import { RSVP } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { Route } from '@ember/-internals/routing'; import { moduleFor, ApplicationTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let counter; function step(assert, expectedValue, description) { assert.equal(counter, expectedValue, 'Step ' + expectedValue + ': ' + description); counter++; } moduleFor( 'Loading/Error Substates', class extends ApplicationTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); counter = 1; this.addTemplate('application', `<div id="app">{{outlet}}</div>`); this.addTemplate('index', 'INDEX'); } getController(name) { return this.applicationInstance.lookup(`controller:${name}`); } get currentPath() { return this.getController('application').get('currentPath'); } ['@test Slow promise from a child route of application enters nested loading state'](assert) { let turtleDeferred = RSVP.defer(); { this.route('turtle'); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ setupController() { step(assert, 2, 'ApplicationRoute#setupController'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:turtle', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'TurtleRoute#model'); return turtleDeferred.promise; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('turtle', 'TURTLE'); this.addTemplate('loading', 'LOADING'); let promise = this.visit('/turtle').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'TURTLE', `turtle template has loaded and replaced the loading template` ); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'LOADING', `The Loading template is nested in application template's outlet` ); turtleDeferred.resolve(); return promise; } [`@test Slow promises returned from ApplicationRoute#model don't enter LoadingRoute`](assert) { let appDeferred = RSVP.defer(); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { return appDeferred.promise; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:loading', Route.extend({ setupController() { assert.ok(false, `shouldn't get here`); }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'INDEX', `index template has been rendered`); }); if (this.element) { assert.equal(this.element.textContent, ''); } appDeferred.resolve(); return promise; } [`@test Don't enter loading route unless either route or template defined`](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); { this.route('dummy'); }); this.add( 'route:dummy', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('dummy', 'DUMMY'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let promise = this.visit('/dummy').then(() => { let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'DUMMY', `dummy template has been rendered`); }); assert.ok( this.currentPath !== 'loading', ` loading state not entered ` ); deferred.resolve(); return promise; }); } ['@test Enter loading route only if loadingRoute is defined'](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); { this.route('dummy'); }); this.add( 'route:dummy', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'DummyRoute#model'); return deferred.promise; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:loading', Route.extend({ setupController() { step(assert, 2, 'LoadingRoute#setupController'); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('dummy', 'DUMMY'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let promise = this.visit('/dummy').then(() => { let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'DUMMY', `dummy template has been rendered`); }); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'loading', `loading state entered`); deferred.resolve(); return promise; }); } ['@test Slow promises returned from ApplicationRoute#model enter ApplicationLoadingRoute if present']( assert ) { let appDeferred = RSVP.defer(); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { return appDeferred.promise; }, }) ); let loadingRouteEntered = false; this.add( 'route:application_loading', Route.extend({ setupController() { loadingRouteEntered = true; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/').then(() => { assert.equal(this.$('#app').text(), 'INDEX', 'index route loaded'); }); assert.ok(loadingRouteEntered, 'ApplicationLoadingRoute was entered'); appDeferred.resolve(); return promise; } ['@test Slow promises returned from ApplicationRoute#model enter application_loading if template present']( assert ) { let appDeferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate( 'application_loading', ` <div id="toplevel-loading">TOPLEVEL LOADING</div> ` ); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { return appDeferred.promise; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/').then(() => { let length = this.$('#toplevel-loading').length; text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(length, 0, `top-level loading view has been entirely removed from the DOM`); assert.equal(text, 'INDEX', 'index has fully rendered'); }); let text = this.$('#toplevel-loading').text(); assert.equal(text, 'TOPLEVEL LOADING', 'still loading the top level'); appDeferred.resolve(); return promise; } ['@test Prioritized substate entry works with preserved-namespace nested routes'](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('foo.bar_loading', 'FOOBAR LOADING'); this.addTemplate('', 'YAY'); { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', { path: '/bar' }, function() {}); }); }); this.add( '', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let promise = this.visit('/foo/bar').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'YAY', ' fully loaded'); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'FOOBAR LOADING', `foo.bar_loading was entered (as opposed to something like foo/foo/bar_loading)` ); deferred.resolve(); return promise; }); } ['@test Prioritized substate entry works with reset-namespace nested routes'](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('bar_loading', 'BAR LOADING'); this.addTemplate('bar.index', 'YAY'); { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', { path: '/bar', resetNamespace: true }, function() {}); }); }); this.add( 'route:bar', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let promise = this.visit('/foo/bar').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'YAY', 'bar.index fully loaded'); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'BAR LOADING', `foo.bar_loading was entered (as opposed to something likefoo/foo/bar_loading)` ); deferred.resolve(); return promise; }); } ['@test Prioritized loading substate entry works with preserved-namespace nested routes']( assert ) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('foo.bar_loading', 'FOOBAR LOADING'); this.addTemplate('', 'YAY'); { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar'); }); }); this.add( '', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/foo/bar').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'YAY', ' has rendered'); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'FOOBAR LOADING', `foo.bar_loading was entered (as opposed to something like foo/foo/bar_loading)` ); deferred.resolve(); return promise; } ['@test Prioritized error substate entry works with preserved-namespaec nested routes']( assert ) { this.addTemplate('foo.bar_error', 'FOOBAR ERROR: {{model.msg}}'); this.addTemplate('', 'YAY'); { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar'); }); }); this.add( '', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { return this.visit('/foo/bar').then(() => { let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'FOOBAR ERROR: did it broke?', `foo.bar_error was entered (as opposed to something like foo/foo/bar_error)` ); }); }); } ['@test Prioritized loading substate entry works with auto-generated index routes'](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('foo.index_loading', 'FOO LOADING'); this.addTemplate('foo.index', 'YAY'); this.addTemplate('foo', '{{outlet}}'); { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar'); }); }); this.add( 'route:foo.index', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:foo', Route.extend({ model() { return true; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/foo').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'YAY', 'foo.index was rendered'); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'FOO LOADING', 'foo.index_loading was entered'); deferred.resolve(); return promise; } ['@test Prioritized error substate entry works with auto-generated index routes'](assert) { this.addTemplate('foo.index_error', 'FOO ERROR: {{model.msg}}'); this.addTemplate('foo.index', 'YAY'); this.addTemplate('foo', '{{outlet}}'); { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar'); }); }); this.add( 'route:foo.index', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:foo', Route.extend({ model() { return true; }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { return this.visit('/foo').then(() => { let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'FOO ERROR: did it broke?', 'foo.index_error was entered'); }); }); } ['@test Rejected promises returned from ApplicationRoute transition into top-level application_error']( assert ) { let reject = true; this.addTemplate('index', '<div id="index">INDEX</div>'); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); }, model() { if (reject) { return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'BAD NEWS BEARS' }); } else { return {}; } }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'application_error', ` <p id="toplevel-error">TOPLEVEL ERROR: {{model.msg}}</p> ` ); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { let text = this.$('#toplevel-error').text(); assert.equal(text, 'TOPLEVEL ERROR: BAD NEWS BEARS', 'toplevel error rendered'); reject = false; }) .then(() => { return this.visit('/'); }) .then(() => { let text = this.$('#index').text(); assert.equal(text, 'INDEX', 'the index route resolved'); }); } } ); moduleFor( 'Loading/Error Substates - nested routes', class extends ApplicationTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); counter = 1; this.addTemplate('application', `<div id="app">{{outlet}}</div>`); this.addTemplate('index', 'INDEX'); this.addTemplate('grandma', 'GRANDMA {{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('mom', 'MOM'); { this.route('grandma', function() { this.route('mom', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('sally'); this.route('this-route-throws'); }); this.route('puppies'); }); this.route('memere', { path: '/memere/:seg' }, function() {}); }); this.visit('/'); } getController(name) { return this.applicationInstance.lookup(`controller:${name}`); } get currentPath() { return this.getController('application').get('currentPath'); } ['@test ApplicationRoute#currentPath reflects loading state path'](assert) { let momDeferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('grandma.loading', 'GRANDMALOADING'); this.add( 'route:mom', Route.extend({ model() { return momDeferred.promise; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/grandma/mom').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'GRANDMA MOM', ` loaded text is displayed`); assert.equal(this.currentPath, '', `currentPath reflects final state`); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'GRANDMA GRANDMALOADING', ` loading text displayed`); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'grandma.loading', `currentPath reflects loading state`); momDeferred.resolve(); return promise; } [`@test Loading actions bubble to root but don't enter substates above pivot `](assert) { let sallyDeferred = RSVP.defer(); let puppiesDeferred = RSVP.defer(); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ actions: { loading() { assert.ok(true, 'loading action received on ApplicationRoute'); }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { return sallyDeferred.promise; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:grandma.puppies', Route.extend({ model() { return puppiesDeferred.promise; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'index', 'Initial route fully loaded'); sallyDeferred.resolve(); promise .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, '', 'transition completed'); let visit = this.visit('/grandma/puppies'); assert.equal( this.currentPath, '', 'still in initial state because the only loading state is above the pivot route' ); return visit; }) .then(() => { this.runTask(() => puppiesDeferred.resolve()); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'grandma.puppies', 'Finished transition'); }); return promise; } ['@test Default error event moves into nested route'](assert) { this.addTemplate('grandma.error', 'ERROR: {{model.msg}}'); this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error() { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); return true; }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally').then(() => { step(assert, 3, 'App finished loading'); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'GRANDMA ERROR: did it broke?', 'error bubbles'); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'grandma.error', 'Initial route fully loaded'); }); } [`@test Non-bubbled errors that re-throw aren't swallowed`](assert) { this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error(err) { // returns undefined which is falsey throw err; }, }, }) ); assert.throws( () => { this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); }, function(err) { return err.msg === 'did it broke?'; }, 'it broke' ); return this.runLoopSettled(); } [`@test Handled errors that re-throw aren't swallowed`](assert) { let handledError; this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error(err) { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); handledError = err; this.transitionTo('mom.this-route-throws'); return false; }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:mom.this-route-throws', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 3, 'MomThisRouteThrows#model'); throw handledError; }, }) ); assert.throws( () => { this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); }, function(err) { return err.msg === 'did it broke?'; }, `it broke` ); return this.runLoopSettled(); } ['@test errors that are bubbled are thrown at a higher level if not handled'](assert) { this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error() { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); return true; }, }, }) ); assert.throws( () => { this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); }, function(err) { return err.msg == 'did it broke?'; }, 'Correct error was thrown' ); return this.runLoopSettled(); } [`@test Handled errors that are thrown through rejection aren't swallowed`](assert) { let handledError; this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error(err) { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); handledError = err; this.transitionTo('mom.this-route-throws'); return false; }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:mom.this-route-throws', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 3, 'MomThisRouteThrows#model'); return RSVP.reject(handledError); }, }) ); assert.throws( () => { this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); }, function(err) { return err.msg === 'did it broke?'; }, 'it broke' ); return this.runLoopSettled(); } ['@test Default error events move into nested route, prioritizing more specifically named error routes - NEW']( assert ) { this.addTemplate('grandma.error', 'ERROR: {{model.msg}}'); this.addTemplate('mom_error', 'MOM ERROR: {{model.msg}}'); this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error() { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); return true; }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally').then(() => { step(assert, 3, 'Application finished booting'); assert.equal( this.$('#app').text(), 'GRANDMA MOM ERROR: did it broke?', 'the more specifically named mome error substate was entered over the other error route' ); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'grandma.mom_error', 'Initial route fully loaded'); }); } ['@test Slow promises waterfall on startup'](assert) { let grandmaDeferred = RSVP.defer(); let sallyDeferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('loading', 'LOADING'); this.addTemplate('mom', 'MOM {{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('mom.loading', 'MOMLOADING'); this.addTemplate('mom.sally', 'SALLY'); this.add( 'route:grandma', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'GrandmaRoute#model'); return grandmaDeferred.promise; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:mom', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 2, 'MomRoute#model'); return {}; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 3, 'SallyRoute#model'); return sallyDeferred.promise; }, setupController() { step(assert, 4, 'SallyRoute#setupController'); }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally').then(() => { text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal(text, 'GRANDMA MOM SALLY', `Sally template displayed`); }); let text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'LOADING', `The loading template is nested in application template's outlet` ); this.runTask(() => grandmaDeferred.resolve()); text = this.$('#app').text(); assert.equal( text, 'GRANDMA MOM MOMLOADING', `Mom's child loading route is displayed due to sally's slow promise` ); sallyDeferred.resolve(); return promise; } ['@test Enter child loading state of pivot route'](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('grandma.loading', 'GMONEYLOADING'); this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ setupController() { step(assert, 1, 'SallyRoute#setupController'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:grandma.puppies', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); return this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally').then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, '', 'Initial route fully loaded'); let promise = this.visit('/grandma/puppies').then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'grandma.puppies', 'Finished transition'); }); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'grandma.loading', `in pivot route's child loading state`); deferred.resolve(); return promise; }); } [`@test Error events that aren't bubbled don't throw application assertions`](assert) { this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error(err) { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); assert.equal(err.msg, 'did it broke?', `it didn't break`); return false; }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); } ['@test Handled errors that bubble can be handled at a higher level'](assert) { let handledError; this.add( 'route:mom', Route.extend({ actions: { error(err) { step(assert, 3, 'MomRoute#actions.error'); assert.equal( err, handledError, `error handled and rebubbled is handleable at higher route` ); }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:mom.sally', Route.extend({ model() { step(assert, 1, 'MomSallyRoute#model'); return RSVP.reject({ msg: 'did it broke?', }); }, actions: { error(err) { step(assert, 2, 'MomSallyRoute#actions.error'); handledError = err; return true; }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/grandma/mom/sally'); } ['@test Setting a query param during a slow transition should work'](assert) { let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.addTemplate('memere.loading', 'MMONEYLOADING'); this.add( 'route:grandma', Route.extend({ beforeModel: function() { this.transitionTo('memere', 1); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:memere', Route.extend({ queryParams: { test: { defaultValue: 1 }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:memere.index', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); let promise = this.visit('/grandma').then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'memere.index', 'Transition should be complete'); }); let memereController = this.getController('memere'); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'memere.loading', 'Initial route should be loading'); memereController.set('test', 3); assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'memere.loading', 'Initial route should still be loading'); assert.equal( memereController.get('test'), 3, 'Controller query param value should have changed' ); deferred.resolve(); return promise; } } );