# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Auto-generated by gapic-generator-ruby. DO NOT EDIT!

module Google
  module Cloud
    module Logging
      module V2
        # The parameters to DeleteLog.
        # @!attribute [rw] log_name
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Required. The resource name of the log to delete:
        #     * `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     * `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     * `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     * `folders/[FOLDER_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     `[LOG_ID]` must be URL-encoded. For example,
        #     `"projects/my-project-id/logs/syslog"`,
        #     `"organizations/123/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity"`.
        #     For more information about log names, see
        #     {::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry LogEntry}.
        class DeleteLogRequest
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # The parameters to WriteLogEntries.
        # @!attribute [rw] log_name
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. A default log resource name that is assigned to all log entries
        #     in `entries` that do not specify a value for `log_name`:
        #     * `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     * `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     * `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     * `folders/[FOLDER_ID]/logs/[LOG_ID]`
        #     `[LOG_ID]` must be URL-encoded. For example:
        #         "projects/my-project-id/logs/syslog"
        #         "organizations/123/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity"
        #     The permission `logging.logEntries.create` is needed on each project,
        #     organization, billing account, or folder that is receiving new log
        #     entries, whether the resource is specified in `logName` or in an
        #     individual log entry.
        # @!attribute [rw] resource
        #   @return [::Google::Api::MonitoredResource]
        #     Optional. A default monitored resource object that is assigned to all log
        #     entries in `entries` that do not specify a value for `resource`. Example:
        #         { "type": "gce_instance",
        #           "labels": {
        #             "zone": "us-central1-a", "instance_id": "00000000000000000000" }}
        #     See {::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry LogEntry}.
        # @!attribute [rw] labels
        #   @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::String}]
        #     Optional. Default labels that are added to the `labels` field of all log
        #     entries in `entries`. If a log entry already has a label with the same key
        #     as a label in this parameter, then the log entry's label is not changed.
        #     See {::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry LogEntry}.
        # @!attribute [rw] entries
        #   @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry>]
        #     Required. The log entries to send to Logging. The order of log
        #     entries in this list does not matter. Values supplied in this method's
        #     `log_name`, `resource`, and `labels` fields are copied into those log
        #     entries in this list that do not include values for their corresponding
        #     fields. For more information, see the
        #     {::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry LogEntry} type.
        #     If the `timestamp` or `insert_id` fields are missing in log entries, then
        #     this method supplies the current time or a unique identifier, respectively.
        #     The supplied values are chosen so that, among the log entries that did not
        #     supply their own values, the entries earlier in the list will sort before
        #     the entries later in the list. See the `entries.list` method.
        #     Log entries with timestamps that are more than the
        #     [logs retention period](https://cloud.google.com/logging/quotas) in
        #     the past or more than 24 hours in the future will not be available when
        #     calling `entries.list`. However, those log entries can still be [exported
        #     with
        #     LogSinks](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/api/tasks/exporting-logs).
        #     To improve throughput and to avoid exceeding the
        #     [quota limit](https://cloud.google.com/logging/quotas) for calls to
        #     `entries.write`, you should try to include several log entries in this
        #     list, rather than calling this method for each individual log entry.
        # @!attribute [rw] partial_success
        #   @return [::Boolean]
        #     Optional. Whether a batch's valid entries should be written even if some
        #     other entry failed due to a permanent error such as INVALID_ARGUMENT or
        #     PERMISSION_DENIED. If any entry failed, then the response status is the
        #     response status of one of the failed entries. The response will include
        #     error details in `WriteLogEntriesPartialErrors.log_entry_errors` keyed by
        #     the entries' zero-based index in the `entries`. Failed requests for which
        #     no entries are written will not include per-entry errors.
        # @!attribute [rw] dry_run
        #   @return [::Boolean]
        #     Optional. If true, the request should expect normal response, but the
        #     entries won't be persisted nor exported. Useful for checking whether the
        #     logging API endpoints are working properly before sending valuable data.
        class WriteLogEntriesRequest
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

          # @!attribute [rw] key
          #   @return [::String]
          # @!attribute [rw] value
          #   @return [::String]
          class LabelsEntry
            include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
            extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # Result returned from WriteLogEntries.
        class WriteLogEntriesResponse
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # Error details for WriteLogEntries with partial success.
        # @!attribute [rw] log_entry_errors
        #   @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::Integer => ::Google::Rpc::Status}]
        #     When `WriteLogEntriesRequest.partial_success` is true, records the error
        #     status for entries that were not written due to a permanent error, keyed
        #     by the entry's zero-based index in `WriteLogEntriesRequest.entries`.
        #     Failed requests for which no entries are written will not include
        #     per-entry errors.
        class WriteLogEntriesPartialErrors
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

          # @!attribute [rw] key
          #   @return [::Integer]
          # @!attribute [rw] value
          #   @return [::Google::Rpc::Status]
          class LogEntryErrorsEntry
            include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
            extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # The parameters to `ListLogEntries`.
        # @!attribute [rw] resource_names
        #   @return [::Array<::String>]
        #     Required. Names of one or more parent resources from which to
        #     retrieve log entries:
        #     *  `projects/[PROJECT_ID]`
        #     *  `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]`
        #     *  `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]`
        #     *  `folders/[FOLDER_ID]`
        #     May alternatively be one or more views:
        #      * `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `folders/[FOLDER_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #     Projects listed in the `project_ids` field are added to this list.
        #     A maximum of 100 resources may be specified in a single request.
        # @!attribute [rw] filter
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. Only log entries that match the filter are returned.  An empty
        #     filter matches all log entries in the resources listed in `resource_names`.
        #     Referencing a parent resource that is not listed in `resource_names` will
        #     cause the filter to return no results. The maximum length of a filter is
        #     20,000 characters.
        # @!attribute [rw] order_by
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. How the results should be sorted.  Presently, the only permitted
        #     values are `"timestamp asc"` (default) and `"timestamp desc"`. The first
        #     option returns entries in order of increasing values of
        #     `LogEntry.timestamp` (oldest first), and the second option returns entries
        #     in order of decreasing timestamps (newest first).  Entries with equal
        #     timestamps are returned in order of their `insert_id` values.
        # @!attribute [rw] page_size
        #   @return [::Integer]
        #     Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request.
        #     Default is 50. If the value is negative or exceeds 1000, the request is
        #     rejected. The presence of `next_page_token` in the response indicates that
        #     more results might be available.
        # @!attribute [rw] page_token
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. If present, then retrieve the next batch of results from the
        #     preceding call to this method.  `page_token` must be the value of
        #     `next_page_token` from the previous response.  The values of other method
        #     parameters should be identical to those in the previous call.
        class ListLogEntriesRequest
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # Result returned from `ListLogEntries`.
        # @!attribute [rw] entries
        #   @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry>]
        #     A list of log entries.  If `entries` is empty, `nextPageToken` may still be
        #     returned, indicating that more entries may exist.  See `nextPageToken` for
        #     more information.
        # @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
        #   @return [::String]
        #     If there might be more results than those appearing in this response, then
        #     `nextPageToken` is included.  To get the next set of results, call this
        #     method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
        #     If a value for `next_page_token` appears and the `entries` field is empty,
        #     it means that the search found no log entries so far but it did not have
        #     time to search all the possible log entries.  Retry the method with this
        #     value for `page_token` to continue the search.  Alternatively, consider
        #     speeding up the search by changing your filter to specify a single log name
        #     or resource type, or to narrow the time range of the search.
        class ListLogEntriesResponse
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # The parameters to ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors
        # @!attribute [rw] page_size
        #   @return [::Integer]
        #     Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request.
        #     Non-positive values are ignored.  The presence of `nextPageToken` in the
        #     response indicates that more results might be available.
        # @!attribute [rw] page_token
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. If present, then retrieve the next batch of results from the
        #     preceding call to this method.  `pageToken` must be the value of
        #     `nextPageToken` from the previous response.  The values of other method
        #     parameters should be identical to those in the previous call.
        class ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # Result returned from ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors.
        # @!attribute [rw] resource_descriptors
        #   @return [::Array<::Google::Api::MonitoredResourceDescriptor>]
        #     A list of resource descriptors.
        # @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
        #   @return [::String]
        #     If there might be more results than those appearing in this response, then
        #     `nextPageToken` is included.  To get the next set of results, call this
        #     method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
        class ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # The parameters to ListLogs.
        # @!attribute [rw] parent
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Required. The resource name to list logs for:
        #     *  `projects/[PROJECT_ID]`
        #     *  `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]`
        #     *  `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]`
        #     *  `folders/[FOLDER_ID]`
        # @!attribute [rw] resource_names
        #   @return [::Array<::String>]
        #     Optional. List of resource names to list logs for:
        #      * `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `folders/[FOLDER_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #     To support legacy queries, it could also be:
        #     *  `projects/[PROJECT_ID]`
        #     *  `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]`
        #     *  `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]`
        #     *  `folders/[FOLDER_ID]`
        #     The resource name in the `parent` field is added to this list.
        # @!attribute [rw] page_size
        #   @return [::Integer]
        #     Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request.
        #     Non-positive values are ignored.  The presence of `nextPageToken` in the
        #     response indicates that more results might be available.
        # @!attribute [rw] page_token
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. If present, then retrieve the next batch of results from the
        #     preceding call to this method.  `pageToken` must be the value of
        #     `nextPageToken` from the previous response.  The values of other method
        #     parameters should be identical to those in the previous call.
        class ListLogsRequest
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # Result returned from ListLogs.
        # @!attribute [rw] log_names
        #   @return [::Array<::String>]
        #     A list of log names. For example,
        #     `"projects/my-project/logs/syslog"` or
        #     `"organizations/123/logs/cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com%2Factivity"`.
        # @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
        #   @return [::String]
        #     If there might be more results than those appearing in this response, then
        #     `nextPageToken` is included.  To get the next set of results, call this
        #     method again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`.
        class ListLogsResponse
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # The parameters to `TailLogEntries`.
        # @!attribute [rw] resource_names
        #   @return [::Array<::String>]
        #     Required. Name of a parent resource from which to retrieve log entries:
        #     *  `projects/[PROJECT_ID]`
        #     *  `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]`
        #     *  `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]`
        #     *  `folders/[FOLDER_ID]`
        #     May alternatively be one or more views:
        #      * `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `organizations/[ORGANIZATION_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `billingAccounts/[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        #      * `folders/[FOLDER_ID]/locations/[LOCATION_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_ID]/views/[VIEW_ID]`
        # @!attribute [rw] filter
        #   @return [::String]
        #     Optional. Only log entries that match the filter are returned.  An empty
        #     filter matches all log entries in the resources listed in `resource_names`.
        #     Referencing a parent resource that is not listed in `resource_names` will
        #     cause the filter to return no results. The maximum length of a filter is
        #     20,000 characters.
        # @!attribute [rw] buffer_window
        #   @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
        #     Optional. The amount of time to buffer log entries at the server before
        #     being returned to prevent out of order results due to late arriving log
        #     entries. Valid values are between 0-60000 milliseconds. Defaults to 2000
        #     milliseconds.
        class TailLogEntriesRequest
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

        # Result returned from `TailLogEntries`.
        # @!attribute [rw] entries
        #   @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LogEntry>]
        #     A list of log entries. Each response in the stream will order entries with
        #     increasing values of `LogEntry.timestamp`. Ordering is not guaranteed
        #     between separate responses.
        # @!attribute [rw] suppression_info
        #   @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::TailLogEntriesResponse::SuppressionInfo>]
        #     If entries that otherwise would have been included in the session were not
        #     sent back to the client, counts of relevant entries omitted from the
        #     session with the reason that they were not included. There will be at most
        #     one of each reason per response. The counts represent the number of
        #     suppressed entries since the last streamed response.
        class TailLogEntriesResponse
          include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
          extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

          # Information about entries that were omitted from the session.
          # @!attribute [rw] reason
          #   @return [::Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::TailLogEntriesResponse::SuppressionInfo::Reason]
          #     The reason that entries were omitted from the session.
          # @!attribute [rw] suppressed_count
          #   @return [::Integer]
          #     A lower bound on the count of entries omitted due to `reason`.
          class SuppressionInfo
            include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
            extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods

            # An indicator of why entries were omitted.
            module Reason
              # Unexpected default.
              REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0

              # Indicates suppression occurred due to relevant entries being
              # received in excess of rate limits. For quotas and limits, see
              # [Logging API quotas and
              # limits](https://cloud.google.com/logging/quotas#api-limits).
              RATE_LIMIT = 1

              # Indicates suppression occurred due to the client not consuming
              # responses quickly enough.
              NOT_CONSUMED = 2