SEQUEL_ADAPTER_TEST = :mssql require_relative 'spec_helper' describe "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = DB end it "should be able to read fractional part of timestamp" do rs = @db["select getutcdate() as full_date, cast(round(datepart(millisecond, getutcdate()), 0) as int) as milliseconds"].first rs[:milliseconds].must_be_close_to(rs[:full_date].usec/1000, 2) end it "should be able to write fractional part of timestamp" do t = Time.utc(2001, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 996000) (t.usec/1000).must_equal @db["select cast(round(datepart(millisecond, ?), 0) as int) as milliseconds", t].get end it "should not raise an error when getting the server version" do @db.server_version @db.dataset.server_version end end describe "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table! :test3 do Integer :value Time :time end end after do @db.drop_table?(:test3) end it "should work with NOLOCK" do @db.transaction{@db[:test3].nolock.all.must_equal []} end end describe "MSSQL" do before(:all) do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:test3){Integer :v3} @db.create_table!(:test4){Integer :v4} @db[:test3].import([:v3], [[1], [2]]) @db[:test4].import([:v4], [[1], [3]]) end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test3, :test4) end it "should should support CROSS APPLY" do @db[:test3].cross_apply(@db[:test4].where(Sequel[:test3][:v3]=>Sequel[:test4][:v4])).select_order_map([:v3, :v4]).must_equal [[1,1]] end it "should should support OUTER APPLY" do @db[:test3].outer_apply(@db[:test4].where(Sequel[:test3][:v3]=>Sequel[:test4][:v4])).select_order_map([:v3, :v4]).must_equal [[1,1], [2, nil]] end cspecify "should handle time values with fractional seconds", [:ado] do # ado: Returns nil values t = Sequel::SQLTime.create(10, 20, 30, 999900) v = @db.get(Sequel.cast(t, 'time')) v = Sequel.string_to_time(v) if v.is_a?(String) pr = lambda{|x| [:hour, :min, :sec, :usec].map{|m| x.send(m)}} pr[v].must_equal(pr[t]) end cspecify "should get datetimeoffset values as Time with fractional seconds", [:odbc], [:ado], [:tinytds, proc{|db| TinyTds::VERSION < '0.9'}] do # odbc: Returns string rounded to nearest second # ado: Returns nil values # tiny_tds < 0.9: Returns wrong value for hour t = Time.local(2010, 11, 12, 10, 20, 30, 999000) v = @db.get(Sequel.cast(t, 'datetimeoffset')) v = Sequel.string_to_datetime(v) if v.is_a?(String) pr = lambda{|x| [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec, :usec].map{|m| x.send(m)}} pr[v].must_equal(pr[t]) end end # This spec is currently disabled as the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express doesn't support # full text searching. Even if full text searching is supported, # you may need to create a full text catalog on the database first via: # CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG ftscd AS DEFAULT describe "MSSQL full_text_search" do before do @db = DB @db.drop_table?(:posts) end after do @db.drop_table?(:posts) end it "should support fulltext indexes and full_text_search" do log do @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :id, :null=>false; String :title; String :body; index :id, :name=>:fts_id_idx, :unique=>true; full_text_index :title, :key_index=>:fts_id_idx; full_text_index [:title, :body], :key_index=>:fts_id_idx} @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x') @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'rails').all.must_equal [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['sequel', 'ruby']).all.must_equal [{:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).call(:select, :n=>'rails').must_equal [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).prepare(:select, :fts_select).call(:n=>'rails').must_equal [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] end end end if false describe "MSSQL Dataset#output" do before(:all) do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:items){String :name; Integer :value} @db.create_table!(:out){String :name; Integer :value} @ds = @db[:items] end after do @ds.delete @db[:out].delete end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:items, :out) end it "should handle OUTPUT clauses without INTO for DELETE statements" do @ds.insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:deleted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).with_sql(:delete_sql).all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>1}] @ds.insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:deleted][:name]]).with_sql(:delete_sql).all.must_equal [{:name=>"a"}] @ds.insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @ds.output(nil, []).with_sql(:delete_sql).all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>1}] end it "should handle OUTPUT clauses with INTO for DELETE statements" do @ds.insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:deleted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).delete @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>1}] end it "should handle OUTPUT clauses without INTO for INSERT statements" do @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:inserted][:value]]).with_sql(:insert_sql, :name => "name", :value => 1).all.must_equal [{:name=>"name", :value=>1}] @ds.all.must_equal [{:name=>"name", :value=>1}] end it "should handle OUTPUT clauses with INTO for INSERT statements" do @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:inserted][:value]}).insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name=>"name", :value=>1}] end it "should handle OUTPUT clauses without INTO for UPDATE statements" do @ds.insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).with_sql(:update_sql, :value => 2).all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>1}] @ds.all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>2}] @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:name]]).with_sql(:update_sql, :value => 3).all.must_equal [{:name=>"a"}] @ds.all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>3}] @ds.output(nil, []).with_sql(:update_sql, :value => 4).all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>4}] end it "should handle OUTPUT clauses with INTO for UPDATE statements" do @ds.insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).update(:value => 2) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name=>"a", :value=>1}] end it "should execute OUTPUT clauses in DELETE statements" do @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:deleted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).delete @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 2) @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:deleted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).delete @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end it "should execute OUTPUT clauses in INSERT statements" do @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:inserted][:value]]).insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:inserted][:value]}).insert(:name => "name", :value => 2) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end it "should execute OUTPUT clauses in UPDATE statements" do @ds.insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) @ds.output(:out, [Sequel[:inserted][:name], Sequel[:deleted][:value]]).update(:value => 2) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}] @ds.output(:out, {:name => Sequel[:inserted][:name], :value => Sequel[:deleted][:value]}).update(:value => 3) @db[:out].all.must_equal [{:name => "name", :value => 1}, {:name => "name", :value => 2}] end end describe "MSSQL dataset using #with and #with_recursive" do before(:all) do @db = DB @ds = DB[:x] @ds1 = @ds.with(:t, @db[:x]) @ds2 = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @db[:x], @db[:t].where(false)) @db.create_table!(:x){Integer :v; Integer :y} end before do @db[:x].insert(:v=>1, :y=>2) end after do @db[:x].delete end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:x) end it "should handle CTEs in UPDATE queries" do @ds1.update(:v => @db[:t].select(:y)) @ds.all.must_equal [{:v=>2, :y=>2}] @ds2.update(:v => Sequel.+(@db[:t].select(:y), 1)) @ds.all.must_equal [{:v=>3, :y=>2}] end it "should handle CTEs in DELETE queries" do @ds1.where(@db[:t].select(:y)=>1).delete @ds.all.must_equal [{:v=>1, :y=>2}] @ds1.where(@db[:t].select(:y)=>2).delete @ds.all.must_equal [] @db[:x].insert(:v=>1, :y=>2) @ds2.where(@db[:t].select(:y)=>1).delete @ds.all.must_equal [{:v=>1, :y=>2}] @ds2.where(@db[:t].select(:y)=>2).delete @ds.all.must_equal [] end it "should handle CTEs in INSERT queries" do @ds1.insert(:v => @db[:t].select(:y), :y => @db[:t].select(:v)) @ds.select_order_map([:v, :y]).must_equal [[1, 2], [2, 1]] @ds1.insert(:v => Sequel.+(@db[:t].where(:v=>1).select(:y), 2), :y => Sequel.+(@db[:t].where(:y=>1).select(:v), 3)) @ds.select_order_map([:v, :y]).must_equal [[1, 2], [2, 1], [4, 5]] end it "should handle WITH clause on joined dataset" do @ds.cross_join([:v].as(:v1), Sequel[:y].as(:y1))).all.must_equal [{:v=>1, :y=>2, :v1=>1, :y1=>2}] @ds.cross_join([:v].as(:v1), Sequel[:y].as(:y1))).all.must_equal [{:v=>1, :y=>2, :v1=>1, :y1=>2}] end end describe "MSSQL::Dataset#import" do before do @db = DB @ds = @db[:test] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test) end it "#import should work correctly with an arbitrary output value" do @db.create_table!(:test){primary_key :x; Integer :y} @ds.output(nil, [Sequel[:inserted][:y], Sequel[:inserted][:x]]).import([:y], [[3], [4]]).must_equal [{:y=>3, :x=>1}, {:y=>4, :x=>2}] @ds.all.must_equal [{:x=>1, :y=>3}, {:x=>2, :y=>4}] end it "should handle WITH statements" do @db.create_table!(:test){Integer :x; Integer :y} @db[:testx].with(:testx, @db[:test]).import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], :slice => 2) @ds.select_order_map([:x, :y]).must_equal [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] end end describe "MSSQL joined datasets" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :v} @db[:a].insert(:v=>1) end after do @db.drop_table?(:a) end it "should handle DELETE statements" do @db[:a].inner_join(Sequel[:a].as(:b), :v=>:v).delete.must_equal 1 @db[:a].empty?.must_equal true end it "should handle UPDATE statements" do @db[:a].inner_join(Sequel[:a].as(:b), :v=>:v).update(:v=>2).must_equal 1 @db[:a].all.must_equal [{:v=>2}] end end describe "Offset support" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:i){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i].order(:id) @hs = [] @ds = @ds.with_row_proc(proc{|r| @hs << r.dup; r[:id] *= 2; r[:parent_id] *= 3; r}) @ds.import [:id, :parent_id], [[1,nil],[2,nil],[3,1],[4,1],[5,3],[6,5]] end after do @db.drop_table?(:i) end it "should return correct rows" do @ds.limit(2, 2).all.must_equal [{:id=>6, :parent_id=>3}, {:id=>8, :parent_id=>3}] end it "should not include offset column in hashes passed to row_proc" do @ds.limit(2, 2).all @hs.must_equal [{:id=>3, :parent_id=>1}, {:id=>4, :parent_id=>1}] end end describe "Update/Delete on limited datasets" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:i){Integer :id} @ds = @db[:i] @ds.import [:id], [[1], [2]] end after do @db.drop_table?(:i) end it "should handle deletes and updates on limited datasets" do @ds.limit(1).update(:id=>Sequel[:id]+10) [[2, 11], [1, 12]].must_include @ds.select_order_map(:id) @ds.limit(1).delete [[1], [2]].must_include @ds.select_order_map(:id) end it "should raise error for updates on ordered, limited datasets" do end it "should raise error for updates and deletes on datasets with offsets or limits with orders" do proc{@ds.offset(1).delete}.must_raise Sequel::InvalidOperation proc{@ds.offset(1).update(:id=>Sequel[:id]+10)}.must_raise Sequel::InvalidOperation proc{@ds.limit(1, 1).delete}.must_raise Sequel::InvalidOperation proc{@ds.limit(1, 1).update(:id=>Sequel[:id]+10)}.must_raise Sequel::InvalidOperation proc{@ds.order(:id).limit(1).update(:id=>Sequel[:id]+10)}.must_raise Sequel::InvalidOperation proc{@ds.order(:id).limit(1).delete}.must_raise Sequel::InvalidOperation end end if DB.dataset.send(:is_2012_or_later?) describe "Common Table Expressions" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @db.create_table!(:i2){Integer :id; Integer :parent_id} @ds = @db[:i1] @ds2 = @db[:i2] @ds.import [:id, :parent_id], [[1,nil],[2,nil],[3,1],[4,1],[5,3],[6,5]] end after do @db.drop_table?(:i1, :i2) end it "using #with should be able to update" do @ds.insert(:id=>1) @ds2.insert(:id=>2, :parent_id=>1) @ds2.insert(:id=>3, :parent_id=>2) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).filter(:id => @db[:t].select(:id)).update(:parent_id => @db[:t].filter(:id => Sequel[:i1][:id]).select(:parent_id).limit(1)) @ds[:id => 1].must_equal(:id => 1, :parent_id => nil) @ds[:id => 2].must_equal(:id => 2, :parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 3].must_equal(:id => 3, :parent_id => 2) @ds[:id => 4].must_equal(:id => 4, :parent_id => 1) end it "using #with_recursive should be able to update" do ds = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1).or(:id => 1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.exclude(:id => @db[:t].select(:i)).update(:parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 1].must_equal(:id => 1, :parent_id => nil) @ds[:id => 2].must_equal(:id => 2, :parent_id => 1) @ds[:id => 5].must_equal(:id => 5, :parent_id => 3) end it "using #with should be able to insert" do @ds2.insert(:id=>7) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).insert(@db[:t]) @ds[:id => 7].must_equal(:id => 7, :parent_id => nil) end it "using #with_recursive should be able to insert" do ds = @ds2.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.insert @db[:t] @ds2.all.must_equal [{:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3}, {:id => 6, :parent_id => 5}] end it "using #with should be able to delete" do @ds2.insert(:id=>6) @ds2.insert(:id=>5) @ds2.insert(:id=>4) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).filter(:id => @db[:t].select(:id)).delete @ds.all.must_equal [{:id => 1, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 2, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}] end it "using #with_recursive should be able to delete" do @ds.insert(:id=>7, :parent_id=>2) ds = @ds.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.filter(Sequel[:i1][:id] => @db[:t].select(:i)).delete @ds.all.must_equal [{:id => 1, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 2, :parent_id => nil}, {:id => 7, :parent_id => 2}] end it "using #with should be able to import" do @ds2.insert(:id=>7) @ds.with(:t, @ds2).import [:id, :parent_id], @db[:t].select(:id, :parent_id) @ds[:id => 7].must_equal(:id => 7, :parent_id => nil) end it "using #with_recursive should be able to import" do ds = @ds2.with_recursive(:t, @ds.filter(:parent_id=>1), @ds.join(:t, :i=>:parent_id).select(Sequel[:i1][:id], Sequel[:i1][:parent_id]), :args=>[:i, :pi]) ds.import [:id, :parent_id], @db[:t].select(:i, :pi) @ds2.all.must_equal [{:id => 3, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 4, :parent_id => 1}, {:id => 5, :parent_id => 3}, {:id => 6, :parent_id => 5}] end end describe "MSSSQL::Dataset#insert" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:test5){primary_key :xid; Integer :value} @db.create_table! :test4 do String :name, :size => 20 column :value, 'varbinary(max)' end @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test5, :test4) end it "should have insert_select return nil if disable_insert_output is used" do @ds.disable_insert_output.insert_select(:value=>10).must_be_nil end it "should have insert_select return nil if the server version is not 2005+" do @ds = @ds.with_extend do def server_version() 8000760 end end @ds.insert_select(:value=>10).must_be_nil end it "should have insert_select insert the record and return the inserted record" do h = @ds.insert_select(:value=>10) h[:value].must_equal 10 @ds.first(:xid=>h[:xid])[:value].must_equal 10 end cspecify "should allow large text and binary values", [:odbc] do blob ="0" * (65*1024)) @db[:test4].insert(:name => 'max varbinary test', :value => blob) b = @db[:test4].where(:name => 'max varbinary test').get(:value) b.length.must_equal blob.length b.must_equal blob end it "should play nicely with simple_select_all?" do DB[:test4].disable_insert_output.send(:simple_select_all?).must_equal true end end describe "MSSSQL::Dataset#into" do before do @db = DB @db.drop_table?(:t, :new) end after do @db.drop_table?(:t, :new) end it "should select rows into a new table" do @db.create_table!(:t) {Integer :id; String :value} @db[:t].insert(:id => 1, :value => "test") @db[:t].into(:new).with_sql(:select_sql).insert @db[:new].all.must_equal [{:id => 1, :value => "test"}] end end describe "A MSSQL database" do before do @db = DB end after do @db.drop_table?(:a) end it "should handle many existing types for set_column_allow_null" do @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'integer'} @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'decimal(24, 2)'} @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} @db.schema(:a).first.last[:column_size].must_equal 24 @db.schema(:a).first.last[:scale].must_equal 2 @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'decimal(10)'} @db.schema(:a).first.last[:column_size].must_equal 10 @db.schema(:a).first.last[:scale].must_equal 0 @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} @db.create_table!(:a){column :a, 'nchar(2)'} @db.alter_table(:a){set_column_allow_null :a, false} s = @db.schema(:a).first.last (s[:max_chars] || s[:column_size]).must_equal 2 end end describe "MSSQL::Database#rename_table" do it "should work on non-schema bound tables which need escaping" do DB.create_table! :'foo bar' do text :name end DB.rename_table 'foo bar', 'foo' DB.drop_table :foo end it "should work on schema bound tables within the same schema" do DB.execute(<<-SQL) IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'MY') EXECUTE sp_executesql N'create schema MY' SQL DB.create_table! Sequel[:MY][:foo] do text :name end DB.rename_table Sequel[:MY][:foo], Sequel[:MY][:bar] DB.rename_table Sequel[:MY][:bar], :foo DB.drop_table Sequel[:MY][:foo] end end describe "MSSQL::Dataset#count" do it "should work with a distinct query with an order clause" do DB.create_table!(:items){String :name; Integer :value} DB[:items].insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) DB[:items].insert(:name => "name", :value => 1) DB[:items].select(:name, :value).distinct.order(:name).count.must_equal 1 DB[:items].select(:name, :value).group(:name, :value).order(:name).count.must_equal 1 end end describe "MSSQL::Database#create_table" do it "should support collate with various other column options" do DB.create_table!(:items){ String :name, :size => 128, :collate => :sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as, :default => 'foo', :null => false, :unique => true} DB[:items].insert DB[:items].select_map(:name).must_equal ["foo"] end end describe "MSSQL::Database#mssql_unicode_strings = false" do before do DB.mssql_unicode_strings = false end after do DB.drop_table?(:items) DB.mssql_unicode_strings = true end it "should work correctly" do DB.create_table!(:items){String :name} DB[:items].mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal false DB[:items].insert(:name=>'foo') DB[:items].select_map(:name).must_equal ['foo'] end it "should be overridable at the dataset level" do DB.create_table!(:items){String :name} ds = DB[:items] ds.mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal false ds1 = ds.with_mssql_unicode_strings(true) ds.mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal false ds1.mssql_unicode_strings.must_equal true ds1.insert(:name=>'foo') ds1.select_map(:name).must_equal ['foo'] end end describe "A MSSQL database adds index with include" do before :all do @table_name = :test_index_include @db = DB @db.create_table! @table_name do integer :col1 integer :col2 integer :col3 end end after :all do @db.drop_table? @table_name end it "should be able add index with include" do @db.alter_table @table_name do add_index [:col1], :include => [:col2,:col3] end @db.indexes(@table_name).keys.must_include(:"#{@table_name}_col1_index") end end describe "MSSQL set_column_allow_null" do before do @db = DB end after do @db.drop_table?(:test3) end it "should work with nvarchar(MAX) columns" do @db.create_table!(:test3) do column :t, 'nvarchar(MAX)' end @db.alter_table(:test3) do set_column_not_null :t end end it "should work with text columns" do @db.create_table!(:test3) do column :t, 'text' end @db.alter_table(:test3) do set_column_not_null :t end end end describe "MSSQL::Database#drop_column with a schema" do before do "create schema test" rescue nil end after do DB.drop_table(Sequel[:test][:items]) "drop schema test" rescue nil end it "drops columns with a default value" do DB.create_table!(Sequel[:test][:items]){ Integer :id; String :name, :default => 'widget' } DB.drop_column(Sequel[:test][:items], :name) DB[Sequel[:test][:items]].columns.must_equal [:id] end end describe "Database#foreign_key_list" do before(:all) do DB.create_table! :items do primary_key :id Integer :sku end DB.create_table! :prices do Integer :item_id datetime :valid_from float :price primary_key [:item_id, :valid_from] foreign_key [:item_id], :items, :key => :id, :name => :fk_prices_items end DB.create_table! :sales do Integer :id Integer :price_item_id datetime :price_valid_from foreign_key [:price_item_id, :price_valid_from], :prices, :key => [:item_id, :valid_from], :name => :fk_sales_prices, :on_delete => :cascade end end after(:all) do DB.drop_table :sales DB.drop_table :prices DB.drop_table :items end it "should support typical foreign keys" do DB.foreign_key_list(:prices).must_equal [{:name => :fk_prices_items, :table => :items, :columns => [:item_id], :key => [:id], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :no_action }] end it "should support a foreign key with multiple columns" do DB.foreign_key_list(:sales).must_equal [{:name => :fk_sales_prices, :table => :prices, :columns => [:price_item_id, :price_valid_from], :key => [:item_id, :valid_from], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :cascade }] end describe "with multiple schemas" do before(:all) do DB.execute_ddl "create schema vendor" DB.create_table! Sequel[:vendor][:vendors] do primary_key :id varchar :name end DB.create_table! Sequel[:vendor][:mapping] do Integer :vendor_id Integer :item_id foreign_key [:vendor_id], Sequel[:vendor][:vendors], :name => :fk_mapping_vendor foreign_key [:item_id], :items, :name => :fk_mapping_item end end after(:all) do DB.drop_table? Sequel[:vendor][:mapping] DB.drop_table? Sequel[:vendor][:vendors] DB.execute_ddl "drop schema vendor" end it "should support mixed schema bound tables" do DB.foreign_key_list(Sequel[:vendor][:mapping]).sort_by{|h| h[:name].to_s}.must_equal [{:name => :fk_mapping_item, :table => :items, :columns => [:item_id], :key => [:id], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :no_action }, {:name => :fk_mapping_vendor, :table => Sequel.qualify(:vendor, :vendors), :columns => [:vendor_id], :key => [:id], :on_update => :no_action, :on_delete => :no_action }] end end end describe "MSSQL optimistic locking plugin" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table! :items do primary_key :id String :name, :size => 20 column :timestamp, 'timestamp' end end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end it "should not allow stale updates" do c = c.plugin :mssql_optimistic_locking o = c.create(:name=>'test') o2 = c.first ts = o.timestamp ts.wont_equal nil = 'test2' o.timestamp.wont_equal ts proc{}.must_raise(Sequel::NoExistingObject) end end unless DB.adapter_scheme == :odbc describe "MSSQL Stored Procedure support" do before do @db = DB @now = @db.execute('CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SequelTest (@Input varchar(25), @IntegerInput int, @Output varchar(25) OUTPUT, @IntegerOutput int OUTPUT) AS BEGIN SET @Output = @Input SET @IntegerOutput = @IntegerInput RETURN @IntegerInput END') end after do @db.execute('DROP PROCEDURE dbo.SequelTest') end describe "with unnamed parameters" do it "should return a hash of output variables" do r = @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, :output]}) r.must_be_kind_of(Hash) r.values_at(:var2, :var3).must_equal [@now, '1'] end it "should support typed output variables" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, [:output, 'int']]})[:var3].must_equal 1 end it "should support named output variables" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, [:output, nil, 'output'], :output]})[:output].must_equal @now end it "should return the number of Affected Rows" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, :output]})[:numrows].must_equal 1 end it "should return the Result Code" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {:args => [@now, 1, :output, :output]})[:result].must_equal 1 end end describe "with named parameters" do it "should return a hash of output variables" do r = @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, nil, 'integer_output'] }) r.must_be_kind_of(Hash) r.values_at(:output, :integer_output).must_equal [@now, '1'] end it "should support typed output variables" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, 'int', 'integer_output'] })[:integer_output].must_equal 1 end it "should return the number of Affected Rows" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, nil, 'integer_output'] })[:numrows].must_equal 1 end it "should return the Result Code" do @db.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, :args => { 'Input' => @now, 'IntegerInput' => 1, 'Output' => [:output, nil, 'output'], 'IntegerOutput' => [:output, nil, 'integer_output'] })[:result].must_equal 1 end end end unless DB.adapter_scheme == :odbc