var optimist = require('../index'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var localExpresso = path.normalize( __dirname + '/../node_modules/.bin/expresso' ); var expresso = process.argv[1] === localExpresso ? 'node ./node_modules/.bin/expresso' : 'expresso' ; exports['short boolean'] = function () { var parse = optimist.parse([ '-b' ]); assert.eql(parse, { b : true, _ : [], $0 : expresso }); assert.eql(typeof parse.b, 'boolean'); }; exports['long boolean'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--bool' ]), { bool : true, _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports.bare = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]), { _ : [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['short group'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-cats' ]), { c : true, a : true, t : true, s : true, _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['short group next'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-cats', 'meow' ]), { c : true, a : true, t : true, s : 'meow', _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['short capture'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-h', 'localhost' ]), { h : 'localhost', _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['short captures'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-h', 'localhost', '-p', '555' ]), { h : 'localhost', p : 555, _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['long capture sp'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--pow', 'xixxle' ]), { pow : 'xixxle', _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['long capture eq'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--pow=xixxle' ]), { pow : 'xixxle', _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['long captures sp'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--host', 'localhost', '--port', '555' ]), { host : 'localhost', port : 555, _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['long captures eq'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--host=localhost', '--port=555' ]), { host : 'localhost', port : 555, _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports['mixed short bool and capture'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-h', 'localhost', '-fp', '555', 'script.js' ]), { f : true, p : 555, h : 'localhost', _ : [ 'script.js' ], $0 : expresso, } ); }; exports['short and long'] = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-h', 'localhost', '-fp', '555', 'script.js' ]), { f : true, p : 555, h : 'localhost', _ : [ 'script.js' ], $0 : expresso, } ); }; = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--no-moo' ]), { moo : false, _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports.multi = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-v', 'a', '-v', 'b', '-v', 'c' ]), { v : ['a','b','c'], _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports.comprehensive = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '--name=meowmers', 'bare', '-cats', 'woo', '-h', 'awesome', '--multi=quux', '--key', 'value', '-b', '--bool', '--no-meep', '--multi=baz', '--', '--not-a-flag', 'eek' ]), { c : true, a : true, t : true, s : 'woo', h : 'awesome', b : true, bool : true, key : 'value', multi : [ 'quux', 'baz' ], meep : false, name : 'meowmers', _ : [ 'bare', '--not-a-flag', 'eek' ], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports.nums = function () { var argv = optimist.parse([ '-x', '1234', '-y', '5.67', '-z', '1e7', '-w', '10f', '--hex', '0xdeadbeef', '789', ]); assert.eql(argv, { x : 1234, y : 5.67, z : 1e7, w : '10f', hex : 0xdeadbeef, _ : [ 789 ], $0 : expresso }); assert.eql(typeof argv.x, 'number'); assert.eql(typeof argv.y, 'number'); assert.eql(typeof argv.z, 'number'); assert.eql(typeof argv.w, 'string'); assert.eql(typeof argv.hex, 'number'); assert.eql(typeof argv._[0], 'number'); }; exports['flag boolean'] = function () { var parse = optimist([ '-t', 'moo' ]).boolean(['t']).argv; assert.eql(parse, { t : true, _ : [ 'moo' ], $0 : expresso }); assert.eql(typeof parse.t, 'boolean'); }; exports['flag boolean value'] = function () { var parse = optimist(['--verbose', 'false', 'moo', '-t', 'true']) .boolean(['t', 'verbose']).default('verbose', true).argv; assert.eql(parse, { verbose: false, t: true, _: ['moo'], $0 : expresso }); assert.eql(typeof parse.verbose, 'boolean'); assert.eql(typeof parse.t, 'boolean'); }; exports['flag boolean default false'] = function () { var parse = optimist(['moo']) .boolean(['t', 'verbose']) .default('verbose', false) .default('t', false).argv; assert.eql(parse, { verbose: false, t: false, _: ['moo'], $0 : expresso }); assert.eql(typeof parse.verbose, 'boolean'); assert.eql(typeof parse.t, 'boolean'); }; exports['boolean groups'] = function () { var parse = optimist([ '-x', '-z', 'one', 'two', 'three' ]) .boolean(['x','y','z']).argv; assert.eql(parse, { x : true, y : false, z : true, _ : [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ], $0 : expresso }); assert.eql(typeof parse.x, 'boolean'); assert.eql(typeof parse.y, 'boolean'); assert.eql(typeof parse.z, 'boolean'); }; exports.strings = function () { var s = optimist([ '-s', '0001234' ]).string('s').argv.s; assert.eql(s, '0001234'); assert.eql(typeof s, 'string'); var x = optimist([ '-x', '56' ]).string('x').argv.x; assert.eql(x, '56'); assert.eql(typeof x, 'string'); }; exports.stringArgs = function () { var s = optimist([ ' ', ' ' ]).string('_').argv._; assert.eql(s.length, 2); assert.eql(typeof s[0], 'string'); assert.eql(s[0], ' '); assert.eql(typeof s[1], 'string'); assert.eql(s[1], ' '); }; exports.slashBreak = function () { assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-I/foo/bar/baz' ]), { I : '/foo/bar/baz', _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); assert.eql( optimist.parse([ '-xyz/foo/bar/baz' ]), { x : true, y : true, z : '/foo/bar/baz', _ : [], $0 : expresso } ); }; exports.alias = function () { var argv = optimist([ '-f', '11', '--zoom', '55' ]) .alias('z', 'zoom') .argv ; assert.equal(argv.zoom, 55); assert.equal(argv.z, argv.zoom); assert.equal(argv.f, 11); }; exports.multiAlias = function () { var argv = optimist([ '-f', '11', '--zoom', '55' ]) .alias('z', [ 'zm', 'zoom' ]) .argv ; assert.equal(argv.zoom, 55); assert.equal(argv.z, argv.zoom); assert.equal(argv.z,; assert.equal(argv.f, 11); }; exports['boolean default true'] = function () { var argv = optimist.options({ sometrue: { boolean: true, default: true } }).argv; assert.equal(argv.sometrue, true); }; exports['boolean default false'] = function () { var argv = optimist.options({ somefalse: { boolean: true, default: false } }).argv; assert.equal(argv.somefalse, false); }; exports['nested dotted objects'] = function () { var argv = optimist([ '', '3', '--foo.baz', '4', '--foo.quux.quibble', '5', '--foo.quux.o_O', '--beep.boop' ]).argv; assert.deepEqual(, { bar : 3, baz : 4, quux : { quibble : 5, o_O : true }, }); assert.deepEqual(argv.beep, { boop : true }); };