class SulOrcidClient # Maps a Cocina Description to an Orcid Work. # Note that this mapping is currently based on a description generated # from an H2 work. However, it could be extended to more completely map descriptions. class WorkMapper # Error raised by WorkMapper class WorkMapperError < StandardError; end def, doi: nil) new(description: description, doi: doi).map end # @param [Cocina::Models::Description] description to map # @param [String] doi from identification.doi def initialize(description:, doi: nil) @description = description @doi = doi end def map { title: map_title, "short-description": map_short_description, citation: map_citation, type: map_type, "publication-date": map_publication_date, "external-ids": map_external_ids, url: description.purl, contributors: map_contributors, "language-code": "en", country: { value: "US" } }.compact end private attr_reader :description, :doi def map_title title = description.title.first&.value raise WorkMapperError, "Title not mapped" unless title { title: { value: title.truncate(500) # ORCID has a max length for this field } } end def map_short_description description.note.find { |note| note.type == "abstract" }&.value end def map_citation citation = description.note.find { |note| note.type == "preferred citation" }&.value return unless citation { "citation-type": "formatted-unspecified", "citation-value": citation } end def map_external_ids {"external-id": [ map_external_id("uri", description.purl, description.purl) ].tap do |ids| ids << map_external_id("doi", doi, "{doi}") if doi end} end def map_external_id(type, value, url) { "external-id-type": type, "external-id-value": value, "external-id-url": { value: url }, "external-id-relationship": "self" } end def map_publication_date date = event_value("publication") || event_value("deposit") return unless date year, month, day = parse_date(date) return unless year { year: { value: year } }.tap do |publication_date| publication_date[:month] = {value: month} if month publication_date[:day] = {value: day} if month && day end end def parse_date(date) matcher = date.match(/(\d{4})-?(\d{2})?-?(\d{2})?/) return [nil, nil, nil] unless matcher matcher[1..3] end def event_value(type) description&.event&.find { |event| event.type == type }&.date&.first&.value end H2_TERM_MAP = { "Data" => "data-set", "Software/Code" => "software", "Article" => "journal-article", "Book" => "book", "Book chapter" => "book-chapter", "Code" => "software", "Conference session" => "lecture-speech", "Course/instructional materials" => "manual", "Database" => "data-set", "Dramatic performance" => "artistic-performance", "Geospatial data" => "data-set", "Journal/periodical issue" => "journal-issue", "Performance" => "artistic-performance", "Poetry reading" => "artistic-performance", "Poster" => "conference-poster", "Preprint" => "preprint", "Presentation recording" => "lecture-speech", "Questionnaire" => "research-technique", "Report" => "report", "Software" => "software", "Speech" => "lecture-speech", "Statistical model" => "research-technique", "Syllabus" => "manual", "Tabular data" => "data-set", "Technical report" => "report", "Text corpus" => "data-set", "Thesis" => "dissertation-thesis", "Working paper" => "working-paper" } def map_type # See # For now, only mapping H2 terms; if there is not an H2 term, using "other". h2_form = description.form.find { |form| form.source&.value == "Stanford self-deposit resource types" } return "other" unless h2_form map_h2_resource_types(h2_form) end def map_h2_resource_types(form) # Try to match subtypes first, then type subtype_terms = { |term| term.type == "subtype" }.map(&:value) type_term = form.structuredValue.find { |term| term.type == "type" }&.value matching_term = (subtype_terms + [type_term]).find { |term| H2_TERM_MAP.key?(term) } return "other" unless matching_term H2_TERM_MAP[matching_term] end def map_contributors contributors = do |contributor| contributor) end.compact.presence return unless contributors { contributor: contributors } end end end