) running_instances.select {|inst| inst.vmx_file == o[:vmx_file] }.first end def self.describe_instances(o={}) new_instance(o).describe_instances end def describe_instances(o={}) running_instances.map {|a| a.to_hash } end # After launch callback # This is called after a new instance is launched def after_launched(force=false) puts "new vmware instance was launched" end # Before shutdown callback # This is called before the cloud is contracted def before_shutdown end def self.path_to_binary new(parent).path_to_binary end def after_launch_instance(inst=nil) if inst dputs "Associate address after launched: #{inst.ip}" end end private def self.new_instance(o={}) Vmrun.new((cloud rescue o), o) end def running_instances(o={}) output = run_local "#{path_to_binary} list" lines = output.split("\n") lines.shift lines.map {|vmx_file| VmwareInstance.new( :vmx_file => vmx_file, :ip => vmx_hash[vmx_file], :keypair => cloud.keypair ) } end # vmrun specific methods def self.run_local(cmd, o={:raise_on_error=>false, :verbose=>true}) output = `#{cmd}` unless $?.success? $stderr.puts "FAILED: #{cmd}\n code = #{$?}" raise "ERROR: run_local" if o[:raise_on_error] end output end def run_local(cmd, o={:raise_on_error=>false, :verbose=>true}) self.class.run_local(cmd, o) end def next_unused_vmx_file tmp = (vmx_files - running_instances.map {|a| a.vmx_file }) (tmp.empty? ? vmx_files : tmp).first end def last_unused_vmx_file running_instances.last.vmx_file end def vmx_files vmx_hash.keys end def id(vfile) vmx_file(vfile) end ## method's to override default RemoteInstance def instance_id vmx_file end end end end